
Red (Warning)
Orange (Watch)
Yellow (Advisory)
Green (Normal)


  • Official Name: Bogoslof Island
  • Seismically Monitored: No
  • Color Code: UNASSIGNED
  • Alert Level: UNASSIGNED
  • Elevation: 150m (492ft)
  • Latitude: 53.9272
  • Longitude: -168.0344
  • Smithsonian VNum: 311300
  • Pronunciation:
  • Nearby Towns:
    • Unalaska 61 mi (98 km) SE
    • Nikolski 76 mi (123 km) SW
    • Akutan 93 mi (149 km) NE
    • Saint George 194 mi (312 km) NW
    • False Pass 197 mi (317 km) NE

    Distance from Anchorage: 835 mi (1344 km)

  • Subfeatures:
    • Fire Island
    • Metcalf Domes
    • McCulloch Peak
    • Tahoma Peak
    • Ship Rock
    • Castle Rock


Bogoslof Island is the largest of a cluster of small, low-lying islands comprising the emergent summit of a large submarine stratovolcano. This stratovolcano rises about 6000 ft (1800 m) from the Bering Sea floor, but is only about 300 ft (100 m) above sea level at its highest point [1] . Bogoslof volcano is unusual in its location. It is slightly north of the main Aleutian volcanic front, and is interpreted as a back-arc feature. This volcano is frequently altered by both eruptions and erosion, and has undergone dramatic changes in historical time.There are currently two islands of this volcano above sea level: Fire Island and Bogoslof Island. Fire Island lies about 2000 ft (610 m) northwest of Bogoslof and is a tiny sea stack. The current-day Fire Island is what remains of a volcano dome extruded in 1883. Bogoslof is triangular in shape, and about 1.2 mi (2 km) by 0.5 mi (0.75 km). On the southwest side of Bogoslof are steep-sided twin pinnacles called Castle Rock - this is what remains of a dome erupted in 1796. On the north end of Bogoslof Island is a small, 500 ft (150 m) by 900 ft (275 m) dome that was erupted in 1992. Other domes erupted at Bogoslof, (which has had confirmed eruptions in 1796-1804, 1806-1823, 1883-1895, 1906, 1907, 1909-1910, 1926-1928, and 1992) have been lost to explosions or erosion [2] [3] [1] .

Name Origin

Quote from Orth (1971): "Bogoslof Island" is a Russian name meaning "theologian," given because the island "rose from the sea May 18, 1796, St. John's Day" (Baker, 1906). The name "O[strov] Ioanna Bogoslova," or "John the Theologian's Island," was published by Lt. Sarichev (1826). Captain Tebenkov (1852) published the name "O[strov] Bogoslova" or "theologian's island".

References Cited

[1] Geology of Umnak and Bogoslof Islands, Aleutian Islands, Alaska, 1959

Byers, F. M. Jr., 1959, Geology of Umnak and Bogoslof Islands, Aleutian Islands, Alaska: in Investigations of Alaskan volcanoes, U.S. Geological Survey Bulletin 1028-L, p. 267-369, 5 sheets, scale 1 at 1:63,360, 1 at 1:96,000, and 1 at 1:300,000.
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plate 41 PDF 5.6 MB
plate 48 PDF 85 KB
table 3 PDF 149 KB

[2] Volcanoes of North America: United States and Canada, 1990

Wood, C. A., and Kienle, Juergen, (eds.), 1990, Volcanoes of North America: United States and Canada: New York, Cambridge University Press, 354 p.

[3] Catalog of the historically active volcanoes of Alaska, 1998

Miller, T. P., McGimsey, R. G., Richter, D. H., Riehle, J. R., Nye, C. J., Yount, M. E., and Dumoulin, J. A., 1998, Catalog of the historically active volcanoes of Alaska: U.S. Geological Survey Open-File Report 98-0582, 104 p.

Current Activity

No new updates for Bogoslof volcano since November 24, 2023, 12:00 pm.


Color Code Timeline

Ashfall and ash cloud forecasts: Model output

Reported Activity

Modern Eruptions


Vsevidof Eruption Timeline

Grewingk (1850, translated 2003 by Fritz Jaensch) writes that Vsevidof was smoking in 1784, and had hot springs at its base.

Vsevidof 1790/5

May 30, 1790

Grewingk (1850, translated 2003 by Fritz Jaensch) writes that Sarychev reported Vsevidof smoking in 1790. Coats (1950) reports smoke on May 30, 1790. The English translation of Sarychev is less clear - for the 30th of May, it reads: "The island Umnak is level on its western side, but elevated towards the north-east. It extends as far as the strait which separates it from Unalaschka, and terminates with mountains; several of which, rising above the others, are volcanic, and crowned with eternal snow. It stretches, from south-west to north-east, 55 miles in length. The strait between Umnak and Unalaschka is at least 2 miles and a half in width. About 30 versts from the strait, and about 7 miles from Umnak, are two rocks, surrounded by water; which, on the 31st of May, lay five miles distant towards the north-west. We were then in latitude 52 degrees 49 minutes; and longitude 192 degrees 45 minutes."

Grewingk (1850, translated 2003 by Fritz Jaensch) cites Veniaminov and writes that in 1830 there was renewed activity of a volcanic cone on the SW end of Umnak Island -- perhaps Recheshnoi. Sapper (1917) reports the date of this event as May 30, 1790, and as at Vsevidof. Coats (1950) also notes that Recheshnoi is deeply eroded and that this eruption probably took place at Vsevidof instead. The 1984 English translation of Veniaminov does not appear to contain reference to this event - the only notation of an eruption in 1830 is of a "low peak in the interior of Unimak Island" [perhaps Westdahl?]: "In August, 1830, the summit of this peak exploded again, but without any other special phenomena."

From Miller and others (1998): "Recorded activity in 1878 may have been form a radial fissure eruption on the west flank; this event may have produced the youngest dacite flow, which extends west-southwest to Cape Kigushimkada (Byers, 1959)." Sapper (1917) wrote that Vsevidof had a brief flame and ash eruption and a new crater developed from which came steam and hot cooking mud. This new crater appeared between Vsevidof and the settlement. Sapper also notes that there were many hot springs. Hantke (1962) notes that about 1878 large lava streamed out of ruptures in the west flank. The eruption lasted less than two years: Dall (1918) writes that he saw Vsevidof in 1880, the "image of perfect peace", and does not mention the 1878 event.

Coats (1950) reports smoke at Vsevidof in 1880.

Vsevidof 1957/3

March 11, 1957 — March 12, 1957

From Miller and others (1998): "Another phreatic eruption, possibly from the west rift, occurred in March, 1957 (Byers, 1959, p. 305, citing article in Anchorage Times of March 12, 1957). Earthquakes were felt throughout southeast Umnak, and residents of Nikolski, the island's main village 24 km southwest of Vsevidof, reportedly observed discharge of steam and volcanic ash. However, in a subsequent article (Anchorage Times, March 15, 1957) a pilot reportedly observed no evidence of a volcanic eruption." The smoke and steam were concurrent with a large earthquake in the vicinity of Adak.

Vsevidof 1999/1

January 28, 1999

From McGimsey and others (2004): "On January 28, a resident in Nikolski on Umnak Island called at 4 pm AST to report 'black smoke, dark puffing' issuing from the top of nearby Vsevidof Volcano. The weather was cold and clear, and a M6.1 regional earthquake had occurred in the area the previous evening, followed by numerous aftershocks.
"AVO received no additional or subsequent reports of activity. Routine examination of satellite data by AVO remote-sensing specialists earlier in the week revealed that indeed a minor steam plume was present at the volcano. The wintertime low sun-angle likely accounts for the reporter's description of 'black smoke'.

Vsevidof 1784

Vsevidof 1790/5

Vsevidof 1830

Vsevidof 1878

Vsevidof 1880

Vsevidof 1957/3

Vsevidof 1999/1


14 Event Date(s)

Past Activity Legend:
Questionable eruption
Non-eruptive activity

Showing 1 - 20 of 691

Map Images

Map References

Recently active volcanoes of Alaska, 2023

Cameron, C.E., Bull, K.F., and Macpherson, A.E., 2023, Recently active volcanoes of Alaska: Alaska Division of Geological & Geophysical Surveys Miscellaneous Publication 133 v. 6, 2 sheets.

Historically active volcanoes of Alaska, v. 3, 2018

Cameron, C.E., Schaefer, J.R., and Mulliken, K.M., 2018, Historically active volcanoes of Alaska: Alaska Division of Geological & Geophysical Surveys Miscellaneous Publication 133 v. 3, 2 sheets. Http://

Historically active volcanoes of Alaska, 2014

Schaefer, J.R., Cameron, C.E., and Nye, C.J., 2014, Historically active volcanoes of Alaska: Alaska Division of Geological & Geophysical Surveys Miscellaneous Publication 133 v. 1.2, 1 sheet, scale 1:3,000,000. This publication has been superseded. Newest version available at .

Historically active volcanoes of the Aleutian Arc, 2002

Schaefer, Janet, and Nye, C. J., 2002, Historically active volcanoes of the Aleutian Arc: Alaska Division of Geological & Geophysical Surveys Miscellaneous Publication MP 0123, unpaged, 1 sheet, scale 1:3,000,000. Superceded by Miscellaneous Publication 133:

Volcanoes of Alaska, 1998

Nye, C. J., Queen, Katherine, and McCarthy, A. M., 1998, Volcanoes of Alaska: Alaska Division of Geological & Geophysical Surveys Information Circular IC 0038, unpaged, 1 sheet, scale 1:4,000,000, available at .
Hard Copy held by AVO at FBKS - CEC shelf

Volcanoes of Alaska, 1995

Alaska Division of Geological & Geophysical Surveys, 1995, Volcanoes of Alaska: Alaska Division of Geological & Geophysical Surveys Information Circular IC 0038, unpaged, 1 sheet, scale 1:4,000,000.

Aleutian arc volcanoes, 1994

Nye, C. J., 1994, Aleutian arc volcanoes: Alaska Division of Geological & Geophysical Surveys Public-Data File PDF 94-54, unpaged, 1 sheet, scale 1:2,126,841.

Geothermal resources of the Aleutian Arc, 1993

Motyka, R. J., Liss, S. A., Nye, C. J., and Moorman, M. A., 1993, Geothermal resources of the Aleutian Arc: Alaska Division of Geological & Geophysical Surveys Professional Report PR 0114, 17 p., 4 sheets, scale 1:1,000,000.
Hard Copy held by AVO at FBKS - CEC shelf

Holocene volcanoes of the Aleutian Arc, Alaska, 1993

March, G. D., 1993, Holocene volcanoes of the Aleutian Arc, Alaska: Alaska Division of Geological & Geophysical Surveys Public-Data File PDF 93-85, unpaged, 1 sheet, scale 1:2,000,000.

Map showing distribution, composition, and age of Late Cenozoic volcanic centers in Alaska, 1986

Luedke, R. G., and Smith, R. L., 1986, Map showing distribution, composition, and age of Late Cenozoic volcanic centers in Alaska: U.S. Geological Survey Miscellaneous Investigations Series Map I 1091-F, unpaged, 3 sheets, scale 1:1,000,000.

Geology of Umnak and Bogoslof Islands, Aleutian Islands, Alaska, 1959

Byers, F. M. Jr., 1959, Geology of Umnak and Bogoslof Islands, Aleutian Islands, Alaska: in Investigations of Alaskan volcanoes, U.S. Geological Survey Bulletin 1028-L, p. 267-369, 5 sheets, scale 1 at 1:63,360, 1 at 1:96,000, and 1 at 1:300,000.
full-text PDF 3.5 MB
plate 39 PDF 2.2 MB
plate 40 PDF 3.9 MB
plate 41 PDF 5.6 MB
plate 48 PDF 85 KB
table 3 PDF 149 KB
Hard Copy held by AVO at FBKS - CEC shelf

Volcanic activity in the Aleutian Arc, 1950

Coats, R. R., 1950, Volcanic activity in the Aleutian Arc: U.S. Geological Survey Bulletin 0974-B, p. 35-49, 1 sheet, scale 1:5,000,000.
plate 1 PDF 819 KB
full-text PDF 783 KB
Hard Copy held by AVO at FBKS - CEC shelf

The submarine topography of Bogoslof, 1937

Smith, P. A., 1937, The submarine topography of Bogoslof: Geographical Review, v. 27, p. 630-636, 1 sheet, scale unknown.

Reconnaissance of the gold fields of southern Alaska with some notes on general geology, 1898

Becker, G. F., 1898, Reconnaissance of the gold fields of southern Alaska with some notes on general geology: U.S. Geological Survey Annual Report 0018, p. 1-86, 6 sheets, scale unknown.
full-text PDF 1.5 MB
Hard Copy held by AVO at FBKS - CEC file cabinet


Automatic identification and quantification of volcanic hotspots in Alaska using HotLINK: the hotspot learning and identification network, 2024

Saunders-Schultz, P., Lopez, T., Dietterich, H., and Girona, T., 2024, Automatic identification and quantification of volcanic hotspots in Alaska using HotLINK - the hotspot learning and identification network: Frontiers in Earth Science v. 12, 1345104.
Full-text PDF 46.1 MB

Deep learning detection and quantification of volcanic thermal signals in infrared satellite data, 2024

Sanders-Schultz, P., 2024, Deep learning detection and quantification of volcanic thermal signals in infrared satellite data: Fairbanks, Alaska, University of Alaska Fairbanks, M.S. thesis, 64 p.
Full-text PDF 2.9 MB

From field station to forecast: managing data at the Alaska Volcano Observatory, 2024

Coombs, M.L., Cameron, C.E., Dietterich, H.R., Boyce, E.S., Wech, A.G., Grapenthin, R., Wallace, K.L., Parker, T., Lopez, T., Crass, S., Fee, D., Haney, M.M., Ketner, D., Loewen, M.W., Lyons, J.J., Nakai, J.S., Power, J.A., Botnick, S., Brewster, I., Enders, M.L., Harmon, D., Kelly, P.J., and Randall, M., 2024, From field station to forecast: managing data at the Alaska Volcano Observatory: Bulletin of Volcanology v. 86, 79.

Dating individual zones in phenocrysts from the 2016–2017 eruption of Bogoslof volcano provides constraints on timescales of magmatic processes, 2023

Moshrefzadeh, J., Izbekov, P., Loewen, M., Larsen, J., and Regan, S., 2023, Dating individual zones in phenocrysts from the 2016–2017 eruption of Bogoslof volcano provides constraints on timescales of magmatic processes: Journal of Volcanology and Geothermal Research v. 435, article no. 107741, 16 p.

Recently active volcanoes of Alaska, 2023

Cameron, C.E., Bull, K.F., and Macpherson, A.E., 2023, Recently active volcanoes of Alaska: Alaska Division of Geological & Geophysical Surveys Miscellaneous Publication 133 v. 6, 2 sheets.

Along-arc volcanism in the western and central Aleutian from 2015 to 2021 revealed by cloud-based InSAR processing, 2023

Wang, J., Lu, Z., Bekaert, D., Marshak, C., Govorcin, M., Sangha, S., Kennedy, J., and Gregg, P., 2023, Along-arc volcanism in the western and central Aleutian from 2015 to 2021 revealed by cloud-based InSAR processing: Geophysical Research Letters v. 50, no. 23, e2023GL106323.
Full-text PDF 3.9 MB

Infrasound single-channel noise reduction: application to detection and localization of explosive volcanism in Alaska using backprojection and array processing, 2023

Sanderson, R.W., Matoza, R.S., Fee, D., Haney, M.M., and Lyons, J.J., 2023, Infrasound single-channel noise reduction: application to detection and localization of explosive volcanism in Alaska using backprojection and array processing: Geophysical Journal International v. 232, no. 2, p. 1684-1712.

Phases in fine volcanic ash, 2023

Hornby, A., Gazel, E., Bush, C., Dayton, K., and Mahowald, N., 2023, Phases in fine volcanic ash: Scientific Reports v. 13, 15728.
Full-text PDF 3.7 MB

Alaska interagency operating plan for volcanic ash episodes, 2022

Alaska Volcano Observatory, National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration, National Weather Service, Federal Aviation Administration, Department of Defense, United States Coast Guard, Division of Homeland Security and Emergency Management, Alaska Department of Environmental Conservation, and Alaska Department of Health and Social Services (participating agencies), 2022, Alaska interagency operating plan for volcanic ash episodes, 85 p.

Geologic database of information on volcanoes in Alaska (GeoDIVA), 2022

Cameron, C.E., Crass, S.W., and AVO Staff, eds, 2022, Geologic database of information on volcanoes in Alaska (GeoDIVA): Alaska Division of Geologic and Geophysical Surveys Digital Data Series 20,,

Quantifying eruptive and background seismicity, deformation, degassing, and thermal emissions at volcanoes in the United States during 1978-2020, 2021

Reath, K., Pritchard, M.E., Roman, D.C., Lopez, T., Carn, S., Fischer, T.P., Lu, Z., Poland, M.P., Vaughan, R.G., Wessels, R., Wike, L.L., and Tran, H.K., 2021, Quantifying eruptive and background seismicity, deformation, degassing, and thermal emissions at volcanoes in the United States during 1978-2020: Journal of Geophysical Research: Solid Earth, v. 126, e2021JB021684, doi: 10.1029/2021JB021684.

Seismo-acoustic evidence for vent drying during shallow submarine eruptions at Bogoslof volcano, Alaska, 2020

Fee, David, Lyons, John, Haney, Matthew, Wech, Aaron, Waythomas, Christopher, Diefenbach, A.K., Lopez, Taryn, Van Eaton, Alexa, and Schneider, David, 2020, Seismo-acoustic evidence for vent drying during shallow submarine eruptions at Bogoslof volcano, Alaska: Bulletin of Volcanology, v. 82, n. 2, 14 p.,doi:10.1007/s00445-019-1326-5.

Historically active volcanoes of Alaska, v. 4, 2020

Cameron, C.E., Schaefer, J.R., and Ekberg, P.G., 2020, Historically active volcanoes of Alaska: Alaska Division of Geological & Geophysical Surveys Miscellaneous Publication 133 v. 4, 2 sheets. Http://

Evolving infrasound detections from Bogoslof volcano, Alaska: insights from atmospheric propagation modeling, 2020

Schwaiger, H.F., Lyons, J.J., Iezzi, A.M., Fee, David, and Haney, M.M., 2020, Evolving infrasound detections from Bogoslof volcano, Alaska: insights from atmospheric propagation modeling: Bulletin of Volcanology, v. 82, n. 27, doi:10.1007/s00445-020-1360-3.

Geology and eruptive history of Bogoslof volcano, 2020

Waythomas, C.F., Loewen, M., Wallace, K.L., Cameron, C.E., and Larsen, J.F., 2020, Geology and eruptive history of Bogoslof volcano: Bulletin of Volcanology, v. 82, doi:

Infrasound generated by the 2016-2017 shallow submarine eruption of Bogoslof volcano, Alaska, 2020

Lyons, J.J., Iezzi, A.M., Fee, David, Schwaiger, H.F., Wech, A.G., and Haney, M.M., 2020, Infrasound generated by the 2016-2017 shallow submarine eruption of Bogoslof volcano, Alaska: Bulletin of Volcanology, n. 82, doi:

Seismic character and progression of explosive activity during the 2016-2017 eruption of Bogoslof volcano, Alaska, 2020

Searcy, Cheryl, and Power, J.A., 2020, Seismic character and progression of explosive activity during the 2016-2017 eruption of Bogoslof volcano, Alaska: Bulletin of Volcanology, n. 82, doi:

Constraints on eruption processes and event masses for the 2016-2017 eruption of Bogoslof volcano, Alaska, through evalution of IASI satellite SO2 masses and complementary datasets, 2020

Lopez, Taryn, Lieven, Clarisse, Schwaiger, Hans, Van Eaton, Alexa, Loewen, Matthew, Fee, David, Lyons, John, Wallace, Kristi, Searcy, Cheryl, Wech, Aaron, Haney, Matthew, Schnieder, David, and Graham, Nathan, 2020, Constraints on eruption processes and event masses for the 2016-2017 eruption of Bogoslof volcano, Alaska, through evalution of IASI satellite SO2 masses and complementary datasets: Bulletin of Volcanology, v. 82, doi:

Seismic and hydroacoustic observations of the 2016-17 Bogoslof eruption, 2020

Tepp, Gabrielle, Dziak, R.P., Haney, M.M., Lyons, J.J., Searcy, Cheryl, Matsumoto, Haru, and Haxel, Joseph, 2020, Seismic and hydroacoustic observations of the 2016-17 Bogoslof eruption: Bulletin of Volcanology, v. 82, doi:

Characteristics of thunder and electromagnetic pulses from volcanic lightning at Bogoslof volcano, Alaska, 2020

Haney, M.M., Van Eaton, A.R., Lyons, J.J., Kramer, R.L., Fee, David, Iezzi, A.M., Dziak, R.P., Anderson, Jacob, Johnson, J.B., Lapierre, J.L., and Stock, Michael, 2020, Characteristics of thunder and electromagnetic pulses from volcanic lightning at Bogoslof volcano, Alaska: Bulletin of Volcanology v. 82, doi:

Mechanisms for ballistic block ejection during the 2016-2017 shallow submarine eruption of Bogoslof volcano, Alaska, 2020

Waythomas, C.F., and Mastin, L.G., 2020, Mechanisms for ballistic block ejection during the 2016-2017 shallow submarine eruption of Bogoslof volcano, Alaska: Bulletin of Volcanology, v. 82, doi:

Co-eruptive tremor from Bogoslof volcano: seismic wavefield composition at regional distances, 2020

Haney, M.M., Fee, David, McKee, K.F., Lyons, J.J., Matoza, R.S., Wech, A.G., Tepp, Gabrielle, Searcy, Cheryl, and Mikesell, T.D., 2020, Co-eruptive tremor from Bogoslof volcano: seismic wavefield composition at regional distances: Bulletin of Volcanology, v. 82, doi:

Satellite observations of the 2016-2017 eruption of Bogoslof volcano: aviation and ash fallout hazard implications from a water-rich eruption, 2020

Schneider, D.J., Van Eaton, A.R., and Wallace, K.L., 2020, Satellite observations of the 2016-2017 eruption of Bogoslof volcano: aviation and ash fallout hazard implications from a water-rich eruption: Bulletin of Volcanology, v, 82, doi:

Remote detection and location of explosive volcanism in Alaska with the EarthScope Transportable Array, 2020

Sanderson, R.W., Matoza, R.S., Fee, David, Haney, M.M., and Lyons, J.J., 2020, Remote detection and location of explosive volcanism in Alaska with the EarthScope Transportable Array: Journal of Geophysical Research: Solid Earth, v. 125, 23 p., doi:

Forecasting, detecting, and tracking volcanic eruptions from space, 2020

Poland, M.P., Lopez, Taryn, Wright, Robert, and Pavolonis, M.J., 2020, Forecasting, detecting, and tracking volcanic eruptions from space: Remote Sensing in Earth Systems Science, 40 p.,

2016 Volcanic activity in Alaska - Summary of events and response of the Alaska Volcano Observatory, 2020

Cameron, C.E., Dixon, J.P., Waythomas, C.F., Iezzi, A.M., Wallace, K.L., McGimsey, R.G., and Bull, K.F., 2020, 2016 Volcanic activity in Alaska-Summary of events and response of the Alaska Volcano Observatory: U.S. Geological Survey Scientific Investigations Report 2020-5125, 63 p.,

2017 Volcanic activity in Alaska-Summary of events and response of the Alaska Volcano Observatory, 2020

Dixon, J.P., Cameron, C.E., Iezzi, A.M., Power, J.A., Wallace, K., and Waythomas, C.F., 2020, 2017 Volcanic activity in Alaska-Summary of events and response of the Alaska Volcano Observatory: U.S. Geological Survey Scientific Investigations Report 2020-5102, 61 p.,

AVO-G2S: A modified, open-source Ground-to-Space atmospheric specification for infrasound modeling, 2019

Schwaiger, H.F., Iezzi, A.M., and Fee, David, 2019, AVO-G2S: A modified, open-source Ground-to-Space atmospheric specification for infrasound modeling: Computers and Geosciences, v. 125, p. 90-97, doi:10.1016/j.cageo.2018.12.013.

Catalog of earthquake parameters and description of seismograph and infrasound stations at Alaskan volcanoes - January 1, 2013, through December 31, 2017, 2019

Dixon, J.P., Stihler S.D., Haney, M.M., Lyons, J.J., Ketner, D.M., Mulliken, K.M., Parker, T., and Power, J.A., 2019, Catalog of earthquake parameters and description of seismograph and infrasound stations at Alaskan volcanoes - January 1, 2013, through December 31, 2017: U.S. Geological Survey Data Series 1115, 92 p.,

Infrasound from giant bubbles during explosive submarine eruptions, 2019

Lyons, J.J., Haney, M.M., Fee, David, Wech, A.G., and Waythomas, C.F., 2019, Infrasound from giant bubbles during explosive submarine eruptions: Nature Geoscience, v. 12, p. 952-958, doi:10.1038/s41561-019-0461-0.

Overview, chronology, and impacts of the 2016-2017 eruption of Bogoslof volcano, Alaska, 2019

Coombs, Michelle, Wallace, Kristi, Cameron, Cheryl, Lyons, John, Wech, Aaron, Angeli, Kim, and Cervelli, Peter, 2019, Overview, chronology, and impacts of the 2016-2017 eruption of Bogoslof volcano, Alaska: Bulletin of Volcanology, v, 81, n. 62, doi:10.1007/s00445-019-1322-9.

Comparison of short-term seismic precursors and explosion parameters during the 2016-2017 Bogoslof eruption, 2019

Tepp, Gabrielle, and Haney, Matthew, 2019, Comparison of short-term seismic precursors and explosion parameters during the 2016-2017 Bogoslof eruption: Bulletin of Volcanology, v. 81, n. 63, doi:10.1007/s00445-019-1323-8.

The 2016-2017 eruption of Bogoslof volcano, Alaska: preface to the special issue, 2019

Waythomas, C.F., Lyons, J.J., Fee, David, and Wallace, K.L., 2019, The 2016-2017 eruption of Bogoslof volcano, Alaska: preface to the special issue: Bulletin of Volcanology, v. 81, n. 48, doi:10.1007/s00445-019-1301-1.

Petrology of the 2016-2017 eruption of Bogoslof Island, Alaska, 2019

Loewen, M.L., Izbekov, Pavel, Moshrefzadeh, Jamshid, Coombs, Michelle, Larsen, Jessica, Graham, Nathan, Harbin, Michelle, Waythomas, Christopher, and Wallace, Kristi, 2019, Petrology of the 2016-2017 eruption of Bogoslof Island, Alaska: Bulletin of Volcanology v. 81, n. 72, 20 p., doi:10.1007/s00445-019-1333-6.

2016-17 evolution of the submarine-subaerial edifice of Bogoslof volcano, Alaska, based on analysis of satellite imagery, 2019

Waythomas, C.F., Angeli, K., Wessels, R., and Schneider, D, 2020, 2016-17 evolution of the submarine-subaerial edifice of Bogoslof volcano, Alaska, based on analysis of satellite imagery: Bulletin of Volcanology v. 82, doi:

Scientists Capture Sounds of Volcanic Thunder, 2018

Associated Press, 2018, Scientists Capture Sounds of Volcanic Thunder: American Geophysical Union press release published online March 13, 2018, available at

Volcanic thunder from explosive eruptions at Bogoslof volcano, Alaska, 2018

Haney, M.M., Van Eaton, A.R., Lyon, J.J., Kramer, R.L., Fee, David, Iexxi, A.M., 2018, Volcanic thunder from explosive eruptions at Bogoslof volcano, Alaska: Geophysical Research Letters, v. 45, n. 8, doi: 10.1002/2017/GL076911.

The inaudible rumble of volcanic eruptions, 2018

Matoza, R.S., and Fee, David, 2018, The inaudible rumble of volcanic eruptions: Acoustics Today, v. 14, n. 1, p. 17-25.

The Alaska Volcano Observatory: 30 years of protecting Alaskans from the effects of volcanic activity (1988-2018), 2018

Mulliken, K.M., 2018, The Alaska Volcano Observatory: 30 years of protecting Alaskans from the effects of volcanic activity (1988-2018): Alaska Division of Geological & Geophysical Surveys Information Circular 67, 2 p.

Short-term forecasting and detection of explosions during the 2016-2017 eruption of Bogoslof Volcano, Alaska, 2018

Coombs, M.L., Wech, A.G., Haney, M.M., Lyons, J.J., Schneider, D.J., Schwaiger, H.F., Wallace, K.L., Fee, David, Freymueller, J.T., Schaefer, J.R., and Tepp, Gabrielle, 2018, Short-term forecasting and detection of explosions during the 2016-2017 eruption of Bogoslof Volcano, Alaska: Frontiers in Earth Science, v. 6, article 122, doi: 10.3389/feart.2018.00122 .

Historical eruptions and hazards at Bogoslof volcano, Alaska, 2018

Waythomas, C.F., and Cameron, C.E., 2018, Historical eruptions and hazards at Bogoslof volcano, Alaska: U.S. Geological Survey Scientific Investigations Report 2018-5085, 42 p.,

2018 update to the U.S. Geological Survey national volcanic threat assessment, 2018

Ewert, J.W., Diefenbach, A.K., and Ramsey, D.W., 2018, 2018 update to the U.S. Geological Survey national volcanic threat assessment: U.S. Geological Survey Scientific Investigations Report 2018-5140, 40 p.,

A repeating event sequence alarm for monitoring volcanoes, 2018

Tepp, Gabrielle, 2018, A repeating event sequence alarm for monitoring volcanoes: Seismological Research Letters, v, 89, n. 5, p. 1863-1876, doi:10.1785/0220170263

Volcanology at DGGS, 2018

Mulliken, K.M., 2018, Volcanology at DGGS: Alaska Division of Geological & Geophysical Surveys Information Circular 74, 2 p.,

Using earthquakes, T waves, and infrasound to investigate the eruption of Bogoslof Volcano, Alaska, 2018

Wech, A., Tepp, G., Lyons, J., and Haney, M., 2018, Using earthquakes, T waves, and infrasound to investigate the eruption of Bogoslof volcano, Alaska: Geophysical Research Letters, v. 45, no. 14, p. 6918-6925.

Historically active volcanoes of Alaska, v. 3, 2018

Cameron, C.E., Schaefer, J.R., and Mulliken, K.M., 2018, Historically active volcanoes of Alaska: Alaska Division of Geological & Geophysical Surveys Miscellaneous Publication 133 v. 3, 2 sheets. Http://

Another Bogoslof eruption sends ash over Alaska Peninsula, Kodiak Island, 2017

Associated Press, 2017, Another Bogoslof eruption sends ash over Alaska Peninsula, Kodiak Island: Anchorage Daily News article published online January 19, 2017, available at

Ash falls in Unalaska after Bogoslof eruption, 2017

Associated Press, 2017, Ash falls in Unalaska after Bogoslof eruption: Alaska Dispatch News article published online January 31, 2017, available at

Alaska volcano erupts; ash trace reaches city, 2017

Associated Press, 2017, Alaska volcano erupts; ash trace reaches city: Fox News article published online January 31, 2017, available at

Volcanic ash falls on unalaska in Bogoslof's longest eruption yet, 2017

Associated Press, 2017, Volcanic ash falls on unalaska in Bogoslof's longest eruption yet: KUBC KIAL Unalaska Community Broadcasting article published online January 31, 2017, available at

2 Alaska volcanoes erupt just hours apart, 2017

Associated Press, 2017, 2 Alaska volcanoes erupt just hours apart: Anchorage Daily News article published online May 17, 2017, available at

Volcanic Explosions Rock an Alaskan Island as Etna Rumbles, 2017

Klemetti, E., 2017, Volcanic Explosions Rock an Alaskan Island as Etna Rumbles: Wired article published online May 19, 2017, available at

‘Unpredictable’ Bogoslof Volcano erupts - again, 2017

Associated Press, 2017, ‘Unpredictable’ Bogoslof Volcano erupts - again: KTVA Alaska article published online May 16, 2017, available at

Three Alaska Peninsula volcanoes are restless, 2017

Lill, A., 2017, Three Alaska Peninsula volcanoes are restless: KDLG Dillingham, Alaska article published online June 9, 2017, available at

Alaskan volcano spews plumes of ash into the Bering Sea in breathtaking new image captured by NASA satellite, 2017

Liberator, S., 2017, Alaskan volcano spews plumes of ash into the Bering Sea in breathtaking new image captured by NASA satellite: Daily Mail article published online June 9, 2017, available at

Alaska volcano erupts again, forcing new aviation alert, 2017

Associated Press, 2017, Alaska volcano erupts again, forcing new aviation alert: CBS News article published online May 30, 2017, available at

Story Time w/ Aunt Phil: Bogoslof Volcano, 2017

Bill, L. D., 2017, Story Time w/ Aunt Phil: Bogoslof Volcano: KTVA Alaska article published online June 12, 2017, available at

Ask the Experts: Alaska’s Bogoslof Volcano Erupted Again-Why Was It So Hard to Predict?, 2017

Harris, M., 2017, Ask the Experts: Alaska’s Bogoslof Volcano Erupted Again-Why Was It So Hard to Predict?: Scientific American article published online May 31, 2017, available at

Island-Altering Eruption of Alaska's Bogoslof Volcano Seen in Images from Space, 2017

Breslin, S., 2017, Island-Altering Eruption of Alaska's Bogoslof Volcano Seen in Images from Space: The Weather Channel article published online June 8, 2017, available at

Alaska's Bogoslof Volcano Sees Pulses of Short Eruptions, 2017

Associated Press, 2017, Alaska's Bogoslof Volcano Sees Pulses of Short Eruptions: U.S. News & World Report article published online June 13, 2017, available at

Bogoslof volcano news & activity updates: Bogoslof volcano (Aleutian Islands): new series of larger explosions, 2017

Unknown, 2017, Bogoslof volcano news & activity updates: Bogoslof volcano (Aleutian Islands): new series of larger explosions: Volcano Discovery article published online June 13, 2017, available at

Lightning network helps confirm volcanic eruption, 2017

Frey, M., 2017, Lightning network helps confirm volcanic eruption: KTVA article published online May 30, 2017, available at

Pretty Volcanic Plume Seen in Space Image, 2017

Pappas, S., 2017, Pretty Volcanic Plume Seen in Space Image: Live Science article published online June 9, 2017, available at

Scientist says Bogoslof has history of eruptive sequences, 2017

Associated Press, 2017, Scientist says Bogoslof has history of eruptive sequences: KTUU article published online May 21, 2017, available at

NASA Shares Beautiful Image Of Volcanic Eruption Aftermath As Seen From Space, 2017

Associated Press, 2017, NASA Shares Beautiful Image Of Volcanic Eruption Aftermath As Seen From Space: IFL Science article published online June 5, 2017, available at

Photographs show how Alaska volcano's eruptions have changed island, 2017

Associated Press, 2017, Photographs show how Alaska volcano's eruptions have changed island: CBS News article published online January 12, 2017, available at

With Bogoslof volcano's continuing eruptions, island has tripled in size, 2017

Andrews, L., 2017, With Bogoslof volcano's continuing eruptions, island has tripled in size: ADN article published online February 18, 2017, available at

Blowing its top: an explanation of Bogoslof Volcano's eruptions, latest on Thursday, 2017

Winkle, K., 2017, Blowing its top: an explanation of Bogoslof Volcano's eruptions, latest on Thursday: KTUU article published online January 5, 2017, available at

Bogoslof Volcano In Alaska Erupts Spewing Ash Clouds, 2017

Gordon, A., 2017, Bogoslof Volcano In Alaska Erupts Spewing Ash Clouds: Tech Times article published online March 14, 2017, available at

Bogoslof volcano settles down after sending ash over Alaska Peninsula, Kodiak Island, 2017

Klint, C., 2017, Bogoslof volcano settles down after sending ash over Alaska Peninsula, Kodiak Island: ADN article published online January 19, 2017, available at

Explosion at Bogoslof Volcano prompts ninth aviation warning during weeks-long eruption, 2017

Mackintosh, C., 2017, Explosion at Bogoslof Volcano prompts ninth aviation warning during weeks-long eruption: KTUU article published online January 18, 2017, available at

No high-altitude ash from latest Bogoslof eruption, scientists say, 2017

Klint, C., 2017, No high-altitude ash from latest Bogoslof eruption, scientists say: ADN article published online February 13, 2017, available at

Is Bogoslof Volcano done erupting?, 2017

Kraegel, L., 2017, Is Bogoslof Volcano done erupting?: Alaska Public Media article published online April 6, 2017, available at

Highest aviation alert level issued after Alaskan volcano erupts, 2017

McKirdy, E., and Sutton, J., 2017, Highest aviation alert level issued after Alaskan volcano erupts: CNN article published online May 29, 2017, available at

Alaska’s Bogoslof volcano explodes, 2017

Associated Press, 2017, Alaska’s Bogoslof volcano explodes: South China Morning Post article published online March 9, 2017, available at

No major explosions at Bogoslof in over a month, researchers say, 2017

Mackintosh, C., 2017, No major explosions at Bogoslof in over a month, researchers say: KTUU article published online April 14, 2017, available at

‘Explosive events’ rock Pacific Ocean, 2017

Palin, M., 2017, ‘Explosive events’ rock Pacific Ocean: article published online March 20, 2017, available at

Not All Eruptions Are Equal For Submarine Bogoslof Volcano, 2017

Kraegel, L., 2017, Not All Eruptions Are Equal For Submarine Bogoslof Volcano: KUCB article published online February 7, 2017, available at

New equipment helps scientists keep tabs on Bogoslof now and study it later, 2017

Sobel, Z., 2017, New equipment helps scientists keep tabs on Bogoslof now and study it later: Alaska Public Media article published online June 19, 2017, available at

2 Bogoslof eruptions send ash clouds miles above Aleutians, 2017

Hollander, Z., 2017, 2 Bogoslof eruptions send ash clouds miles above Aleutians: Alaska Dispatch News article published online June 27, 2017, available at

Ash cloud restricts Asia-US airfreight, 2017

Cheshire, L., 2017, Ash cloud restricts Asia-US airfreight: Asia Fruit article published online June 27, 2017, available at

Air freight shippers hit as volcanic ash plume hits transpacific capacity, 2017

Lennane, A., 2017, Air freight shippers hit as volcanic ash plume hits transpacific capacity: Loadstar article published online June 26, 2017, available at

Alaska’s tiny Bogoslof volcano erupts again, sending an ash cloud miles above the Aleutians, 2017

Hanlon, T., 2017, Alaska’s tiny Bogoslof volcano erupts again, sending an ash cloud miles above the Aleutians: Anchorage Daily News article published online August 7, 2017, available at

Bogoslof Volcano in 'Unpredictable Condition' After Eruption Sends Ash 30,000 Feet into the Air, 2017

Glum. J., 2017, Bogoslof Volcano in 'Unpredictable Condition' After Eruption Sends Ash 30,000 Feet into the Air: Newsweek article published online July 10, 2017, available at

Historically active volcanoes of Alaska, 2016

Cameron, C.E., and Schaefer, J.R., 2016, Historically active volcanoes of Alaska: Alaska Division of Geological & Geophysical Surveys Miscellaneous Publication 133 v. 2, 1 sheet, scale 1:3,000,000.

An Alaskan Volcano Erupts, Largely Out of View, 2016

Fountain, H., 2017, An Alaskan Volcano Erupts, Largely Out of View: The New York Times article published online December 30, 2016, available at

Bogoslof volcano just erupted again, 2016

Zak, A., 2017, Bogoslof volcano just erupted again: ADN article published online December 31, 2016, available at

Bogoslof Volcano in Alaska Unexpectedly Erupts, 2016

Klemetti, E., 2017, Bogoslof Volcano in Alaska Unexpectedly Erupts: Wired article published online December 21, 2016, available at

Bogoslof volcano erupts again, sends up another ash plume, 2016

Klint, C., 2017, Bogoslof volcano erupts again, sends up another ash plume: ADN article published online December 23, 2016, available at

Alaska Volcano Observatory image database, 2016

Cameron, C.E., and Snedigar, S.F., 2016, Alaska Volcano Observatory image database: Alaska Division of Geological & Geophysical Surveys Digital Data Series 13,

Historically active volcanoes of Alaska, 2014

Schaefer, J.R., Cameron, C.E., and Nye, C.J., 2014, Historically active volcanoes of Alaska: Alaska Division of Geological & Geophysical Surveys Miscellaneous Publication 133 v. 1.2, 1 sheet, scale 1:3,000,000. This publication has been superseded. Newest version available at .

Preliminary database of Quaternary vents in Alaska, 2014

Cameron, C.E., and Nye, C.J., 2014, Preliminary database of Quaternary vents in Alaska: Alaska Division of Geological & Geophysical Surveys Miscellaneous Publication 153, 11 p., doi:10.14509/27357 .

InSAR imaging of Aleutian volcanoes, 2014

Lu, Zhong, and Dzurisin, Daniel, 2014, InSAR imaging of Aleutian volcanoes: Chichester, UK, Springer-Praxis, 390 p.

Avian mortality associated with a volcanic gas seep at Kiska Island, Aleutian Islands, Alaska, 2012

Bond, A.L., Evans, W.C., and Jones, I.L., 2012, Avian mortality associated with a volcanic gas seep at Kiska Island, Aleutian Islands, Alaska: The Wilson Journal of Ornithology, v. 124, n. 1, p. 146-151.

Katmai scientific studies, 2012

Winfree, Robert, with contributions from Bacon, C.R., Bennett, A.J., Bennington, Ninfa, Berg, E.E., Brooks, Margi, Coletti, H.A., Coombs, M.L., Fierstein, Judy, Freeburg, Gary, Frost, G.V., Haney, Matthew, Jorgenson, M.T., Miller, A.E., Moran, Seth, Murphy, Rachel, Partnow, Patricia, Paskievitch, John, Stevens, D.P., Powell, Lee, Power, John, Prejean, S.G., Schaaf, Jeanne, Sherriff, R.L., Thurber, Clifford, and Welchman, R.A., 2012, Katmai science studies: Alaska Park Science Journal, v. 11, n. 1, 96 p., available online at .

Volcanic National Natural Landmarks in Alaska, 2012

Brooks, Margi, 2012, Volcanic National Natural Landmarks in Alaska: in Winfree, Robert (project lead), Katmai Science Studies: Alaska Park Science Journal, v. 11, n. 1, p. 22-25, available online at .
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Subduction controls of Hf and Nd isotopes in lavas of the Aleutian island arc, 2010

Yogodzinski, G.M., Vervoort, J.D., Brown, S.T., and Gerseny, M., 2010. Subduction controls of Hf and Nd isotopes in lavas of the Aleutian island arc: Earth and Planetary Science Letters, v. 300, p. 226-238, doi: 10.1016/j.epsl.2010.09.035 .

Historically active volcanoes of Alaska reference deck, 2009

Snedigar, S.F., and Cameron, C.C., 2009, Historically active volcanoes of Alaska reference deck: Alaska Division of Geological & Geophysical Surveys Information Circular 59, 52 p, available to order from .

Chronology and references of volcanic eruptions and selected unrest in the United States, 1980-2008, 2009

Diefenbach, A.K., Guffanti, Marianne, and Ewert, J.W., 2009, Chronology and references of volcanic eruptions and selected unrest in the United States, 1980-2008: U.S. Geological Survey Open-File Report 2009-1118, 85 p., available at .

Preliminary spreadsheet of eruption source parameters for volcanoes of the world, 2009

Mastin, L.G., Guffanti, Marianne, Ewert, J.E., and Spiegel, Jessica, 2009, Preliminary spreadsheet of eruption source parameters for volcanoes of the world: U.S. Geological Survey Open-File Report 2009-1133, v. 1.2, 25 p., available at .

The Alaska Volcano Observatory - 20 years of volcano research, monitoring, and eruption response, 2008

Schaefer, J.R., and Nye, Chris, 2008, The Alaska Volcano Observatory - 20 years of volcano research, monitoring, and eruption response: Alaska Division of Geological & Geophysical Surveys, Alaska GeoSurvey News, NL 2008-001, v. 11, n. 1, p. 1-9, available at .

20th anniversary of the Alaska Volcano Observatory, 2008

University of Alaska Fairbanks Geophysical Institute, 2008, 20th anniversary of the Alaska Volcano Observatory: University of Alaska Geophysical Institute pamphlet, 2 p.

The face of Alaska: A look at land cover and the potential drivers of change, 2008

Jones, B.M., 2008, The face of Alaska: A look at land cover and the potential drivers of change: U.S. Geological Survey Open-File Report 2008-1161, 39 p., available at .

System for ranking relative threats of U.S. volcanoes, 2007

Ewert, John, 2007, System for ranking relative threats of U.S. volcanoes: Natural Hazards Review, v. 8, n. 4, p. 112-124.

Along-strike trace element and isotopic variation in Aleutian Island arc basalt: subduction melts sediments and dehydrates serpentine, 2007

Singer, B.S., Jicha, B.R., Leeman, W.P., Rogers, N.W., Thirlwall, M.F., Ryan, Jeff, and Nicolaysen, K.E., 2007, Along-strike trace element and isotopic variation in Aleutian Island arc basalt: subduction melts sediments and dehydrates serpentine: Journal of Geophysical Research, v. 112, n. B6, 26 p., doi: 10.1029/2006JB004897 .

Catalog of earthquake hypocenters at Alaskan volcanoes: January 1 through December 31, 2005, 2006

Dixon, J.P., Stihler, S.D., Power, J.A., Tytgat, Guy, Estes, Steve, and McNutt, S.R., 2006, Catalog of earthquake hypocenters at Alaskan volcanoes: January 1 through December 31, 2005: U.S. Geological Survey Open-File Report 2006-1264, 78 p., available at .

The National Volcano Early Warning System (NVEWS), 2006

Ewert, John, Guffanti, Marianne, Cervelli, Peter, and Quick, James, 2006, The National Volcano Early Warning System (NVEWS): U.S. Geological Survey Fact Sheet FS 2006-3142, 2 p., available at .

An assessment of volcanic threat and monitoring capabilities in the United States: framework for a National Volcano Early Warning System NVEWS, 2005

Ewert, J.W., Guffanti, Marianne, and Murray, T.L., 2005, An assessment of volcanic threat and monitoring capabilities in the United States: framework for a National Volcano Early Warning System NVEWS: U.S. Geological Survey Open-File Report 2005-1164, 62 p.
full-text PDF 2.90 MB

Slab contributions in the Aleutian arc; a Hf isotopic perspective, 2005

Brown, S.T., Yogodzinski, G.M., Gerseny, M.G., and Vervoort, J.D., 2005, Slab contributions in the Aleutian arc; a Hf isotopic perspective [abs.]: in Abstracts of the 15th annual V.M. Goldschmidt conference, Geochemica et Cosmochemica Acta, v. 69, n. 10 (supplementary), p. 635.

Volcanoes of the world: an illustrated catalog of Holocene volcanoes and their eruptions, 2003

Siebert, L., and Simkin, T., 2002-, Volcanoes of the world: an illustrated catalog of Holocene volcanoes and their eruptions: Smithsonian Institution, Global Volcanism Program Digital Information Series GVP-3,, unpaged internet resource.

Bibliography of information on Alaska volcanoes, 2003

Cameron, C. E., Triplehorn, J. H., and Robar, C. L., 2003, Bibliography of information on Alaska volcanoes: Alaska Division of Geological & Geophysical Surveys Miscellaneous Publication MP 131, 1 CD-ROM.
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Along-strike variation in the Aleutian Island Arc: Genesis of high Mg# andesite and implications for continental crust, 2003

Kelemen, P.B., Yogodzinski, G.M., and Scholl, D.M., 2003, Along-strike variation in the Aleutian Island Arc: Genesis of high Mg# andesite and implications for continental crust, in Eiler, J., ed., Inside the Subduction Factory: AGU Monograph 138, p. 223-276.

Historically active volcanoes of the Aleutian Arc, 2002

Schaefer, Janet, and Nye, C. J., 2002, Historically active volcanoes of the Aleutian Arc: Alaska Division of Geological & Geophysical Surveys Miscellaneous Publication MP 0123, unpaged, 1 sheet, scale 1:3,000,000. Superceded by Miscellaneous Publication 133:

Historically active volcanoes in Alaska, a quick reference, 2000

Wallace, K. L., McGimsey, R. G., and Miller, T. P., 2000, Historically active volcanoes in Alaska, a quick reference: U.S. Geological Survey Fact Sheet FS 0118-00, 2 p.
full-text PDF 162 KB
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Encyclopedia of volcanoes, 2000

Sigurdsson, Haraldur, (ed.), 2000, Encyclopedia of volcanoes: San Diego, CA, Academic Press, 1417 p.

Volcanoes of Alaska, 1998

Nye, C. J., Queen, Katherine, and McCarthy, A. M., 1998, Volcanoes of Alaska: Alaska Division of Geological & Geophysical Surveys Information Circular IC 0038, unpaged, 1 sheet, scale 1:4,000,000, available at .
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Catalog of the historically active volcanoes of Alaska, 1998

Miller, T. P., McGimsey, R. G., Richter, D. H., Riehle, J. R., Nye, C. J., Yount, M. E., and Dumoulin, J. A., 1998, Catalog of the historically active volcanoes of Alaska: U.S. Geological Survey Open-File Report 98-0582, 104 p.
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Shishaldin Volcano, Aleutians: 1975 eruption and FeTi basalts, 1997

Fournelle, J. H., Simkin, Tom, Marsh, B. D., and Blaustein, M. K., 1997, Shishaldin Volcano, Aleutians: 1975 eruption and FeTi basalts [abs.]: Eos, v. 78, n. 46, p. 794.

Volcanoes of the Alaska Peninsula and Aleutian Islands selected photographs, 1997

Neal, Christina, and McGimsey, R. G., 1997, Volcanoes of the Alaska Peninsula and Aleutian Islands selected photographs: U.S. Geological Survey Digital Data Series DDS 0040, 1 CD-ROM.

The role of hydrothermal fluids in the production of subduction zone magmas: evidence from siderophile and chalcophile trace elements and boron, 1996

Noll, P.D., Newsom, H.E., Leeman, W.P., and Ryan, J.G., 1996, The role of hydrothermal fluids in the production of subduction zone magmas: evidence from siderophile and chalcophile trace elements and boron: Geochimica et Cosmochimica Acta, v. 60, n. 4, p. 587-611.

10 years of volcanic activity in Alaska: 1983-1992: A video (Pyre Peak, Akutan, Bogoslof, Westdahl, Veniaminof, Augustine, Redoubt, and Spurr volcanoes), 1995

Doukas, M. P., McGimsey, R. G., and Dorava, J. M., 1995, 10 years of volcanic activity in Alaska: 1983-1992: A video (Pyre Peak, Akutan, Bogoslof, Westdahl, Veniaminof, Augustine, Redoubt, and Spurr volcanoes): U.S. Geological Survey Open-File Report 95-0061-A, Anchorage, AK, KAKM Video, 1 videocassette.
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10 years of volcanic activity in Alaska: 1983 to 1992: a video, 1995

Doukas, M. P., McGimsey, R. G., and Dorava, J. M., 1995, 10 years of volcanic activity in Alaska: 1983 to 1992: a video: U.S. Geological Survey Open-File Report 95-61-B, 12 p.
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Volcanic activity in Alaska: Summary of events and response of the Alaska Volcano Observatory 1992, 1995

McGimsey, R. G., Neal, C. A., and Doukas, M. P., 1995, Volcanic activity in Alaska: Summary of events and response of the Alaska Volcano Observatory 1992: U.S. Geological Survey Open-File Report 95-83, 26 p.
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Petrology of some recent eruptions in the Aleutian Arc, Alaska, 1995

Harbin, M. L., and Nye, C. J., 1995, Petrology of some recent eruptions in the Aleutian Arc, Alaska [abs.]: Abstracts with Programs - Geological Society of America, v. 27, n. 5, p. 24.

A video of 10 years of volcanic activity in Alaska: 1983 to 1992, 1995

Doukas, M. P., McGimsey, R. G., and Dorava, J. M., 1995, A video of 10 years of volcanic activity in Alaska: 1983 to 1992 [abs.]: Abstracts with Programs - Geological Society of America, v. 27, n. 5, p. 15.
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Quick reference to Alaska's active volcanoes and listing of historical eruptions, 1760-1994, 1995

McGimsey, R. G., and Miller, T. P., 1995, Quick reference to Alaska's active volcanoes and listing of historical eruptions, 1760-1994: U.S. Geological Survey Open-File Report 95-0520, 13 p.
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Volcanoes of Alaska, 1995

Alaska Division of Geological & Geophysical Surveys, 1995, Volcanoes of Alaska: Alaska Division of Geological & Geophysical Surveys Information Circular IC 0038, unpaged, 1 sheet, scale 1:4,000,000.

Bogoslof, 1995

Reeder, J. W., and McGimsey, R. G., 1995, Bogoslof: in Annual report of the world volcanic eruptions in 1992, Bulletin of Volcanic Eruptions, v. 32, p. 88-91.
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Observations of the 1992 lava dome, Bogoslof Island, eastern Aleutian Arc, Alaska, 1994

Harbin, M. L., 1994, Observations of the 1992 lava dome, Bogoslof Island, eastern Aleutian Arc, Alaska [abs.]: Eos, v. 75, n. 44, p. 737.

Aleutian magmas in space and time, 1994

Kay, S. M., and Kay, R. W., 1994, Aleutian magmas in space and time: in Plafker, George and Berg, H. C., (eds.), The Geology of Alaska, Geological Society of America The Geology of North America series v. G-1, p. 687-722.
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Volcanoes of the world [2nd edition], 1994

Simkin, Tom, and Siebert, Lee, 1994, Volcanoes of the world [2nd edition]: Tucson, Arizona, Geoscience Press, 349 p.
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The geology, geochemistry and petrology of the recent magmatic phase of the central and western Aleutian Arc, 1994

Myers, J. D., 1994, The geology, geochemistry and petrology of the recent magmatic phase of the central and western Aleutian Arc: unpublished manuscript unpaged.
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Age, character, and significance of Aleutian arc volcanism, 1994

Fournelle, J. H., Marsh, B. D., and Myers, J. D., 1994, Age, character, and significance of Aleutian arc volcanism: in Plafker, George and Berg, H. C., (eds.), The Geology of Alaska, Geological Society of America The Geology of North America Series v. G-1, p. 723-758.

Notes on Russian America, Parts II-V: Kad'iak, Unalashka, Atkha, the Pribylovs (translated by Marina Ramsay), 1994

Khlebnikov, K. T., 1994, Notes on Russian America, Parts II-V: Kad'iak, Unalashka, Atkha, the Pribylovs (translated by Marina Ramsay): Liapunova, R. G. and Fedorova, S. G., (comps.), Kingston, Ontario and Fairbanks, Alaska, The Limestone Press, 424 p.
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Aleutian arc volcanoes, 1994

Nye, C. J., 1994, Aleutian arc volcanoes: Alaska Division of Geological & Geophysical Surveys Public-Data File PDF 94-54, unpaged, 1 sheet, scale 1:2,126,841.

Aleut dictionary, Unangam Tunudgusii, an unabridged lexicon of the Aleutian, Pribilof, and Commander Islands Aleut language, 1994

Bergsland, Knut, comp., 1994, Aleut dictionary, Unangam Tunudgusii, an unabridged lexicon of the Aleutian, Pribilof, and Commander Islands Aleut language: University of Alaska Fairbanks, Alaska Native Language Center, 739 p.

Geothermal resources of the Aleutian Arc, 1993

Motyka, R. J., Liss, S. A., Nye, C. J., and Moorman, M. A., 1993, Geothermal resources of the Aleutian Arc: Alaska Division of Geological & Geophysical Surveys Professional Report PR 0114, 17 p., 4 sheets, scale 1:1,000,000.
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Holocene volcanoes of the Aleutian Arc, Alaska, 1993

March, G. D., 1993, Holocene volcanoes of the Aleutian Arc, Alaska: Alaska Division of Geological & Geophysical Surveys Public-Data File PDF 93-85, unpaged, 1 sheet, scale 1:2,000,000.

The dome-forming July 1992 eruption of Bogoslof Island, Alaska, 1992

Shaishnikoff, L., Reeder, J. W., and Mowatt, T. C., 1992, The dome-forming July 1992 eruption of Bogoslof Island, Alaska [abs.]: Eos, v. 73, n. 43, p. 636.
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Bogoslof, 1992

Smithsonian Institution, 1992, Bogoslof: Global Volcanism Network Bulletin v. 17, n. 06, unpaged.

Bogoslof, 1992

Smithsonian Institution, 1992, Bogoslof: Global Volcanism Network Bulletin v. 17, n. 07, unpaged.

Alaska's volcanoes, 1991

Rennick, Penny, (ed.), 1991, Alaska's volcanoes: Alaska Geographic, v. 18, n. 2, 80 p.
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Bogoslof Island, 1991

Unknown, 1991, Bogoslof Island: in Rennick, Penny, (ed.), Alaska's volcanoes, Alaska Geographic, v. 18, n. 2, p. 49-57.

Th isotope and U-series studies of subduction-related volcanic rocks, 1990

Gill, J. B., and Williams, R. W., 1990, Th isotope and U-series studies of subduction-related volcanic rocks: Geochimica et Cosmochimica Acta, v. 54, p. 1427-1442.

Calc-alkaline plutonism in the intra-oceanic Aleutian arc, Alaska, 1990

Perfit, M. R., Kay, S. M., Kay, R. W., and Citron, G. P., 1990, Calc-alkaline plutonism in the intra-oceanic Aleutian arc, Alaska [abs.]: in Kay, S. M. and Rarela, C. W., (ed.), Plutonism from Antarctica to Alaska, Geological Society of America Special Paper SPE 0241, Boulder, CO, Geological Society of America, p. 233-255.

Volcanoes of North America: United States and Canada, 1990

Wood, C. A., and Kienle, Juergen, (eds.), 1990, Volcanoes of North America: United States and Canada: New York, Cambridge University Press, 354 p.
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The subducted component in island arc lavas: constraints from Be isotopes and B-Be systematics, 1990

Morris, J.D., Leeman, W.P., and Tera, F., 1990, The subducted component in island arc lavas: constraints from Be isotopes and B-Be systematics: Nature, v. 344, p. 31-36.

Geothermal resources, 1987

Lister, C. R. B., 1987, Geothermal resources: in Scholl, D. W., Grantz, Arthur, and Vedder, J. G., (eds.), Geology and resource potential of the continental margin of western North America and adjacent ocean basins - Beaufort Sea to Baja California, v. 6, Houston Texas, Circum-Pacific council for energy and mineral resources, Earth Science Series, p. 739-751.

The systematics of lithium abundances in young volcanic rocks, 1987

Ryan, J.G., and Langmuir, C.H., 1987, The systematics of lithium abundances in young volcanic rocks: Geochimica et Cosmochimica Acta, v. 51, p. 1727-1741.

Map showing distribution, composition, and age of Late Cenozoic volcanic centers in Alaska, 1986

Luedke, R. G., and Smith, R. L., 1986, Map showing distribution, composition, and age of Late Cenozoic volcanic centers in Alaska: U.S. Geological Survey Miscellaneous Investigations Series Map I 1091-F, unpaged, 3 sheets, scale 1:1,000,000.

Nd and Sr isotopes in the Aleutians: multicomponent parenthood of island-arc magmas, 1986

von Drach, V., Marsh, B. D., and Wasserburg, G. J., 1986, Nd and Sr isotopes in the Aleutians: multicomponent parenthood of island-arc magmas: Contributions to Mineralogy and Petrology, v. 92, n. 1, p. 13-34.
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Alaska, the Harriman expedition, 1899, 1986

Burroughs, John, and Muir, John, 1986, Alaska, the Harriman expedition, 1899: New York, Dover Publications, Inc., 383 p.
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Isotopic studies of continental and marine sediments and igneous rocks of the Aleutian Island Arc, 1986

Goldstein, S.L., 1986, Isotopic studies of continental and marine sediments and igneous rocks of the Aleutian Island Arc: Columbia University Ph.D. dissertation, 357 p.
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Sediment incorporation in island-arc magmas: inferences from 10Be, 1986

Tera, Fouad, Brown, Louis, Morris, Julie, and Sacks, I.S., 1986, Sediment incorporation in island-arc magmas: inferences from 10Be: Geochimica et Cosmochimica Acta, v. 50, p. 535-550.

Explosive activity associated with the growth of volcanic domes, 1983

Newhall, C. G., and Melson, W. G., 1983, Explosive activity associated with the growth of volcanic domes: Journal of Volcanology and Geothermal Research, v. 17, n. 1/4, p. 111-131.
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The Aleutians, 1982

Marsh, B. D., 1982, The Aleutians: in Thorpe, R. S., (ed.), Andesites: orogenic andesites and related rocks, Chichester, United Kingdom, John Wiley & Sons, p. 99-114.
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Volcanoes of the world, 1981

Simkin, Tom, Siebert, Lee, McClelland, Lindsay, Bridge, David, Newhall, Christopher, and Latter, J. H., 1981, Volcanoes of the world: Stroudsburg, PA, Hutchinson Publishing Company, 233 p.

Assessment of thermal springs sites, Aleutian arc, Atka Island to Becharof Lake-preliminary results and evaluation, 1981

Motyka, R. J., Moorman, M. A., and Liss, S. A., 1981, Assessment of thermal springs sites, Aleutian arc, Atka Island to Becharof Lake-preliminary results and evaluation: Alaska Division of Geological & Geophysical Surveys Open-File Report AOF 0144, 173 p.
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(super 143) Nd/ (super 144) Nd, (super 87) Sr/ (super 86) Sr and trace element constraints on the petrogenesis of Aleutian island arc magmas, 1981

McCulloch, M. T., and Perfit, M. R., 1981, (super 143) Nd/ (super 144) Nd, (super 87) Sr/ (super 86) Sr and trace element constraints on the petrogenesis of Aleutian island arc magmas: Earth and Planetary Science Letters, v. 56, p. 167-179.
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Volcanism as a factor in human ecology: The Aleutian case, 1981

Black, L. T., 1981, Volcanism as a factor in human ecology: The Aleutian case: Ethnohistory, v. 28, n. 4, p. 313-339.

Changes in marine bird and mammal populations on an active volcano in Alaska, 1980

Byrd, G. V., Divoky, G. J., and Bailey, E. P., 1980, Changes in marine bird and mammal populations on an active volcano in Alaska: Murrelet, v. 61, n. 2, p. 50-62.
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Island-arc volcanism, 1979

Marsh, B. D., 1979, Island-arc volcanism: American Scientist, v. 67, n. 2, p. 161-172.

Geology of Amak Island, Aleutian Islands, Alaska, 1979

Marsh, B. D., and Leitz, R. E., 1979, Geology of Amak Island, Aleutian Islands, Alaska: Journal of Geology, v. 87, n. 6, p. 715-723.
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Comprehensive tables giving physical data and thermal energy estimates for young igneous systems of the United States, 1978

Smith, R. L., Shaw, H. R., Luedke, R. G., and Russell, S. L., 1978, Comprehensive tables giving physical data and thermal energy estimates for young igneous systems of the United States: U.S. Geological Survey Open-File Report 78-0925, p. 1-25.
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Pb and Sr isotopes in volcanic rocks from the Aleutian Islands and Pribilof Islands, Alaska, 1978

Kay, R. W., Sun, S. S., and Lee-Hu, C. N., 1978, Pb and Sr isotopes in volcanic rocks from the Aleutian Islands and Pribilof Islands, Alaska: Geochimica et Cosmochimica Acta, v. 42, p. 263-274.
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The alkalic rock suite of Bogoslof Island, eastern Aleutian Arc, Alaska, 1977

Arculus, R. J., DeLong, S. E., Kay, R., Brooks, C., and Sun, S. S., 1977, The alkalic rock suite of Bogoslof Island, eastern Aleutian Arc, Alaska: Journal of Geology, v. 85, n. 2, p. 177-186.
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Alaska's volcanoes: northern link in the ring of fire, 1976

Henning, R. A., Rosenthal, C. H., Olds, Barbara, and Reading, Ed, 1976, Alaska's volcanoes: northern link in the ring of fire: Alaska Geographic, v. 4, n. 1, 88 p.
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Bogoslof Island, 1976

Unknown, 1976, Bogoslof Island: in Henning, R. A., Rosenthal, C. H., Olds, Barbara, and Reading, Ed, (eds.), Alaska's volcanoes, northern link in the ring of fire, Alaska Geographic, v. 4, n. 1, p. 45-56.

Geochemical constraints on the origin of Aleutian magmas, 1974

Kay, Robert, and Sun, S. S., 1974, Geochemical constraints on the origin of Aleutian magmas [abs.]: Abstracts with Programs - Geological Society of America, v. 6, n. 7, p. 816-817.
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A catalogue of tsunamis on the western shore of the Pacific Ocean, 1974

Soloviev, S.L., and Go, Ch. N., 1974, A catalogue of tsunamis on the western shore of the Pacific Ocean: Nauka Publishing House, Moscow, USSR, 310 p. Translated from Russian in 1984, Canadian Translation of Fisheries and Aquatic Sciences 5077.
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Lead isotope studies of young volcanic rocks from oceanic islands, mid-ocean ridges, and island arcs, 1974

Sun, S. S., 1974, Lead isotope studies of young volcanic rocks from oceanic islands, mid-ocean ridges, and island arcs: Columbia University Ph.D. dissertaion, 139 p.

Notes on the islands of the Unalashka district; and, Notes on the Atkhan Aleuts and the Kolosh [translated from Russian by Richard Henry Geogheghan], 1968

Veniaminov, Ivan, 1968, Notes on the islands of the Unalashka district; and, Notes on the Atkhan Aleuts and the Kolosh [translated from Russian by Richard Henry Geogheghan]: Martin, Fredericka, (ed.), Unpublished manuscript, Fairbanks, AK, 944 p.

Petrology of three volcanic suites, Umnak and Bogoslof Islands, Aleutian Islands, Alaska, 1961

Byers, F. M., 1961, Petrology of three volcanic suites, Umnak and Bogoslof Islands, Aleutian Islands, Alaska: Geological Society of America Bulletin, v. 72, n. 1, p. 93-128.
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Geology of Umnak and Bogoslof Islands, Aleutian Islands, Alaska, 1959

Byers, F. M. Jr., 1959, Geology of Umnak and Bogoslof Islands, Aleutian Islands, Alaska: in Investigations of Alaskan volcanoes, U.S. Geological Survey Bulletin 1028-L, p. 267-369, 5 sheets, scale 1 at 1:63,360, 1 at 1:96,000, and 1 at 1:300,000.
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Alaska Peninsula-Aleutian Islands, 1958

Powers, H. A., 1958, Alaska Peninsula-Aleutian Islands: in Williams, H., (ed.), Landscapes of Alaska, Los Angeles, CA, University of California Press, p. 61-75.

The petrology of Umnak and Bogoslof islands, Alaska, 1955

Byers, F. M., 1955, The petrology of Umnak and Bogoslof islands, Alaska: University of Chicago unpublished Ph.D. dissertation, 189 p.

Aleutian volcanoes, 1952

Jones, A. E., 1952, Aleutian volcanoes: The Volcano Letter, v. 516, p. 8-9.
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Volcanic activity in the Aleutian Arc, 1950

Coats, R. R., 1950, Volcanic activity in the Aleutian Arc: U.S. Geological Survey Bulletin 0974-B, p. 35-49, 1 sheet, scale 1:5,000,000.
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The Bogoslof Islands, 1948

Ransom, J. E., 1948, The Bogoslof Islands: Alaska Life, v. 11, n. 8, p. 12-14.
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Exploring Aleutian volcanoes, 1948

Robinson, G. D., 1948, Exploring Aleutian volcanoes: National Geographic Magazine, v. 94, n. 4, p. 509-528.
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United States coast pilot, Alaska Part 2, Yakutat Bay to Arctic Ocean, 1947

U.S. Department of Commerce, and Coast and Geodetic Survey, 1947, United States coast pilot, Alaska Part 2, Yakutat Bay to Arctic Ocean: Washington DC, United States Government Printing Office, 659 p.

The Bogoslof Islands, Alaska, 1946

Ransom, J. E., 1946, The Bogoslof Islands, Alaska: Mineralogist, v. 14, n. 3, Portland, OR, Oregon Agate and Mineral Society, p. 118-121.

Alaska and the Aleutian belt, 1946

Coleman, S. N., 1946, Alaska and the Aleutian belt: chapter 16 of Volcanoes, New and Old, New York, The John Day Company, p. 155-165.
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Angry Earth, 1946

Lowney, P. B., 1946, Angry Earth: Alaska Life: the Territorial Magazine, v. 9, n. 4, p. 2.
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Volcanoes declare war: logistics and strategy of Pacific volcano science, 1945

Jaggar, T. A., 1945, Volcanoes declare war: logistics and strategy of Pacific volcano science: Honolulu, Paradise of the Pacific, Ltd, 166 p.

The Aleutian and Commander Islands and their inhabitants, 1945

Hrdlicka, Ales, 1945, The Aleutian and Commander Islands and their inhabitants: Philadelphia, PA, Wistar Institute of Anatomy and Biology, 630 p.
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Bogoslof the moving island, 1943

Hunnicutt, E. W., 1943, Bogoslof the moving island: Alaska Life, v. 6, n. 4, p. 55-58.
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The submarine topography of Bogoslof, 1937

Smith, P. A., 1937, The submarine topography of Bogoslof: Geographical Review, v. 27, p. 630-636, 1 sheet, scale unknown.

Bogoslof volcano, 1936

Lukens, R. R., 1936, Bogoslof volcano: The Military Engineer, v. 28, n. 159, p. 205-206.
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Aleutian eruptions 1930-1932, 1932

Jaggar, T. A., 1932, Aleutian eruptions 1930-1932: The Volcano Letter, v. 375, p. 1-4.
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Evolution of Bogoslof volcano, 1931

Jaggar, T. A., 1931, Evolution of Bogoslof volcano: The Volcano Letter, v. 322, p. 1-3.
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Recent activity of Bogoslof Volcano, 1930

Jaggar, T. A., 1930, Recent activity of Bogoslof Volcano: The Volcano Letter, v. 275, p. 1-3.
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Aleutian notes, 1929

Jaggar, T. A., 1929, Aleutian notes: The Volcano Letter, v. 246, p. 1.
full-text PDF 360 KB
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Volcano research of the United States Geological Survey, 1928

Jaggar, T. A., 1928, Volcano research of the United States Geological Survey: Journal of the Washington Academy of Sciences, v. 18, n. 19, p. 512-515.
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Some Aleutian volcanoes, 1927

Wilson, R. M., 1927, Some Aleutian volcanoes: The Volcano Letter, v. 134, p. 1.
full-text PDF 374 KB
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Aleutian volcanology, 1927

Jaggar, T. A., 1927, Aleutian volcanology: The Volcano Letter, v. 147, p. 1.
full-text PDF 390 KB
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The Aleutian Islands, 1927

Jaggar, T. A., 1927, The Aleutian Islands: The Volcano Letter, v. 116, p. 1.
full-text PDF 376 KB
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The Katmai magmatic province, 1926

Fenner, C. N., 1926, The Katmai magmatic province: Journal of Geology, v. 34, n. 7, p. 673-772.
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Submarine volcanoes, 1926

Finch, R. H., 1926, Submarine volcanoes: The Volcano Letter, v. 79, p. 1.
full-text PDF 315 KB
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Magmatic problems of the Aleutians, 1926

Fenner, C. N., 1926, Magmatic problems of the Aleutians: National Research Council Bulletin 56, n. 11, p. 124-127.
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Pacific volcano is active, 1923

Associated Press, 1923, Pacific volcano is active: The Lincoln State Journal, Illinois, June 26, 1923, p. 10.
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Reminiscences of Alaskan volcanoes, 1918

Dall, W. H., 1918, Reminiscences of Alaskan volcanoes: Scientific Monthly, v. 7, n. 1, p. 80-90.
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Katalog der geschichtlichen vulkanausbruche, 1917

Sapper, Karl, 1917, Katalog der geschichtlichen vulkanausbruche: Strassburg, Germany, Karl J. Trubner, 358 p.
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Chemical analyses of igneous rocks, published from 1884 to 1913, inclusive, with a critical discussion of the character and use of analyses; a revision and expansion of Professional Paper 14, 1917

Washington, H. S., 1917, Chemical analyses of igneous rocks, published from 1884 to 1913, inclusive, with a critical discussion of the character and use of analyses; a revision and expansion of Professional Paper 14: U.S. Geological Survey Professional Paper PP 0099, 1201 p.

Bird life on a sea volcano, 1917

Townsend, C.H., 1917, Bird life on a sea volcano: Zoological Society Bulletin, v. XX, n. 6, p. 1541-1544.
full-text PDF 370 kb

Recent changes in Bogoslof volcano, 1916

Powers, Sidney, 1916, Recent changes in Bogoslof volcano: Geographical Review, v. 2, n. 3, p. 218-221.
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Volcanic domes in the Pacific, 1916

Powers, Sidney, 1916, Volcanic domes in the Pacific: American Journal of Science, v. 42, p. 261-274.
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Nature turned sorceress, 1911

Prosser, W.T., 1911, Nature turned sorceress: The Technical World Magazine, v. XV, no. 1, p. 64-68.

History, geography and resources, 1910

Washburn, M. L., Merriam, C. H., Keeler, Charles, Grinnell, G. B., Gannett, Henry, Fernow, B. E., Dall, W. H., and Brewer, W. H., 1910, History, geography and resources: Smithsonian Institution Harriman Alaska Series v. 2, p. 185-393.

Volcanoes of North America, 1910

Russell, I. C., 1910, Volcanoes of North America: London, The Macmillan Company, 346 p.
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The volcanoes of Alaska, 1910

Cordeiro, F. J. B., 1910, The volcanoes of Alaska: Appalachia, v. 12, p. 130-135.
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The evolution of Bogoslof volcano, 1908

Jaggar, T. A., 1908, The evolution of Bogoslof volcano: Bulletin of the American Geographical Society of New York, v. 40, p. 385-400.
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Recent volcanic eruptions in the Bering Sea, 1908

Eakle, A. S., 1908, Recent volcanic eruptions in the Bering Sea: Mining and Scientific Press, v. 96, p. 353.
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A theory of ore deposition. Discussion of a review by F. L. Ransome, of paper by J. E. Spurr, 1908

Jaggar, T. A., 1908, A theory of ore deposition. Discussion of a review by F. L. Ransome, of paper by J. E. Spurr: Economic Geology, v. 3, p. 529-532.

Notes on recent changes in the Bogoslof Islands, 1908

Smith, P. S., 1908, Notes on recent changes in the Bogoslof Islands: Science, v. 27, n. 696, p. 695.
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The evolution of Bogoslof, 1908

Jaggar, T. A., 1908, The evolution of Bogoslof [abs.]: Science, v. 28, p. 575.

Journal of the technology expedition to the Aleutian Islands, 1907, 1908

Jaggar, T. A., 1908, Journal of the technology expedition to the Aleutian Islands, 1907: The Technology Review, v. 10, n. 1, p. 1-37.
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On the chase for volcanoes, 1908

Dunn, Robert, 1908, On the chase for volcanoes: The Outing Magazine, v. 51, p. 540-550.
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An island rises from the sea to annex itself, 1906

Dunn, Robert, 1906, An island rises from the sea to annex itself: The Washington Post, Washington, D.C., October 14, 1906, p. 44.
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Logbooks of the U.S. Revenue Cutter Service Perry, 1906

Logbooks of the U.S. Revenue Cutter Service Perry, 1906. Transcripts available at .

Bogoslof volcanoes, 1902

Merriam, C. H., 1902, Bogoslof volcanoes: Smithsonian Institution Annual Report 1901, p. 367-375.

Bogoslof, our newest volcano, 1901

Merriam, C. H., 1901, Bogoslof, our newest volcano: in Harriman Alaska expedition, 1899. Harriman Alaska series, v. 2, New York, Publisher unknown, p. 291-336.

The birth of an American volcano, Bogoslof in Bering Sea, 1901

Merriam, C. H., 1901, The birth of an American volcano, Bogoslof in Bering Sea: Everybodys Magazine, v. 5, p. 293-301.
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Appleton's guide-book to Alaska and the northwest coast, including the shores of Washington, British Columbia, southeastern Alaska, the Aleutian and Seal Islands, the Bering and the Arctic coasts, 1899

Scidmore, E. R., 1899, Appleton's guide-book to Alaska and the northwest coast, including the shores of Washington, British Columbia, southeastern Alaska, the Aleutian and Seal Islands, the Bering and the Arctic coasts: New York, D. Appleton and Co., 167 p.

Reconnaissance of the gold fields of southern Alaska with some notes on general geology, 1898

Becker, G. F., 1898, Reconnaissance of the gold fields of southern Alaska with some notes on general geology: U.S. Geological Survey Annual Report 0018, p. 1-86, 6 sheets, scale unknown.
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Reported volcanic eruptions in Alaska, Puget Sound, etc., 1690-1896, 1898

Plummer, F. G., 1898, Reported volcanic eruptions in Alaska, Puget Sound, etc., 1690-1896: in Holden, E. S., (ed.), A Catalogue of Earthquakes on the Pacific Coast 1769-1897, Smithsonian Institution Miscellaneous Collections 1087, City of Washington D.C., Smithsonian Institution, p. 24-27.
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Sealing in south seas. A promising business no longer to be overlooked by hunters. Disastrous Alaskan season. Yukon gold fields and their profits. Volcanoes and harbors of the north., 1895

Sealing in south seas. A promising business no longer to be overlooked by hunters. Disastrous Alaskan season. Yukon gold fields and their profits. Volcanoes and harbors of the north, August 30, 1895, The San Francisco Call, p. 9.

Our youngest volcano, 1893

Diller, J. S., 1893, Our youngest volcano: National Geographic Magazine, v. 5, p. 93-96.
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Eruption of Bogoslov, 1891

Hooper, C. L., 1891, Eruption of Bogoslov: Bulletin of the American Geographical Society, v. 23, n. 4, p. 582-583.
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Volcanic eruption in the Bering Sea, 1890

Davidson, George, 1890, Volcanic eruption in the Bering Sea: Journal of the American Geographical Society of New York, v. 22, p. 267-272.
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Descriptions of Bogoslov Island and the new volcano in Bering Sea, 1889

Cantwell, J. C., and Yemans, H. W., 1889, Descriptions of Bogoslov Island and the new volcano in Bering Sea: in Report of the cruise of the revenue marine steamer Corwin in the Arctic Ocean in the year 1884, Washington: Government Printing Office, p. 39-44.
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Report of the cruise of the revenue marine steamer Corwin in the Arctic Ocean in the year 1884, 1889

Healy, M. A., Cantwell, J. C., McLenegan, S. B., and Yemans, H. W., (ed.), 1889, Report of the cruise of the revenue marine steamer Corwin in the Arctic Ocean in the year 1884: Washington D.C., U.S. Government Printing Office, 128 p.

On hornblende andesites from the new volcano on Bogoslov Island in Bering Sea, 1889

Merrill, G. P., 1889, On hornblende andesites from the new volcano on Bogoslov Island in Bering Sea: in Report of the cruise of the revenue marine steamer Corwin in the Arctic Ocean in the year 1884, Washington: Government Printing Office, p. 45-46.
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On the volcanic eruptions near Alaska, 1883 [Om de vulkaniska utbrotten vid Alaska 1883], 1885

Svedmark, Eugene, 1885, On the volcanic eruptions near Alaska, 1883 [Om de vulkaniska utbrotten vid Alaska 1883]: Ymer. Aarg, v. 5, p. 129-134.

Lava from the new volcano on Bogosloff Island, 1885

Diller, J. S., 1885, Lava from the new volcano on Bogosloff Island: Science, v. 5, n. 103, p. 66-67.
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On hornblende andesites from the new volcano on Bogosloff Island in Bering Sea, 1885

Merrill, G. P., 1885, On hornblende andesites from the new volcano on Bogosloff Island in Bering Sea: United States National Museum Proceedings 0008, Washington, DC, Smithsonian Institution, p. 31-33.
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Further notes on Bogoslof island, 1885

Dall, W. H., 1885, Further notes on Bogoslof island: Science, v. 5, n. 101, p. 32-33.
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A new volcano island in Alaska, 1884

Dall, W. H., 1884, A new volcano island in Alaska: Science, v. 3, n. 51, p. 89-93.
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The new Bogosloff volcano in Bering Sea, 1884

Davidson, George, 1884, The new Bogosloff volcano in Bering Sea: Science, v. 3, n. 57, p. 282-286.
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Hornblende andesite from the new Bogosloff volcano, 1884

Merrill, G. P., 1884, Hornblende andesite from the new Bogosloff volcano: Science, v. 4, n. 97, p. 524.
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The new Bogosloff Volcano, 1884

Unknown, 1884, The new Bogosloff Volcano: Science, v. 4, n. 80, p. 138-139.
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The new volcano of the Bering Sea [Bogosloff Island and Hague Volcano], 1884

Stoney, G. M., 1884, The new volcano of the Bering Sea [Bogosloff Island and Hague Volcano]: Science, v. 4, n. 92, p. 432-434.
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The volcanic region of Alaska, 1884

Petroff, Ivan, 1884, The volcanic region of Alaska: in Population, Industries, and Resources of Alaska, Washington DC, Government Printing Office, p. 93-96.
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The first ascent of the Volcano Makushin, 1884

Davidson, G., 1884, The first ascent of the Volcano Makushin: Appalachia, v. 4, n. 1, p. 1-11.
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Alaska and its resources, 1870

Dall, W. H., 1870, Alaska and its resources: Boston, Lee and Shepard, 627 p.
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Documents sur les tremblements de terre et les phenomenes volcaniques des iles Aleutiennes, de la peninsule d'Aljaska et de la cote no. d'Amerique, Extrait des memoires de l'Academie des sciences, arts et belles-lettres de Dijon, 1865, 1866

Perrey, Alexis, 1866, Documents sur les tremblements de terre et les phenomenes volcaniques des iles Aleutiennes, de la peninsule d'Aljaska et de la cote no. d'Amerique, Extrait des memoires de l'Academie des sciences, arts et belles-lettres de Dijon, 1865: Dijon, J.E. Rabutut, 131 p.
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Grewingk's geology of Alaska and the Northwest Coast of America [edited by Marvin W. Falk, translation by Fritz Jaensch published 2003], 1850

Grewingk, Constantine, 1850, Grewingk's geology of Alaska and the Northwest Coast of America [edited by Marvin W. Falk, translation by Fritz Jaensch published 2003]: Rasmuson Library Historical Translation Series 11, Fairbanks, AK, The University of Alaska Press, 242 p.
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Notes on the islands of the Unalaska district [translated from Russian by Lydia T. Black and R.H. Geoghegan in 1984], 1840

Veniaminov, Ivan, 1840, Notes on the islands of the Unalaska district [translated from Russian by Lydia T. Black and R.H. Geoghegan in 1984]: Pierce, R. A., (ed.), Kingston, Ontario, Limestone Press, 511 p.
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Notes on the islands of the Unalashka district [Zapiski ob ostravakh Unalashkinskogo otdela], 1840

Veniaminov, I., 1840, Notes on the islands of the Unalashka district [Zapiski ob ostravakh Unalashkinskogo otdela]: v. 1-3, St. Petersburg, Russiisko-Amerikanskoi Kompanii, unknown.

A voyage around the world 1803-1807 (two volumes in one, translated by Victoria Joan Moessner, 1993), 1812

Langsdorff, G. H., 1812, A voyage around the world 1803-1807 (two volumes in one, translated by Victoria Joan Moessner, 1993): Pierce, R. A., (ed.), Kingston, Ontario, Limestone Press, 281 p.
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Past volcanic activity in the Aleutian arc,

Coats, R. R., Past volcanic activity in the Aleutian arc: U.S. Geological Survey Volcano Investigations Report 1, 18 p.
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Volcano observations,

Kienle, Juergen (comp.), Volcano observations: Notes about volcanoes and volcanic eruptions collected, made, and stored by Juergen Kienle, on file at University of Alaska Fairbanks, Geophysical Institute, unpublished, unpaged.

The U.S. Geological Survey Volcano Science Center's Response Plan for Significant Volcanic Events,

Moran, S.C., Neal, C.A., and Murray, T.L., The U.S. Geological Survey Volcano Science Center’s Response Plan for Significant Volcanic Events: U.S. Geological Survey Circular 1518, 65 p. cir1518
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