Co-eruptive tremor from Bogoslof volcano: seismic wavefield composition at regional distances

Author(s): Haney, Matthew, Fee, David, McKee, Kathleen, Lyons, John, Matoza, R. S., Wech, Aaron, Tepp, Gabrielle, Searcy, Cheryl, and Mikesell, T. D.

Publication Year: 2020

Bibliographic Reference:

Haney, M.M., Fee, David, McKee, K.F., Lyons, J.J., Matoza, R.S., Wech, A.G., Tepp, Gabrielle, Searcy, Cheryl, and Mikesell, T.D., 2020, Co-eruptive tremor from Bogoslof volcano: seismic wavefield composition at regional distances: Bulletin of Volcanology, v. 82, doi:

Citation Updated: 2020-04-03 23:18:23