Vsevidof 1880
Start: 1880 [1]
Event Type: Other
- "Smoke" [1]
Description: Coats (1950) reports smoke at Vsevidof in 1880.
References Cited
[1] Volcanic activity in the Aleutian Arc, 1950
Coats, R. R., 1950, Volcanic activity in the Aleutian Arc: U.S. Geological Survey Bulletin 0974-B, p. 35-49, 1 sheet, scale 1:5,000,000.

Complete Eruption References
Volcanic activity in the Aleutian Arc, 1950
Coats, R. R., 1950, Volcanic activity in the Aleutian Arc: U.S. Geological Survey Bulletin 0974-B, p. 35-49, 1 sheet, scale 1:5,000,000.

Volcanoes of the world [2nd edition], 1994
Simkin, Tom, and Siebert, Lee, 1994, Volcanoes of the world [2nd edition]: Tucson, Arizona, Geoscience Press, 349 p.
Hard Copy held by AVO at FBKS - CEC shelf
Geology of Umnak and Bogoslof Islands, Aleutian Islands, Alaska, 1959
Byers, F. M. Jr., 1959, Geology of Umnak and Bogoslof Islands, Aleutian Islands, Alaska: in Investigations of Alaskan volcanoes, U.S. Geological Survey Bulletin 1028-L, p. 267-369, 5 sheets, scale 1 at 1:63,360, 1 at 1:96,000, and 1 at 1:300,000.