AVO Personnel Directory
AVO is an extended group composed of staff from each of our three partner agencies: the U.S. Geological Survey, the University of Alaska Fairbanks Geophysical Institute, and the State of Alaska Division of Geological & Geophysical Surveys. Some AVO staff work full time for the Observatory but others are with AVO for only a portion of their work hours. A wide variety of disciplines are represented, including geophysics, field engineering, geology, hydrology, geochemistry, remote sensing, informational technology and networking, electronics, and administration.
Angarita, Mario
Discipline(s): UAF Graduate Student
Benavidez, Anthony
Discipline(s): Computer Systems/Database/GIS
Botnick, Steven
NPS Alaska Region WAN and VoIP manager.
Discipline(s): Computer Systems/Database/GIS
Boyce, Ellie
Field Engineer
Discipline(s): Electronics
Brewster, Israel
Software Engineer
Discipline(s): Computer Systems/Database/GIS
Calvert, Andy
I am the argon geochronologist for Volcano Hazards.
Discipline(s): Geochronology, Geology
Cheng, Yitian
PhD candidate at University of Alaska Fairbanks
Discipline(s): UAF Graduate Student
Coombs, Michelle
Michelle has been a Research Geologist for USGS-AVO in Anchorage since 2004. Her work includes research on a wide variety of topics in geology, petrology, and geochemistry, as well as geologic mapping and hazards assessment. Recent and current research interests include (1) timing and generation of explosive silicic eruptions at Alaskan volcanoes, especially Augustine and Hayes; (2) refined edifice mapping and eruptive history of Akutan, Spurr, and Redoubt volcanoes; and (3) combining petrologic study with detailed eruption chronologies to elucidate processes of magma generation and eruption triggering at dome-forming volcanoes such as Redoubt and Augustine. From March 2016 to May 2023, Michelle was the Scientist-in-Charge for AVO. Prior to 2004, she worked for the USGS in Menlo Park, CA, where her research focused on the geochemistry, petrology, and submarine geology of Hawaiian volcanoes.
Website: http://profile.usgs.gov/mcoombs
Discipline(s): Geochemistry, Geochronology, Geology, Petrology, Tephra
Crass, Scott
Webmaster for the Alaska Volcano Observatory.
Website: www.avo.alaska.edu
Discipline(s): Computer Systems/Database/GIS
Enders, Max
Discipline(s): Electronics
Fee, David
AVO-GI Coordinating Scientist. Research Professor at UAF specializing in infrasound and seismology.
Website: https://sites.google.com/alaska.edu/davidfee/
Discipline(s): Infrasound
Girona, Társilo
Website: www.tgirona.com
Discipline(s): Remote Sensing, Seismology
Graham, Mariah
Active UAF GI-AVO research assistant, Geodesy group (R. Grapenthin).
Discipline(s): UAF Graduate Student
Grapenthin, Ronni
Website: http://www.grapenthin.org
Discipline(s): Geodesy
Haney, Matthew
Matt is a Research Geophysicist with the USGS in Anchorage who specializes in volcano seismology. His work involves research on the seismicity and structure of Alaskan volcanoes, volcano monitoring, and the acquisition and processing of data from the AVO seismic network. Matt's interests include volcanic tremor, low frequency seismic signals, seismic noise, infrasound, array methods, and tomography.
Website: http://scholar.google.com/citations?user=YG7-Qq0AAAAJ&hl=en
Discipline(s): Seismology
Izbekov, Pavel
RESEARCH INTERESTS:Investigating magma processes in volcanic arcs through petrologic and experimental studies of igneous rocks. MONITORING: remote sensing, processing of SAR imagery, communication with Russian colleagues.
Website: http://kiska.giseis.alaska.edu/input/pavel/
Discipline(s): Geochemistry, Geology, Petrology, Remote Sensing, Tephra
Kaufman, Max
Discipline(s): Geodesy
Ketner, Dane
Discipline(s): Seismology, Electronics
Kim, Kyungmin
AVO-GI PhD Candidate
Discipline(s): UAF Graduate Student
Larsen, Jessica
Jessica is a Research Associate Professor with the Geophysical Institute. Research involvement includes volatiles in magmas, vesiculation kinetics, and magma mixing and mingling. Research sites include Okmok, Augustine, Westdahl, and Vesuvius volcanoes in Alaska and Italy.
Discipline(s): Geology, Petrology
Loewen, Matthew
Matt has worked as a Research Geologist for the U.S. Geological Survey working at the Alaska Volcano Observatory in Anchorage, AK, since 2017. His research utilizes igneous petrology, geochemistry, field mapping, stratigraphy, physical volcanology, and remote sensing techniques to study the geologic history and magmatic system of Alaska volcanoes.
Website: https://www.usgs.gov/staff-profiles/matthew-loewen
Discipline(s): Geochemistry, Geology, Petrology, Remote Sensing, Tephra
Lopez, Taryn
Taryn is a Research Associate Professor at the UAF Geophysical Institute. Her research expertise is in volcanic gas geochemistry and (UV and IR) remote sensing. Her main research interests lie in using measurements of volcanic gas composition and flux to characterize subvolcanic conditions and better understand volcanic activity.
Website: https://sites.google.com/alaska.edu/tarynlopez/
Discipline(s): Geochemistry, Remote Sensing
Lubbers, Jordan
Mendenhall postdoc
Website: www.avo.alaska.edu
Discipline(s): Geochemistry, Geology, Petrology, Tephra
Lyons, John
Discipline(s): Seismology, Infrasound
Mayo, Wyatt
Website: www.avo.alaska.edu
Discipline(s): Electronics
Mitchell, Yaakov
Physical Science Technician
Discipline(s): Electronics
Moshrefzadeh, Jamshid
Discipline(s): UAF Graduate Student
Nakai, Jenny
Discipline(s): Seismology
Nastan, Abigail
Abbey Nastan is a geologist with the Alaska Volcano Observatory. Her work focuses on stewardship of AVO volcanic data, volcano research, and science communication. Prior to working for AVO, she worked at the NASA Jet Propulsion Laboratory.
Discipline(s): Geology, Remote Sensing, Computer Systems/Database/GIS
Orr, Tim
Geologic mapping and interpretation of Quaternary and recent eruptive products at active Alaskan volcanoes; hazards assessment; eruption crisis response including observation and documentation of volcanic activity, and dissemination of information to Federal, State, and local authorities as well as the media, scientific community, and the general public.
Discipline(s): Geology
Parker, Thomas
Discipline(s): Computer Systems/Database/GIS
Paskievitch, John
Electronics, radio, seismic station installation and maintenance.
Discipline(s): Electronics
Power, John
Volcano Seismology, Eruption Forecasting, Volcano Geodesy.
Website: https://www.usgs.gov/staff-profiles/john-a-power
Discipline(s): Seismology
Prejean, Stephanie
Discipline(s): Seismology
Puleio, Claire
Discipline(s): UAF Graduate Student
Read, Cyrus
Discipline(s): Electronics
Rosenkrans, Hannah
Discipline(s): Geology
Schneider, Ozzy
Graduate Student working on Mount Churchill
Discipline(s): UAF Graduate Student
Schneider, Dave
USGS-Anchorage. Research and monitoring of volcanic activity using remote sensing. Interests include satellite measurements of ash and so2, ground-based and airborne thermal imaging, and ground-based radar observations of ash emissions.
Discipline(s): Remote Sensing
Schwaiger, Hans
Discipline(s): Tephra
Searcy, Cheryl
Discipline(s): Seismology
Shreve, Tara
Discipline(s): Geodesy
Stihler, Scott
Scott Stihler is a geophysicist at the Alaska Volcano Observatory. He is primarily involved in seismic data analysis, particularly with respect to the location of seismicity associated with the various volcanoes monitored by AVO, and the dissemination of such information.
Discipline(s): Seismology
Tan, Darren
UAF Graduate Student
Discipline(s): UAF Graduate Student
Vallance, Jim
Discipline(s): Geology
Wallace, Kristi
Kristi manages The USGS/AVO Alaska Tephra Laboratory (ATL) and Data Center. The ATL is an interdisciplinary center for the study of tephra fall (volcanic ash) erupted from Alaskan volcanoes and serves as a regional facility for the storage and management of tephra data. The ATL houses data and physical archives including a growing reference collection for the USGS/AVO and its collaborators. Kristi's research focus includes tephrochronology, tephrostratigraphy, and ashfall impacts.
Discipline(s): Geology, Tephra
Wasser, Valerie
Discipline(s): UAF Graduate Student
Waythomas, Christopher
Project chief for USGS, Water Resources Division program on "Hydrologic Hazards and Processes at Alaska Volcanoes". Areas of expertise are geomorphology, hydrology, and Quaternary geology. Current investigations and research activities include hydrologic hazard assessments at Alaska Volcanoes, volcano-glacier interactions and the generation of floods and lahars, and Holocene geomorphic history of Alaska volcanoes. Presently working at Aniakchak Caldera, Adak Island, Mt. Spurr, and Mt. Redoubt.
Discipline(s): Geology, Hydrology
Wech, Aaron
Discipline(s): Seismology
Zirnheld, (Sandra) Lee
Field Logistics Coordinator
Discipline(s): Geology
Computer Systems/Database/GIS
Parker, Thomas
Discipline(s): Computer Systems/Database/GIS
Botnick, Steven
NPS Alaska Region WAN and VoIP manager.
Discipline(s): Computer Systems/Database/GIS
Crass, Scott
Webmaster for the Alaska Volcano Observatory.
Website: www.avo.alaska.edu
Discipline(s): Computer Systems/Database/GIS
Benavidez, Anthony
Discipline(s): Computer Systems/Database/GIS
Brewster, Israel
Software Engineer
Discipline(s): Computer Systems/Database/GIS
Nastan, Abigail
Abbey Nastan is a geologist with the Alaska Volcano Observatory. Her work focuses on stewardship of AVO volcanic data, volcano research, and science communication. Prior to working for AVO, she worked at the NASA Jet Propulsion Laboratory.
Discipline(s): Geology, Remote Sensing, Computer Systems/Database/GIS
Paskievitch, John
Electronics, radio, seismic station installation and maintenance.
Discipline(s): Electronics
Read, Cyrus
Discipline(s): Electronics
Ketner, Dane
Discipline(s): Seismology, Electronics
Boyce, Ellie
Field Engineer
Discipline(s): Electronics
Mayo, Wyatt
Website: www.avo.alaska.edu
Discipline(s): Electronics
Enders, Max
Discipline(s): Electronics
Mitchell, Yaakov
Physical Science Technician
Discipline(s): Electronics
Coombs, Michelle
Michelle has been a Research Geologist for USGS-AVO in Anchorage since 2004. Her work includes research on a wide variety of topics in geology, petrology, and geochemistry, as well as geologic mapping and hazards assessment. Recent and current research interests include (1) timing and generation of explosive silicic eruptions at Alaskan volcanoes, especially Augustine and Hayes; (2) refined edifice mapping and eruptive history of Akutan, Spurr, and Redoubt volcanoes; and (3) combining petrologic study with detailed eruption chronologies to elucidate processes of magma generation and eruption triggering at dome-forming volcanoes such as Redoubt and Augustine. From March 2016 to May 2023, Michelle was the Scientist-in-Charge for AVO. Prior to 2004, she worked for the USGS in Menlo Park, CA, where her research focused on the geochemistry, petrology, and submarine geology of Hawaiian volcanoes.
Website: http://profile.usgs.gov/mcoombs
Discipline(s): Geochemistry, Geochronology, Geology, Petrology, Tephra
Izbekov, Pavel
RESEARCH INTERESTS:Investigating magma processes in volcanic arcs through petrologic and experimental studies of igneous rocks. MONITORING: remote sensing, processing of SAR imagery, communication with Russian colleagues.
Website: http://kiska.giseis.alaska.edu/input/pavel/
Discipline(s): Geochemistry, Geology, Petrology, Remote Sensing, Tephra
Lopez, Taryn
Taryn is a Research Associate Professor at the UAF Geophysical Institute. Her research expertise is in volcanic gas geochemistry and (UV and IR) remote sensing. Her main research interests lie in using measurements of volcanic gas composition and flux to characterize subvolcanic conditions and better understand volcanic activity.
Website: https://sites.google.com/alaska.edu/tarynlopez/
Discipline(s): Geochemistry, Remote Sensing
Loewen, Matthew
Matt has worked as a Research Geologist for the U.S. Geological Survey working at the Alaska Volcano Observatory in Anchorage, AK, since 2017. His research utilizes igneous petrology, geochemistry, field mapping, stratigraphy, physical volcanology, and remote sensing techniques to study the geologic history and magmatic system of Alaska volcanoes.
Website: https://www.usgs.gov/staff-profiles/matthew-loewen
Discipline(s): Geochemistry, Geology, Petrology, Remote Sensing, Tephra
Lubbers, Jordan
Mendenhall postdoc
Website: www.avo.alaska.edu
Discipline(s): Geochemistry, Geology, Petrology, Tephra
Coombs, Michelle
Michelle has been a Research Geologist for USGS-AVO in Anchorage since 2004. Her work includes research on a wide variety of topics in geology, petrology, and geochemistry, as well as geologic mapping and hazards assessment. Recent and current research interests include (1) timing and generation of explosive silicic eruptions at Alaskan volcanoes, especially Augustine and Hayes; (2) refined edifice mapping and eruptive history of Akutan, Spurr, and Redoubt volcanoes; and (3) combining petrologic study with detailed eruption chronologies to elucidate processes of magma generation and eruption triggering at dome-forming volcanoes such as Redoubt and Augustine. From March 2016 to May 2023, Michelle was the Scientist-in-Charge for AVO. Prior to 2004, she worked for the USGS in Menlo Park, CA, where her research focused on the geochemistry, petrology, and submarine geology of Hawaiian volcanoes.
Website: http://profile.usgs.gov/mcoombs
Discipline(s): Geochemistry, Geochronology, Geology, Petrology, Tephra
Calvert, Andy
I am the argon geochronologist for Volcano Hazards.
Discipline(s): Geochronology, Geology
Kaufman, Max
Discipline(s): Geodesy
Grapenthin, Ronni
Website: http://www.grapenthin.org
Discipline(s): Geodesy
Shreve, Tara
Discipline(s): Geodesy
Larsen, Jessica
Jessica is a Research Associate Professor with the Geophysical Institute. Research involvement includes volatiles in magmas, vesiculation kinetics, and magma mixing and mingling. Research sites include Okmok, Augustine, Westdahl, and Vesuvius volcanoes in Alaska and Italy.
Discipline(s): Geology, Petrology
Wallace, Kristi
Kristi manages The USGS/AVO Alaska Tephra Laboratory (ATL) and Data Center. The ATL is an interdisciplinary center for the study of tephra fall (volcanic ash) erupted from Alaskan volcanoes and serves as a regional facility for the storage and management of tephra data. The ATL houses data and physical archives including a growing reference collection for the USGS/AVO and its collaborators. Kristi's research focus includes tephrochronology, tephrostratigraphy, and ashfall impacts.
Discipline(s): Geology, Tephra
Waythomas, Christopher
Project chief for USGS, Water Resources Division program on "Hydrologic Hazards and Processes at Alaska Volcanoes". Areas of expertise are geomorphology, hydrology, and Quaternary geology. Current investigations and research activities include hydrologic hazard assessments at Alaska Volcanoes, volcano-glacier interactions and the generation of floods and lahars, and Holocene geomorphic history of Alaska volcanoes. Presently working at Aniakchak Caldera, Adak Island, Mt. Spurr, and Mt. Redoubt.
Discipline(s): Geology, Hydrology
Coombs, Michelle
Michelle has been a Research Geologist for USGS-AVO in Anchorage since 2004. Her work includes research on a wide variety of topics in geology, petrology, and geochemistry, as well as geologic mapping and hazards assessment. Recent and current research interests include (1) timing and generation of explosive silicic eruptions at Alaskan volcanoes, especially Augustine and Hayes; (2) refined edifice mapping and eruptive history of Akutan, Spurr, and Redoubt volcanoes; and (3) combining petrologic study with detailed eruption chronologies to elucidate processes of magma generation and eruption triggering at dome-forming volcanoes such as Redoubt and Augustine. From March 2016 to May 2023, Michelle was the Scientist-in-Charge for AVO. Prior to 2004, she worked for the USGS in Menlo Park, CA, where her research focused on the geochemistry, petrology, and submarine geology of Hawaiian volcanoes.
Website: http://profile.usgs.gov/mcoombs
Discipline(s): Geochemistry, Geochronology, Geology, Petrology, Tephra
Izbekov, Pavel
RESEARCH INTERESTS:Investigating magma processes in volcanic arcs through petrologic and experimental studies of igneous rocks. MONITORING: remote sensing, processing of SAR imagery, communication with Russian colleagues.
Website: http://kiska.giseis.alaska.edu/input/pavel/
Discipline(s): Geochemistry, Geology, Petrology, Remote Sensing, Tephra
Calvert, Andy
I am the argon geochronologist for Volcano Hazards.
Discipline(s): Geochronology, Geology
Vallance, Jim
Discipline(s): Geology
Orr, Tim
Geologic mapping and interpretation of Quaternary and recent eruptive products at active Alaskan volcanoes; hazards assessment; eruption crisis response including observation and documentation of volcanic activity, and dissemination of information to Federal, State, and local authorities as well as the media, scientific community, and the general public.
Discipline(s): Geology
Loewen, Matthew
Matt has worked as a Research Geologist for the U.S. Geological Survey working at the Alaska Volcano Observatory in Anchorage, AK, since 2017. His research utilizes igneous petrology, geochemistry, field mapping, stratigraphy, physical volcanology, and remote sensing techniques to study the geologic history and magmatic system of Alaska volcanoes.
Website: https://www.usgs.gov/staff-profiles/matthew-loewen
Discipline(s): Geochemistry, Geology, Petrology, Remote Sensing, Tephra
Rosenkrans, Hannah
Discipline(s): Geology
Lubbers, Jordan
Mendenhall postdoc
Website: www.avo.alaska.edu
Discipline(s): Geochemistry, Geology, Petrology, Tephra
Nastan, Abigail
Abbey Nastan is a geologist with the Alaska Volcano Observatory. Her work focuses on stewardship of AVO volcanic data, volcano research, and science communication. Prior to working for AVO, she worked at the NASA Jet Propulsion Laboratory.
Discipline(s): Geology, Remote Sensing, Computer Systems/Database/GIS
Zirnheld, (Sandra) Lee
Field Logistics Coordinator
Discipline(s): Geology
Waythomas, Christopher
Project chief for USGS, Water Resources Division program on "Hydrologic Hazards and Processes at Alaska Volcanoes". Areas of expertise are geomorphology, hydrology, and Quaternary geology. Current investigations and research activities include hydrologic hazard assessments at Alaska Volcanoes, volcano-glacier interactions and the generation of floods and lahars, and Holocene geomorphic history of Alaska volcanoes. Presently working at Aniakchak Caldera, Adak Island, Mt. Spurr, and Mt. Redoubt.
Discipline(s): Geology, Hydrology
Fee, David
AVO-GI Coordinating Scientist. Research Professor at UAF specializing in infrasound and seismology.
Website: https://sites.google.com/alaska.edu/davidfee/
Discipline(s): Infrasound
Lyons, John
Discipline(s): Seismology, Infrasound
Larsen, Jessica
Jessica is a Research Associate Professor with the Geophysical Institute. Research involvement includes volatiles in magmas, vesiculation kinetics, and magma mixing and mingling. Research sites include Okmok, Augustine, Westdahl, and Vesuvius volcanoes in Alaska and Italy.
Discipline(s): Geology, Petrology
Coombs, Michelle
Michelle has been a Research Geologist for USGS-AVO in Anchorage since 2004. Her work includes research on a wide variety of topics in geology, petrology, and geochemistry, as well as geologic mapping and hazards assessment. Recent and current research interests include (1) timing and generation of explosive silicic eruptions at Alaskan volcanoes, especially Augustine and Hayes; (2) refined edifice mapping and eruptive history of Akutan, Spurr, and Redoubt volcanoes; and (3) combining petrologic study with detailed eruption chronologies to elucidate processes of magma generation and eruption triggering at dome-forming volcanoes such as Redoubt and Augustine. From March 2016 to May 2023, Michelle was the Scientist-in-Charge for AVO. Prior to 2004, she worked for the USGS in Menlo Park, CA, where her research focused on the geochemistry, petrology, and submarine geology of Hawaiian volcanoes.
Website: http://profile.usgs.gov/mcoombs
Discipline(s): Geochemistry, Geochronology, Geology, Petrology, Tephra
Izbekov, Pavel
RESEARCH INTERESTS:Investigating magma processes in volcanic arcs through petrologic and experimental studies of igneous rocks. MONITORING: remote sensing, processing of SAR imagery, communication with Russian colleagues.
Website: http://kiska.giseis.alaska.edu/input/pavel/
Discipline(s): Geochemistry, Geology, Petrology, Remote Sensing, Tephra
Loewen, Matthew
Matt has worked as a Research Geologist for the U.S. Geological Survey working at the Alaska Volcano Observatory in Anchorage, AK, since 2017. His research utilizes igneous petrology, geochemistry, field mapping, stratigraphy, physical volcanology, and remote sensing techniques to study the geologic history and magmatic system of Alaska volcanoes.
Website: https://www.usgs.gov/staff-profiles/matthew-loewen
Discipline(s): Geochemistry, Geology, Petrology, Remote Sensing, Tephra
Lubbers, Jordan
Mendenhall postdoc
Website: www.avo.alaska.edu
Discipline(s): Geochemistry, Geology, Petrology, Tephra
Remote Sensing
Schneider, Dave
USGS-Anchorage. Research and monitoring of volcanic activity using remote sensing. Interests include satellite measurements of ash and so2, ground-based and airborne thermal imaging, and ground-based radar observations of ash emissions.
Discipline(s): Remote Sensing
Izbekov, Pavel
RESEARCH INTERESTS:Investigating magma processes in volcanic arcs through petrologic and experimental studies of igneous rocks. MONITORING: remote sensing, processing of SAR imagery, communication with Russian colleagues.
Website: http://kiska.giseis.alaska.edu/input/pavel/
Discipline(s): Geochemistry, Geology, Petrology, Remote Sensing, Tephra
Lopez, Taryn
Taryn is a Research Associate Professor at the UAF Geophysical Institute. Her research expertise is in volcanic gas geochemistry and (UV and IR) remote sensing. Her main research interests lie in using measurements of volcanic gas composition and flux to characterize subvolcanic conditions and better understand volcanic activity.
Website: https://sites.google.com/alaska.edu/tarynlopez/
Discipline(s): Geochemistry, Remote Sensing
Loewen, Matthew
Matt has worked as a Research Geologist for the U.S. Geological Survey working at the Alaska Volcano Observatory in Anchorage, AK, since 2017. His research utilizes igneous petrology, geochemistry, field mapping, stratigraphy, physical volcanology, and remote sensing techniques to study the geologic history and magmatic system of Alaska volcanoes.
Website: https://www.usgs.gov/staff-profiles/matthew-loewen
Discipline(s): Geochemistry, Geology, Petrology, Remote Sensing, Tephra
Girona, Társilo
Website: www.tgirona.com
Discipline(s): Remote Sensing, Seismology
Nastan, Abigail
Abbey Nastan is a geologist with the Alaska Volcano Observatory. Her work focuses on stewardship of AVO volcanic data, volcano research, and science communication. Prior to working for AVO, she worked at the NASA Jet Propulsion Laboratory.
Discipline(s): Geology, Remote Sensing, Computer Systems/Database/GIS
Power, John
Volcano Seismology, Eruption Forecasting, Volcano Geodesy.
Website: https://www.usgs.gov/staff-profiles/john-a-power
Discipline(s): Seismology
Stihler, Scott
Scott Stihler is a geophysicist at the Alaska Volcano Observatory. He is primarily involved in seismic data analysis, particularly with respect to the location of seismicity associated with the various volcanoes monitored by AVO, and the dissemination of such information.
Discipline(s): Seismology
Prejean, Stephanie
Discipline(s): Seismology
Searcy, Cheryl
Discipline(s): Seismology
Haney, Matthew
Matt is a Research Geophysicist with the USGS in Anchorage who specializes in volcano seismology. His work involves research on the seismicity and structure of Alaskan volcanoes, volcano monitoring, and the acquisition and processing of data from the AVO seismic network. Matt's interests include volcanic tremor, low frequency seismic signals, seismic noise, infrasound, array methods, and tomography.
Website: http://scholar.google.com/citations?user=YG7-Qq0AAAAJ&hl=en
Discipline(s): Seismology
Ketner, Dane
Discipline(s): Seismology, Electronics
Lyons, John
Discipline(s): Seismology, Infrasound
Wech, Aaron
Discipline(s): Seismology
Girona, Társilo
Website: www.tgirona.com
Discipline(s): Remote Sensing, Seismology
Nakai, Jenny
Discipline(s): Seismology
Wallace, Kristi
Kristi manages The USGS/AVO Alaska Tephra Laboratory (ATL) and Data Center. The ATL is an interdisciplinary center for the study of tephra fall (volcanic ash) erupted from Alaskan volcanoes and serves as a regional facility for the storage and management of tephra data. The ATL houses data and physical archives including a growing reference collection for the USGS/AVO and its collaborators. Kristi's research focus includes tephrochronology, tephrostratigraphy, and ashfall impacts.
Discipline(s): Geology, Tephra
Coombs, Michelle
Michelle has been a Research Geologist for USGS-AVO in Anchorage since 2004. Her work includes research on a wide variety of topics in geology, petrology, and geochemistry, as well as geologic mapping and hazards assessment. Recent and current research interests include (1) timing and generation of explosive silicic eruptions at Alaskan volcanoes, especially Augustine and Hayes; (2) refined edifice mapping and eruptive history of Akutan, Spurr, and Redoubt volcanoes; and (3) combining petrologic study with detailed eruption chronologies to elucidate processes of magma generation and eruption triggering at dome-forming volcanoes such as Redoubt and Augustine. From March 2016 to May 2023, Michelle was the Scientist-in-Charge for AVO. Prior to 2004, she worked for the USGS in Menlo Park, CA, where her research focused on the geochemistry, petrology, and submarine geology of Hawaiian volcanoes.
Website: http://profile.usgs.gov/mcoombs
Discipline(s): Geochemistry, Geochronology, Geology, Petrology, Tephra
Izbekov, Pavel
RESEARCH INTERESTS:Investigating magma processes in volcanic arcs through petrologic and experimental studies of igneous rocks. MONITORING: remote sensing, processing of SAR imagery, communication with Russian colleagues.
Website: http://kiska.giseis.alaska.edu/input/pavel/
Discipline(s): Geochemistry, Geology, Petrology, Remote Sensing, Tephra
Schwaiger, Hans
Discipline(s): Tephra
Loewen, Matthew
Matt has worked as a Research Geologist for the U.S. Geological Survey working at the Alaska Volcano Observatory in Anchorage, AK, since 2017. His research utilizes igneous petrology, geochemistry, field mapping, stratigraphy, physical volcanology, and remote sensing techniques to study the geologic history and magmatic system of Alaska volcanoes.
Website: https://www.usgs.gov/staff-profiles/matthew-loewen
Discipline(s): Geochemistry, Geology, Petrology, Remote Sensing, Tephra
Lubbers, Jordan
Mendenhall postdoc
Website: www.avo.alaska.edu
Discipline(s): Geochemistry, Geology, Petrology, Tephra
UAF Graduate Student
Moshrefzadeh, Jamshid
Discipline(s): UAF Graduate Student
Wasser, Valerie
Discipline(s): UAF Graduate Student
Tan, Darren
UAF Graduate Student
Discipline(s): UAF Graduate Student
Angarita, Mario
Discipline(s): UAF Graduate Student
Graham, Mariah
Active UAF GI-AVO research assistant, Geodesy group (R. Grapenthin).
Discipline(s): UAF Graduate Student
Puleio, Claire
Discipline(s): UAF Graduate Student
Cheng, Yitian
PhD candidate at University of Alaska Fairbanks
Discipline(s): UAF Graduate Student
Kim, Kyungmin
AVO-GI PhD Candidate
Discipline(s): UAF Graduate Student
Schneider, Ozzy
Graduate Student working on Mount Churchill
Discipline(s): UAF Graduate Student