Great Sitkin
Atka volcanic complex
Great Sitkin
Little Sitkin
Ukinrek Maars
Addington volcanic field
Amchixtam Chaxsxii
Andrew Bay volcano
Basalt of Gertrude Creek
Behm Canal-Rudyerd Bay
Black Peak
Buzzard Creek
Camille Cone
Churchill, Mt
Cone 3110
Cone 3601
Devils Desk
Double Glacier
Duncan Canal
Emmons Lake Volcanic Center
Folsoms Bluff
Gas Rocks, the
Gosling Cone
Imuruk Lake Volc Field
Ingakslugwat Hills
Ingenstrem Depression Volcanic Field
Ingrisarak Mtn
Iron Trig cone
Iskut-Unuk River cones
Jumbo Dome
Klawasi Group
Knob 1000
Kochilagok Hill
Kookooligit Mountains
Koyuk-Buckland volcanics
Lone basalt
Maclaren River volcanic field
Monogenetic QT vents of WWVF
Nelson Island
Nunivak Island
Nushkolik Mountain volcanic field
Pavlof Sister
Prindle Volcano
Rainbow River cone
Skookum Creek
St. George volcanic field
St. Michael
St. Paul Island
Stepovak Bay 1
Stepovak Bay 2
Stepovak Bay 3
Stepovak Bay 4
Suemez Island
Table Top Mtn
Tanada Peak
Tanax̂ Angunax̂
Tlevak Strait
Togiak volcanics
Ungulungwak Hill-Ingrichuak Hill
Unnamed (near Ukinrek Maars)
Western Cones
Wide Bay cone
Red (Warning) | |
Orange (Watch) | |
Yellow (Advisory) | |
Green (Normal) | |
Uninstrumented | |
Community | |
Webcam | |
Instrument | |
Earthquake |
- Official Name: Mount Martin
- Seismically Monitored: Yes
- Color Code: GREEN
- Alert Level: NORMAL
- Elevation: 1860m (6102ft)
- Latitude: 58.1692
- Longitude: -155.3566
- Smithsonian VNum: 312140
- Pronunciation:
Nearby Towns:
- Kanatak 48 mi (78 km) SW
- Karluk 53 mi (85 km) SE
- King Salmon 59 mi (95 km) NW
- Larsen Bay 67 mi (108 km) SE
- South Naknek 70 mi (113 km) NW
Distance from Anchorage: 284 mi (457 km)
From Miller and others (1998) [1] : "Mount Martin is located near the center of a high (>1400 m) ridge of altered basement rocks that extends more than 12 km, west-southwest form Mount Mageik (Riehle and others, 1987). A crater, approximately 300 m in diameter and breached on its southeast side, occurs high on the east side of the summit cone. The crater is the site of intense fumarolic activity and steam emission, and contains an ephemeral crater lake. The summit cone and the voluminous lava-flow field, which fill the upper valley of Angle Creek northwest of the volcano, which are of Holocene age. This flow-field, which erupted from a vent low on the north flank of the summit cone, covers approximately 31 square km and has volume in excess of 5 cubic km. Martin's extent has previously been overestimated because the young volcano lies adjacent to the glaciated remnants of a mid-Pleistocene andesitic edifice (Alagogshak volcano)."Name Origin
R.F. Griggs named Mount Martin in 1919, after George C. Martin of the U.S. Geological Survey, who wrote the first authoritative report of the 1912 eruption of Novarupta and Katmai (Orth, 1971).
References Cited
[1] Catalog of the historically active volcanoes of Alaska, 1998
Miller, T. P., McGimsey, R. G., Richter, D. H., Riehle, J. R., Nye, C. J., Yount, M. E., and Dumoulin, J. A., 1998, Catalog of the historically active volcanoes of Alaska: U.S. Geological Survey Open-File Report 98-0582, 104 p.

Current Activity
No new updates for Martin volcano since January 11, 2023, 2:08 pm.
Recent Updates
Color Code Timeline
Reported Activity
Modern Eruptions
20 Event Date(s)
Past Activity Legend:
![]() |
Eruption |
![]() |
Questionable eruption |
![]() |
Non-eruptive activity |
2019: Martin non-eruptive activity 2019
2014: Martin 2014/10
2012: Martin 2012/4
2006: Martin 2006/1
2005: Martin 2005/2
2004: Martin 2004
2002: Martin 2002/12
1997: Martin 1997/12
1995: Martin 1995/3
1994: Martin 1994/12
1978: Martin 1978
1965: Martin 1965/8
1953: Martin 1953/2
1951: Martin 1951/7
1929: Martin 1929
1927: Martin 1927/5
1922: Martin 1922
1913: Martin 1913
2660 yBP: Martin Salt and Pepper Ash
3700 yBP: Martin Lower Pale Tan Ash
Map Images

U.S. Geological Survey
Topographic and shaded relief map showing location of Alagogshak and Mount Martin.
Topographic and shaded relief map showing location of Alagogshak and Mount Martin.

U.S. Geological Survey
Topographic shaded relief map of the southern part of the Katmai area, including Snowy, Griggs, Trident, Novarupta, Falling Mtn., Mt. Cerberus, Martin, and Mageik.
Topographic shaded relief map of the southern part of the Katmai area, including Snowy, Griggs, Trident, Novarupta, Falling Mtn., Mt. Cerberus, Martin, and Mageik.

U.S. Geological Survey
Topographic map of mountains Martin, Mageik, Falling, Cerberus, Trident, Katmai, and Novarupta vent.
Topographic map of mountains Martin, Mageik, Falling, Cerberus, Trident, Katmai, and Novarupta vent.

Cameron, C. E.
Index map showing the location of the Katmai group volcanoes relative to the State of Alaska and other seismically monitored Alaskan volcanoes. Figure modified from Adleman, Jennifer, 2002, The great eruption of 1912: National Park Service Alaska Park Science Winter 2002, Anchorage, AK, , p. 4-11.
Index map showing the location of the Katmai group volcanoes relative to the State of Alaska and other seismically monitored Alaskan volcanoes. Figure modified from Adleman, Jennifer, 2002, The great eruption of 1912: National Park Service Alaska Park Science Winter 2002, Anchorage, AK, , p. 4-11.
Map References
Recently active volcanoes of Alaska, 2023
Cameron, C.E., Bull, K.F., and Macpherson, A.E., 2023, Recently active volcanoes of Alaska: Alaska Division of Geological & Geophysical Surveys Miscellaneous Publication 133 v. 6, 2 sheets.
Historically active volcanoes of Alaska, v. 3, 2018
Cameron, C.E., Schaefer, J.R., and Mulliken, K.M., 2018, Historically active volcanoes of Alaska: Alaska Division of Geological & Geophysical Surveys Miscellaneous Publication 133 v. 3, 2 sheets. Http://
Historically active volcanoes of Alaska, 2014
Schaefer, J.R., Cameron, C.E., and Nye, C.J., 2014, Historically active volcanoes of Alaska: Alaska Division of Geological & Geophysical Surveys Miscellaneous Publication 133 v. 1.2, 1 sheet, scale 1:3,000,000.
This publication has been superseded. Newest version available at .
Geologic map of the Katmai volcanic cluster, Katmai National Park, Alaska, 2003
Hildreth, Wes, and Fierstein, Judy, 2003, Geologic map of the Katmai volcanic cluster, Katmai National Park, Alaska: U.S. Geological Survey Miscellaneous Investigation Series Map I 2778, unpaged, 1 sheet, scale 1:63,360.

Historically active volcanoes of the Aleutian Arc, 2002
Schaefer, Janet, and Nye, C. J., 2002, Historically active volcanoes of the Aleutian Arc: Alaska Division of Geological & Geophysical Surveys Miscellaneous Publication MP 0123, unpaged, 1 sheet, scale 1:3,000,000. Superceded by Miscellaneous Publication 133:

Preliminary volcano-hazard assessment for the Katmai volcanic cluster, Alaska, 2001
Fierstein, Judy, and Hildreth, Wes, 2001, Preliminary volcano-hazard assessment for the Katmai volcanic cluster, Alaska: U.S. Geological Survey Open-File Report 00-0489, 50 p., 1 plate, scale not applicable.

Volcanoes of Alaska, 1998
Nye, C. J., Queen, Katherine, and McCarthy, A. M., 1998, Volcanoes of Alaska: Alaska Division of Geological & Geophysical Surveys Information Circular IC 0038, unpaged, 1 sheet, scale 1:4,000,000, available at .

Topographic maps of Novarupta dome and selected portions of the Valley of Ten Thousand Smokes, Katmai National Park and Preserve, Alaska, 1995
Strobe, Robert, Rice, William, and Neal, C. A., 1995, Topographic maps of Novarupta dome and selected portions of the Valley of Ten Thousand Smokes, Katmai National Park and Preserve, Alaska: U.S. Geological Survey Open-File Report 95-0619, unpaged, 4 plates, scale 1:48,000 and 1:2,400.

Volcanoes of Alaska, 1995
Alaska Division of Geological & Geophysical Surveys, 1995, Volcanoes of Alaska: Alaska Division of Geological & Geophysical Surveys Information Circular IC 0038, unpaged, 1 sheet, scale 1:4,000,000.
Interpretation of exploration geochemical data for the Mount Katmai quadrangle and adjacent parts of the Afognak and Naknek quadrangles, Alaska, 1994
Church, S. E., Riehle, J. R., and Goldfarb, R. J., 1994, Interpretation of exploration geochemical data for the Mount Katmai quadrangle and adjacent parts of the Afognak and Naknek quadrangles, Alaska: U.S. Geological Survey Bulletin 2020, 67 p., 3 plates, scale 1:250,000.

Geologic map of the Mount Katmai quadrangle and adjacent parts of the Naknek and Afognak quadrangles, Alaska, 1994
Riehle, J. R., Detterman, R. L., Yount, M. E., and Miller, J. W., 1994, Geologic map of the Mount Katmai quadrangle and adjacent parts of the Naknek and Afognak quadrangles, Alaska: U.S. Geological Survey Miscellaneous Investigations Series Map I 2204, unpaged, 1 plate, scale 1:250,000.
Geothermal resources of the Aleutian Arc, 1993
Motyka, R. J., Liss, S. A., Nye, C. J., and Moorman, M. A., 1993, Geothermal resources of the Aleutian Arc: Alaska Division of Geological & Geophysical Surveys Professional Report PR 0114, 17 p., 4 sheets, scale 1:1,000,000.

Quaternary geologic map of the Mount Katmai quadrangle and adjacent parts of the Naknek and Afognak quadrangles, Alaska, 1993
Riehle, J. R., and Detterman, R. L., 1993, Quaternary geologic map of the Mount Katmai quadrangle and adjacent parts of the Naknek and Afognak quadrangles, Alaska: U.S. Geological Survey Miscellaneous Investigations Series Map I 2032, unpaged, 1 sheet, scale 1:250,000.
Holocene volcanoes of the Aleutian Arc, Alaska, 1993
March, G. D., 1993, Holocene volcanoes of the Aleutian Arc, Alaska: Alaska Division of Geological & Geophysical Surveys Public-Data File PDF 93-85, unpaged, 1 sheet, scale 1:2,000,000.
Mineral and energy resource assessment maps of the Mount Katmai, Naknek, and western Afognak quadrangles, Alaska, 1992
Church, S. E., Riehle, J. R., Magoon, L. B., and Campbell, D. L., 1992, Mineral and energy resource assessment maps of the Mount Katmai, Naknek, and western Afognak quadrangles, Alaska: U.S. Geological Survey Miscellaneous Field Studies Map MF 2021-F, 22 p., 2 plates, scale 1:250,000.
Map showing potassium-argon ages from the Mount Katmai and adjacent parts of the Naknek and Afognak quadrangles, Alaska Peninsula, Alaska, 1992
Shew, Nora, and Lanphere, M. A., 1992, Map showing potassium-argon ages from the Mount Katmai and adjacent parts of the Naknek and Afognak quadrangles, Alaska Peninsula, Alaska: U.S. Geological Survey Miscellaneous Field Studies Map MF 2021-E, unpaged, 1sheet, scale 1:250,000.
Preliminary geologic map of the Mt. Katmai quadrangle and portions of the Afognak and Naknek quadrangles, Alaska, 1987
Riehle, J. R., Detterman, R. L., Yount, M. E., and Miller, J. W., 1987, Preliminary geologic map of the Mt. Katmai quadrangle and portions of the Afognak and Naknek quadrangles, Alaska: U.S. Geological Survey Open-File Report 87-0593, unpaged, 1 sheet, scale 1:250,000.
Hard Copy held by AVO at FBKS - CEC shelf
Map showing distribution, composition, and age of Late Cenozoic volcanic centers in Alaska, 1986
Luedke, R. G., and Smith, R. L., 1986, Map showing distribution, composition, and age of Late Cenozoic volcanic centers in Alaska: U.S. Geological Survey Miscellaneous Investigations Series Map I 1091-F, unpaged, 3 sheets, scale 1:1,000,000.
Eruption of Trident Volcano, Katmai National Monument, Alaska, Feb.-June 1953, 1954
Snyder, G. L., 1954, Eruption of Trident Volcano, Katmai National Monument, Alaska, Feb.-June 1953: U.S. Geological Survey Circular C 0318, 7 p., 2 sheets, scale unknown.
Hard Copy held by AVO at FBKS - CEC file cabinet
The Cold Bay-Chignik District, Alaska, 1924
Smith, W. R., and Baker, A. A., 1924, The Cold Bay-Chignik District, Alaska: U.S. Geological Survey Bulletin 0755-D, p. 151-222, 5 plates, scale 4 at 1:250,000 and 1 unknown.

Proximity to active volcanoes enhances glacier velocity, 2024
Mallalieu, J., Barr, I.D., Spagnolo, M., Mullan, D.J., Symeonakis, E., Edwards, B.R., and Martin, M.D., 2024, Proximity to active volcanoes enhances glacier velocity: Communications Earth & Environment v. 5, 679.

Recently active volcanoes of Alaska, 2023
Cameron, C.E., Bull, K.F., and Macpherson, A.E., 2023, Recently active volcanoes of Alaska: Alaska Division of Geological & Geophysical Surveys Miscellaneous Publication 133 v. 6, 2 sheets.
Interconnection of magma sources beneath the Katmai volcanic system inferred from seismic tomography and petrology, 2023
Koulakov, I., Izbekov, P., Eichelberger, J., Al Arifi, N., and Qaysi, S.I., 2023, Interconnection of magma sources beneath the Katmai volcanic system inferred from seismic tomography and petrology: Journal of Volcanology and Geothermal Research v. 434, 107744.
Weak degassing from remote Alaska volcanoes characterized with a new airborne imaging DOAS instrument and a suite of in situ sensors, 2023
Kern, C., and Kelly, P.J., 2023, Weak degassing from remote Alaska volcanoes characterized with a new airborne imaging DOAS instrument and a suite of in situ sensors: Fronteirs in Earth Science v. 11, 1088056.
Understanding drivers of mercury in lake trout (Salvelinus namaycush), a top-predator fish in southwest Alaska's parklands, 2023
Bartz, K.K., Hannam, M.P., Wilson, T.L., Lepak, R.F., Ogorek, J.M., Young, D.B., Eagles-Smith, C.A., and Krabbenhoft, D.P., 2023, Understanding drivers of mercury in lake trout (Salvelinus namaycush), a top-predator fish in southwest Alaska's parklands: Environmental Pollution v. 330, 121678.

Alaska interagency operating plan for volcanic ash episodes, 2022
Alaska Volcano Observatory, National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration, National Weather Service, Federal Aviation Administration, Department of Defense, United States Coast Guard, Division of Homeland Security and Emergency Management, Alaska Department of Environmental Conservation, and Alaska Department of Health and Social Services (participating agencies), 2022, Alaska interagency operating plan for volcanic ash episodes, 85 p.

Selected crater and small caldera lakes in Alaska: Characteristics and hazards, 2022
Waythomas, C.F., 2022, Selected crater and small caldera lakes in Alaska: Characteristics and hazards: Frontiers in Earth Science, v. 9, p. 23, doi:10.3389/feart.2021.751216.
Multiyear temporal variation of b-values at Alaskan volcanoes: The synergetic influence of stress and material heterogeneity, 2022
Konstantinou, K.I., 2022, Multiyear temporal variation of b-values at Alaskan volcanoes: The synergetic influence of stress and material homogeneity: Journal of Volcanology and Geothermal Research, v. 427, p. 13.,
Geologic database of information on volcanoes in Alaska (GeoDIVA), 2022
Cameron, C.E., Crass, S.W., and AVO Staff, eds, 2022, Geologic database of information on volcanoes in Alaska (GeoDIVA): Alaska Division of Geologic and Geophysical Surveys Digital Data Series 20,,
Ambient noise tomography of the Katmai volcanic area, Alaska, 2021
Bai, Tong, Nayak, Avinash, Thurber, Clifford, Zeng, Xiangfang, and Haney, Mathew, 2021, Ambient noise tomography of the Katmai volcanic area, Alaska: Journal of Volcanology and Geothermal Research, v. 419, article no. 107373, 10 p., doi:10.1016/j.jvolgeores.2021.107373.
Goals and development of the Alaska Volcano Observatory seismic network and application to forecasting and detecting volcanic eruptions, 2020
Power, J.A., Haney, M.M., Botnick, S.M., Dixon, J.P., Fee, David, Kaufman, A.M., Ketner, D.M., Lyons, J.J., Parker, Tom, Paskievitch, J.F., Read, C.W., Searcy, Cheryl, Stihler, S.D., Tepp, Gabrielle, and Wech, A.G., 2020, Goals and development of the Alaska Volcano Observatory seismic network and application to forecasting and detecting volcanic eruptions: Seismological Research Letters, doi: 10.1785/0220190216 .
Historically active volcanoes of Alaska, v. 4, 2020
Cameron, C.E., Schaefer, J.R., and Ekberg, P.G., 2020, Historically active volcanoes of Alaska: Alaska Division of Geological & Geophysical Surveys Miscellaneous Publication 133 v. 4, 2 sheets. Http://
Catalog of earthquake parameters and description of seismograph and infrasound stations at Alaskan volcanoes - January 1, 2013, through December 31, 2017, 2019
Dixon, J.P., Stihler S.D., Haney, M.M., Lyons, J.J., Ketner, D.M., Mulliken, K.M., Parker, T., and Power, J.A., 2019, Catalog of earthquake parameters and description of seismograph and infrasound stations at Alaskan volcanoes - January 1, 2013, through December 31, 2017: U.S. Geological Survey Data Series 1115, 92 p.,
A unified catalog of earthquake hypocenters and magnitudes at volcanoes in Alaska: 1989 to 2018, 2019
Power, J.A., Friberg, P.A., Haney, M.M., Parker, T., Stihler, S.D., and Dixon, J.P., 2019, A unified catalog of earthquake hypocenters and magnitudes at volcanoes in Alaska—1989 to 2018: U.S. Geological Survey Scientific Investigations Report 2019–5037, 17 p.,
2018 update to the U.S. Geological Survey national volcanic threat assessment, 2018
Ewert, J.W., Diefenbach, A.K., and Ramsey, D.W., 2018, 2018 update to the U.S. Geological Survey national volcanic threat assessment: U.S. Geological Survey Scientific Investigations Report 2018-5140, 40 p.,
Historically active volcanoes of Alaska, v. 3, 2018
Cameron, C.E., Schaefer, J.R., and Mulliken, K.M., 2018, Historically active volcanoes of Alaska: Alaska Division of Geological & Geophysical Surveys Miscellaneous Publication 133 v. 3, 2 sheets. Http://
2014 Volcanic activity in Alaska - Summary of events and response of the Alaska Volcano Observatory, 2017
Cameron, C.E., Dixon, J.P., Neal, C.A., Waythomas, C.F., Schaefer, J.R., and McGimsey, R.G., 2017, 2014 Volcanic activity in Alaska - Summary of events and response of the Alaska Volcano Observatory: U.S. Geological Survey Scientific Investigations Report 2017-5077, 81 p.,

Geochemical constraints on volatile sources and subsurface conditions at Mount Martin, Mount Mageik, and Trident Volcanoes, Katmai Volcanic Cluster, Alaska, 2017
Lopez, T., Fazzi, F., Aiuppa, A., Galle, B., Rizzo, A.L., Fiebig, J., Capecchiacci, F., Giudice, G., Caliro, S., Tamburello, G., 2017, Geochemical constraints on volatile sources and subsurface conditions at Mount Martin, Mount Mageik, and Trident Volcanoes, Katmai Volcanic Cluster, Alaska: Journal of Volcanology and Geothermal Research,v. 347, p. 64-81,
Historically active volcanoes of Alaska, 2016
Cameron, C.E., and Schaefer, J.R., 2016, Historically active volcanoes of Alaska: Alaska Division of Geological & Geophysical Surveys Miscellaneous Publication 133 v. 2, 1 sheet, scale 1:3,000,000.
Alaska Volcano Observatory image database, 2016
Cameron, C.E., and Snedigar, S.F., 2016, Alaska Volcano Observatory image database: Alaska Division of Geological & Geophysical Surveys Digital Data Series 13,
Historically active volcanoes of Alaska, 2014
Schaefer, J.R., Cameron, C.E., and Nye, C.J., 2014, Historically active volcanoes of Alaska: Alaska Division of Geological & Geophysical Surveys Miscellaneous Publication 133 v. 1.2, 1 sheet, scale 1:3,000,000.
This publication has been superseded. Newest version available at .
Regional controls on volcano seismicity along the Aleutian Arc, 2014
Buurman, Helena, Nye, C.J., West, M.E., and Cameron, Cheryl, 2014, Regional controls on volcano seismicity along the Aleutian Arc: Geochemistry, Geophysics, Geosystems, doi:10.1002/2013GC005101

Three-dimensional seismic velocity structure and earthquake relocations at Katmai, Alaska, 2014
Murphy, Rachel, Thurber, Clifford, Prejean, Stephanie, and Bennington, Ninfa, 2014, Three-dimensional seismic velocity structure and earthquake relocations at Katmai, Alaska: Journal of Volcanology and Geothermal Research, v. 276, p. 121-131, doi:10.1016/j.jvolgeores.2014.02.22

2012 Volcanic activity in Alaska: Summary of events and response of the Alaska Volcano Observatory, 2014
Herrick, J.A., Neal, C.A., Cameron, C.E., Dixon, J.P., and McGimsey, R.G., 2014, 2012 Volcanic activity in Alaska: Summary of events and response of the Alaska Volcano Observatory: U.S. Geological Survey Scientific Investigations Report 2014-5160, 82p.,
Preliminary database of Quaternary vents in Alaska, 2014
Cameron, C.E., and Nye, C.J., 2014, Preliminary database of Quaternary vents in Alaska: Alaska Division of Geological & Geophysical Surveys Miscellaneous Publication 153, 11 p., doi:10.14509/27357 .
InSAR imaging of Aleutian volcanoes, 2014
Lu, Zhong, and Dzurisin, Daniel, 2014, InSAR imaging of Aleutian volcanoes: Chichester, UK, Springer-Praxis, 390 p.
A volcanic activity alert-level system for aviation: review of its development and application in Alaska, 2013
Guffanti, Marianne, and Miller, Tom, 2013, A volcanic activity alert-level system for aviation: review of its development and application in Alaska: Natural Hazards, 15 p., doi:0.1007/s11069-013-0761-4

Catalog of earthquake hypocenters at Alaskan volcanoes: January 1 through December 31, 2012, 2013
Dixon, J.P., Stihler, S.D, Power, J.A., Haney, Matt, Parker, Tom, Searcy, C.K., and Prejean, Stephanie, 2013, Catalog of earthquake hypocenters at Alaskan volcanoes: January 1 through December 31, 2012: U.S. Geological Survey Data Series 789, 84 p., available at .

Katmai scientific studies, 2012
Winfree, Robert, with contributions from Bacon, C.R., Bennett, A.J., Bennington, Ninfa, Berg, E.E., Brooks, Margi, Coletti, H.A., Coombs, M.L., Fierstein, Judy, Freeburg, Gary, Frost, G.V., Haney, Matthew, Jorgenson, M.T., Miller, A.E., Moran, Seth, Murphy, Rachel, Partnow, Patricia, Paskievitch, John, Stevens, D.P., Powell, Lee, Power, John, Prejean, S.G., Schaaf, Jeanne, Sherriff, R.L., Thurber, Clifford, and Welchman, R.A., 2012, Katmai science studies: Alaska Park Science Journal, v. 11, n. 1, 96 p., available online at .
Katmai National Park volcanoes, 2012
Fierstein, Judy, 2012, Katmai National Park volcanoes: in Winfree, Robert (project lead), Katmai Science Studies: Alaska Park Science Journal, v. 11, n. 1, p. 14-21, available online at .
Hard Copy held by AVO at FBKS - CEC shelf
Earthquake studies reveal the magmatic plumbing system of the Katmai volcanoes, 2012
Thurber, Clifford, Murphy, Rachel, Prejean, Stephanie, Haney, Matthew, Bennington, Ninfa, Powell, Lee, and Paskievitch, John, 2012: Earthquake studies reveal the magmatic plumbing system of the Katmai volcanoes: in Winfree, Robert (project lead), Katmai Science Studies: Alaska Park Science Journal, v. 11, n. 1, p. 34-39, available online at .
Hard Copy held by AVO at FBKS - CEC shelf
Volcanic earthquakes in Alaska's National Parks, 2012
Prejean, Stephanie, Moran, Seth, and Power, John, 2012, Volcanic earthquakes in Alaska's National Parks: in Winfree, Robert (project lead), Katmai Science Studies: Alaska Park Science Journal, v. 11, n. 1, p. 40-45, available online at .
Hard Copy held by AVO at FBKS - CEC shelf
Multiple causes for non-eruptive seismic swarms at Mt. Martin, Katmai Volcanic Cluster, Alaska (2004-2008), 2012
O'Brien, J.F., Roman, D.C., Dixon, J.P., Power, J.A., and Arnold, Richard, 2012, Multiple causes for non-eruptive seismic swarms at Mt. Martin, Katmai Volcanic Cluster, Alaska (2004-2008): Journal of Volcanology and Geothermal Research, v. 229-230, p. 13-22, doi: 10.1016/j.volgeores.2012.03.011.

Catalog of earthquake hypocenters at Alaskan volcanoes: January 1 through December 31, 2011, 2012
Dixon, J.P., Stihler, S.D., Power, J.A., and Searcy, C.K., 2012, Catalog of earthquake hypocenters at Alaskan volcanoes: January 1 through December 31, 2011: U.S. Geological Survey Data Series 730, 82 p., available online at .
Catalog of earthquake hypocenters at Alaskan volcanoes: January 1 through December 31, 2010, 2011
Dixon, J.P., Stihler, S.D., Power, J.A., and Searcy, C.K., 2011, Catalog of earthquake hypocenters at Alaskan volcanoes: January 1 through December 31, 2010: U.S. Geological Survey Data Series 645, 82 p., available online at
Catalog of earthquake hypocenters at Alaskan volcanoes: January 1 through December 31, 2009, 2010
Dixon, J.P., Stihler, S.D., Power, J.A., and Searcy, C.K., 2010, Catalog of earthquake hypocenters at Alaskan volcanoes: January 1 through December 31, 2009: U.S. Geological Survey Data Series 531, 84 p., available online at .
2006 Volcanic activity in Alaska, Kamchatka, and the Kurile Islands: Summary of events and response of the Alaska Volcano Observatory, 2009
Neal, C.A., McGimsey, R.G., Dixon, J.P., Manevich, Alexander, and Rybin, Alexander, 2009, 2006 Volcanic activity in Alaska, Kamchatka, and the Kurile Islands: Summary of events and response of the Alaska Volcano Observatory: U.S. Geological Survey Scientific Investigations Report 2008-5214, 102 p., available at .
The January 2006 volcanic-tectonic earthquake swarm at Mount Martin, Alaska, 2009
Dixon, J.P., and Power, J.A., 2009, The January 2006 volcanic-tectonic earthquake swarm at Mount Martin, Alaska, in Haeusseler, P.J., and Galloway, J.P., eds., Studies by the U.S. Geological Survey in Alaska: U.S. Geological Survey Professional Paper 1760-D, 17 p., available at .
Catalog of earthquake hypocenters at Alaskan volcanoes: January 1 through December 31, 2008, 2009
Dixon, J.P., and Stihler, S.D., 2009, Catalog of earthquake hypocenters at Alaskan volcanoes: January 1 through December 31, 2008: U.S. Geological Survey Data Series 467, 88 p., available at .
Historically active volcanoes of Alaska reference deck, 2009
Snedigar, S.F., and Cameron, C.C., 2009, Historically active volcanoes of Alaska reference deck: Alaska Division of Geological & Geophysical Surveys Information Circular 59, 52 p, available to order from .

Chronology and references of volcanic eruptions and selected unrest in the United States, 1980-2008, 2009
Diefenbach, A.K., Guffanti, Marianne, and Ewert, J.W., 2009, Chronology and references of volcanic eruptions and selected unrest in the United States, 1980-2008: U.S. Geological Survey Open-File Report 2009-1118, 85 p., available at .
Preliminary spreadsheet of eruption source parameters for volcanoes of the world, 2009
Mastin, L.G., Guffanti, Marianne, Ewert, J.E., and Spiegel, Jessica, 2009, Preliminary spreadsheet of eruption source parameters for volcanoes of the world: U.S. Geological Survey Open-File Report 2009-1133, v. 1.2, 25 p., available at .
2005 Volcanic activity in Alaska, Kamchatka, and the Kurile Islands: Summary of events and response of the Alaska Volcano Observatory, 2008
McGimsey, R.G., Neal, C.A., Dixon, J.P., and Ushakov, Sergey, 2008, 2005 Volcanic activity in Alaska, Kamchatka, and the Kurile Islands: Summary of events and response of the Alaska Volcano Observatory: U.S. Geological Survey Scientific Investigations Report 2007-5269, 94 p., available at .

Catalog of earthquake hypocenters at Alaskan volcanoes: January 1 through December 31, 2006, 2008
Dixon, J.P., Stihler, S.D., Power, J.A., and Searcy, Cheryl, 2008, Catalog of earthquake hypocenters at Alaskan volcanoes: January 1 through December 31, 2006: U.S. Geological Survey Data Series 326, 79 p., available at .
The Alaska Volcano Observatory - 20 years of volcano research, monitoring, and eruption response, 2008
Schaefer, J.R., and Nye, Chris, 2008, The Alaska Volcano Observatory - 20 years of volcano research, monitoring, and eruption response: Alaska Division of Geological & Geophysical Surveys, Alaska GeoSurvey News, NL 2008-001, v. 11, n. 1, p. 1-9, available at .

Catalog of earthquake hypocenters at Alaskan volcanoes: January 1 through December 31, 2007, 2008
Dixon, J.P., Stihler, S.D. and Power, J.A., 2008, Catalog of earthquake hypocenters at Alaskan volcanoes: January 1 through December 31, 2007: U.S. Geological Survey Data Series 367, 82 p., available online at .
Three-dimensional P-wave velocity structure derived from local earthquakes at the Katmai group of volcanoes, Alaska, 2007
Jolly, A.D., Moran, S.C., McNutt, S.R., and Stone, D.B., 2007, Three-dimensional P-wave velocity structure derived from local earthquakes at the Katmai group of volcanoes, Alaska: Journal of Volcanology and Geothermal Research, v. 159, p. 326-342, doi:10.1016/j.jvolgeores.2006.06.022.

Explosive eruptive record in the Katmai region, Alaska Peninsula: an overview, 2007
Fierstein, Judy, 2007, Explosive eruptive record in the Katmai region, Alaska Peninsula: an overview: Bulletin of Volcanology, v. 69, n. 5, p. 469-509, doi:10.1007/s00445-006-0097-y.

System for ranking relative threats of U.S. volcanoes, 2007
Ewert, John, 2007, System for ranking relative threats of U.S. volcanoes: Natural Hazards Review, v. 8, n. 4, p. 112-124.

A compilation of gas emission-rate data from volcanoes of Cook Inlet (Spurr, Crater Peak, Redoubt, Iliamna, and Augustine) and Alaska Peninsula (Douglas, Fourpeaked, Griggs, Mageik, Martin, Peulik, Ukinrek Maars, and Veniaminof), Alaska, from 1995-2006, 2007
Doukas, M.P., and McGee, K.A., 2007, A compilation of gas emission-rate data from volcanoes of Cook Inlet (Spurr, Crater Peak, Redoubt, Iliamna, and Augustine) and Alaska Peninsula (Douglas, Fourpeaked, Griggs, Mageik, Martin, Peulik, Ukinrek Maars, and Veniaminof), Alaska, from 1995-2006: U.S. Geological Survey Open-File Report 2007-1400, 13 p., available at .

The January 2006 volcanic-tectonic earthquake swarm at Mount Martin, Alaska, 2007
Dixon, J.P., Prejean, S.G., and Power, J.A., 2007, The January 2006 volcanic-tectonic earthquake swarm at Mount Martin, Alaska [abs].: Seismological Research Letters, v. 78, n. 2, p. 255.
Catalog of earthquake hypocenters at Alaskan volcanoes: January 1 through December 31, 2005, 2006
Dixon, J.P., Stihler, S.D., Power, J.A., Tytgat, Guy, Estes, Steve, and McNutt, S.R., 2006, Catalog of earthquake hypocenters at Alaskan volcanoes: January 1 through December 31, 2005: U.S. Geological Survey Open-File Report 2006-1264, 78 p., available at .
March-April 2004, 2005
Alaska Volcano Observatory, 2005, March-April 2004: Alaska Volcano Observatory Bimonthly Report, v.16, n. 2, unpaged.
May-June 2004, 2005
Alaska Volcano Observatory, 2005, May-June 2004: Alaska Volcano Observatory Bimonthly Report, v. 16, n. 3, unpaged.
July-August 2004, 2005
Alaska Volcano Observatory, 2005, July-August 2004: Alaska Volcano Observatory Bimonthly Report, v. 16, n. 4, unpaged.
September-October 2004, 2005
Alaska Volcano Observatory, 2005, September-October 2004: Alaska Volcano Observatory Bimonthly Report, v. 16, n. 5, unpaged.
An assessment of volcanic threat and monitoring capabilities in the United States: framework for a National Volcano Early Warning System NVEWS, 2005
Ewert, J.W., Guffanti, Marianne, and Murray, T.L., 2005, An assessment of volcanic threat and monitoring capabilities in the United States: framework for a National Volcano Early Warning System NVEWS: U.S. Geological Survey Open-File Report 2005-1164, 62 p.

2002 Volcanic activity in Alaska and Kamchatka: Summary of events and response of the Alaska Volcano Observatory, 2005
Neal, C.A., McGimsey, R.G., and Girina, Olga, 2005, 2002 Volcanic activity in Alaska and Kamchatka: Summary of events and response of the Alaska Volcano Observatory: U.S. Geological Survey Open-File Report 2004-1058, 55 p., available online at

2004 volcanic activity in Alaska and Kamchatka: summary of events and response of the Alaska Volcano Observatory, 2005
Neal, C.A., McGimsey, R.G., Dixon, Jim, and Melnikov, Dimitry, 2005, 2004 volcanic activity in Alaska and Kamchatka: summary of events and response of the Alaska Volcano Observatory: U.S. Geological Survey Open-File Report 2005-1308, 71 p.,

Catalog of earthquake hypocenters at Alaskan volcanoes: January 1 through December 31, 2004, 2005
Dixon, J.P., Stihler, S.D., Power, J.A., Tytgat, Guy, Estes, Steve, Prejean, Stephanie, Sanchez, J.J., Sanches, Rebecca, McNutt, S.R., and Paskievitch, John, 2005, Catalog of earthquake hypocenters at Alaskan volcanoes: January 1 through December 31, 2004: U.S. Geological Survey Open-File Report 2005-1312, 74 p., available online at

July-August 2001, 2004
Alaska Volcano Observatory, 2004, July-August 2001: Alaska Volcano Observatory Bimonthly Report, v. 13, n. 4, unpaged.
September-October 2001, 2004
Alaska Volcano Observatory, 2004, September-October 2001: Alaska Volcano Observatory Bimonthly Report, v. 13, n. 5, unpaged.
November-December 2001, 2004
Alaska Volcano Observatory, 2004, November-December 2001: Alaska Volcano Observatory Bimonthly Report, v. 13, n. 6, unpaged.
January-February 2002, 2004
Alaska Volcano Observatory, 2004, January-February 2002: Alaska Volcano Observatory Bimonthly Report, v. 14, n. 1, unpaged.
March-April 2002, 2004
Alaska Volcano Observatory, 2004, March-April 2002: Alaska Volcano Observatory Bimonthly Report, v. 14, n. 2, unpaged.
May-June 2002, 2004
Alaska Volcano Observatory, 2004, May-June 2002: Alaska Volcano Observatory Bimonthly Report, v. 14, n. 3, unpaged.
July-August 2002, 2004
Alaska Volcano Observatory, 2004, July-August 2002: Alaska Volcano Observatory Bimonthly Report, v. 14, n. 4, unpaged.
September-October 2002, 2004
Alaska Volcano Observatory, 2004, September-October 2002: Alaska Volcano Observatory Bimonthly Report, v. 14, n. 5, unpaged.
November-December 2002, 2004
Alaska Volcano Observatory, 2004, November-December 2002: Alaska Volcano Observatory Bimonthly Report, v. 14, n. 6, unpaged.
January-February 2003, 2004
Alaska Volcano Observatory, 2004, January-February 2003: Alaska Volcano Observatory Bimonthly Report, v. 15, n. 1, unpaged.
March-April 2003, 2004
Alaska Volcano Observatory, 2004, March-April 2003: Alaska Volcano Observatory Bimonthly Report, v. 15, n. 2, unpaged.
May-June 2003, 2004
Alaska Volcano Observatory, 2004, May-June 2003: Alaska Volcano Observatory Bimonthly Report, v. 15, n. 3, unpaged.
July-August 2003, 2004
Alaska Volcano Observatory, 2004, July-August 2003: Alaska Volcano Observatory Bimonthly Report, v. 15, n. 4, unpaged.
September-October 2003, 2004
Alaska Volcano Observatory, 2004, September-October 2003: Alaska Volcano Observatory Bimonthly Report, v. 15, n. 5, unpaged.
Catalog of earthquake hypocenters at Alaskan volcanoes: January 1 through December 31, 2003, 2004
Dixon, J. P., Stihler, S. D., Power, J. A., Tytgat, Guy, Moran, S. C., Sanchez, J. J., McNutt, S. R., Estes, Steve, and Paskievitch, John, 2004, Catalog of earthquake hypocenters at Alaskan volcanoes: January 1 through December 31, 2003: U.S. Geological Survey Open-File Report 2004-1234, 69 p.

The Alaska Volcano Observatory - Expanded monitoring of volcanoes yields results, 2004
Brantley, S. R., McGimsey, R. G., and Neal, C. A., 2004, The Alaska Volcano Observatory - Expanded monitoring of volcanoes yields results: U.S. Geological Survey Fact Sheet FS 2004-3084, 2 p.

Observations of deep long-period (DLP) seismic events beneath Aleutian Arc volcanoes: 1989-2002, 2004
Power, J.A, Stihler, S.D., White, R.A., and Moran, S.C., 2004, Observations of deep long-period (DLP) seismic events beneath Aleutian Arc volcanoes: 1989-2002: Journal of Volcanology and Geothermal Research, v. 138, p. 243-266.

January-February 2004, 2004
Alaska Volcano Observatory, 2004, January-February 2004: Alaska Volcano Observatory Bimonthly Report, v. 16, n. 1, unpaged.
November-December 2003, 2004
Alaska Volcano Observatory, 2004, November-December 2003: Alaska Volcano Observatory Bimonthly Report, v. 15, n. 6, unpaged.
Simultaneous earthquake swarms and eruption in Alaska, fall 1996: Statistical significance and inference of a large aseismic slip event, 2004
McNutt, S.R., and Marzocchi, W., 2005, Simultaneous earthquake swarms and eruption in Alaska, fall 1996: Statistical significance and inference of a large aseismic slip event: Bulletin of the Seismological Society of America, v. 94, n. 5, p. 1831-1841.

Volcanoes of the world: an illustrated catalog of Holocene volcanoes and their eruptions, 2003
Siebert, L., and Simkin, T., 2002-, Volcanoes of the world: an illustrated catalog of Holocene volcanoes and their eruptions: Smithsonian Institution, Global Volcanism Program Digital Information Series GVP-3,, unpaged internet resource.
Bibliography of information on Alaska volcanoes, 2003
Cameron, C. E., Triplehorn, J. H., and Robar, C. L., 2003, Bibliography of information on Alaska volcanoes: Alaska Division of Geological & Geophysical Surveys Miscellaneous Publication MP 131, 1 CD-ROM.
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Catalog of earthquake hypocenters at Alaskan volcanoes: January 1 through December 31, 2002, 2003
Dixon, J. P., Stihler, S. D., Power, J. A., Tytgat, Guy, Moran, S. C., Sanchez, John, Estes, Steve, McNutt, S. R., and Paskievitch, John, 2003, Catalog of earthquake hypocenters at Alaskan volcanoes: January 1 through December 31, 2002: U.S. Geological Survey Open-File Report 03-0267, 58 p.

Geochronology and eruptive history of the Katmai volcanic cluster, Alaska Peninsula, 2003
Hildreth, Wes, Lanphere, M. A., and Fierstein, Judy, 2003, Geochronology and eruptive history of the Katmai volcanic cluster, Alaska Peninsula: Earth and Planetary Science Letters, v. 214, n. 1-2, p. 93-114.

Geologic map of the Katmai volcanic cluster, Katmai National Park, Alaska, 2003
Hildreth, Wes, and Fierstein, Judy, 2003, Geologic map of the Katmai volcanic cluster, Katmai National Park, Alaska: U.S. Geological Survey Miscellaneous Investigation Series Map I 2778, unpaged, 1 sheet, scale 1:63,360.

Multiple seismogenic processes for high-frequency earthquakes at Katmai National Park, Alaska; evidence from stress tensor inversions of fault-plane solutions, 2003
Moran, S. C., 2003, Multiple seismogenic processes for high-frequency earthquakes at Katmai National Park, Alaska; evidence from stress tensor inversions of fault-plane solutions: Bulletin of the Seismological Society of America, v. 93, n. 1, p. 94-108.

Station corrections for the Katmai Region Seismic Network, 2003
Searcy, C. K., 2003, Station corrections for the Katmai Region Seismic Network: U.S. Geological Survey Open-File Report 03-0403, 14 p.

Catalog of earthquake hypocenters at Alaskan volcanoes: January 1, 2000 through December 31, 2001, 2002
Dixon, J. P., Stihler, S. D., Power, J. A., Tytgat, Guy, Estes, Steve, Moran, S. C., Paskievitch, John, and McNutt, S. R., 2002, Catalog of earthquake hypocenters at Alaskan volcanoes: January 1, 2000 through December 31, 2001: U.S. Geological Survey Open-File Report 02-0342, 56 p.

The great eruption of 1912, 2002
Adleman, Jennifer, 2002, The great eruption of 1912: National Park Service Alaska Park Science Winter 2002, Anchorage, AK, , p. 4-11.

Historically active volcanoes of the Aleutian Arc, 2002
Schaefer, Janet, and Nye, C. J., 2002, Historically active volcanoes of the Aleutian Arc: Alaska Division of Geological & Geophysical Surveys Miscellaneous Publication MP 0123, unpaged, 1 sheet, scale 1:3,000,000. Superceded by Miscellaneous Publication 133:

Katmai geology guide, 2002
Riehle, Jim, 2002, Katmai geology guide: Publication Consultants, 112 p.
Seismic response of the Katmai Volcanoes to the 6 December 1999 magnitude 7.0 Karluk Lake Earthquake, Alaska, 2001
Power, J. A., Moran, S. C., McNutt, S. R., Stihler, S. D., and Sanchez, J. J., 2001, Seismic response of the Katmai Volcanoes to the 6 December 1999 magnitude 7.0 Karluk Lake Earthquake, Alaska: Bulletin of the Seismological Society of America, v. 91, n. 1, p. 57-63.
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Preliminary volcano-hazard assessment for the Katmai volcanic cluster, Alaska, 2001
Fierstein, Judy, and Hildreth, Wes, 2001, Preliminary volcano-hazard assessment for the Katmai volcanic cluster, Alaska: U.S. Geological Survey Open-File Report 00-0489, 50 p., 1 plate, scale not applicable.

Catalog of earthquake hypocenters at Alaskan volcanoes: January 1, 1994 through December 31, 1999, 2001
Jolly, A. D., Stihler, S. D., Power, J. A., Lahr, J. C., Paskievitch, John, Tytgat, Guy, Estes, Steve, Lockheart, A. D., Moran, S. C., McNutt, S. R., and Hammond, W. R., 2001, Catalog of earthquake hypocenters at Alaskan volcanoes: January 1, 1994 through December 31, 1999: U.S. Geological Survey Open-File Report 01-0189, 22 p.

Volcanoes in America's national parks, 2001
Decker, R. W., and Decker, Barbara, 2001, Volcanoes in America's national parks: New York, Odyssey Publications, 256 p.
Subsurface structure of the volcanoes in Katmai National Park, Alaska, 2000
Jolly, A. D., 2000, Subsurface structure of the volcanoes in Katmai National Park, Alaska: University of Alaska Fairbanks unpublished Ph.D. dissertation, Fairbanks, Alaska, 169 p.
Katmai volcanic cluster and the great eruption of 1912, 2000
Hildreth, Wes, and Fierstein, Judy, 2000, Katmai volcanic cluster and the great eruption of 1912: Geological Society of America Bulletin, v. 112, n. 10, p. 1594-1620, 6 sheets, scale unknown.

Historically active volcanoes in Alaska, a quick reference, 2000
Wallace, K. L., McGimsey, R. G., and Miller, T. P., 2000, Historically active volcanoes in Alaska, a quick reference: U.S. Geological Survey Fact Sheet FS 0118-00, 2 p.

Tephrochronology of the Brooks River Archaeological District, Katmai National Park and Preserve, Alaska: what can and cannot be done with tephra deposits, 2000
Riehle, J. R., Dumond, D. E., Meyer, C. E., and Schaaf, J. M., 2000, Tephrochronology of the Brooks River Archaeological District, Katmai National Park and Preserve, Alaska: what can and cannot be done with tephra deposits: in McGuire, W. J., Griffiths, D. R., Hancock, P. L., and Stewart, I. S., (eds.), The archaeology of geological catastrophes, Geological Society, London Special Publication 171, p. 245-266.

Encyclopedia of volcanoes, 2000
Sigurdsson, Haraldur, (ed.), 2000, Encyclopedia of volcanoes: San Diego, CA, Academic Press, 1417 p.

January-February 2000, 2000
Alaska Volcano Observatory, 2000, January-February 2000: Alaska Volcano Observatory Bimonthly Report, v. 12, n. 1, 28 p.

Triggered seismicity beneath the Katmai volcanoes following the December 6, 1999 magnitude 7.0 Karluk Lake earthquake, Alaska, 2000
Power, J. A., Moran, S. C., McNutt, S. R., Stihler, S. D., and Sanchez, J. J., 2000, Triggered seismicity beneath the Katmai volcanoes following the December 6, 1999 magnitude 7.0 Karluk Lake earthquake, Alaska [abs.]: Eos, v. 81, n. 48, p. 917.
Three-dimensional attenuation structure at the volcanoes of Katmai National Park, Alaska Peninsula, Alaska, 2000
Jolly, A. D., and McNutt, S. R., 2000, Three-dimensional attenuation structure at the volcanoes of Katmai National Park, Alaska Peninsula, Alaska [abs.]: Eos, v. 81, n. 48, p. 1375.
Volcano-tectonic earthquakes at Katmai National Park, Alaska: evidence for more than one source process, 2000
Moran, S. C., 2000, Volcano-tectonic earthquakes at Katmai National Park, Alaska: evidence for more than one source process [abs.]: Eos, v. 81, n. 48, p. 1375.
Seismicity at the volcanoes of Katmai National Park, Alaska: July 1995-December 1997, 1999
Jolly, A. D., and McNutt, S. R., 1999, Seismicity at the volcanoes of Katmai National Park, Alaska: July 1995-December 1997: Journal of Volcanology and Geothermal Research, v. 93, n. 3, p. 173-190.
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1997 volcanic activity in Alaska and Kamchatka: Summary of events and response of the Alaska Volcano Observatory, 1999
McGimsey, R. G., and Wallace, K. L., 1999, 1997 volcanic activity in Alaska and Kamchatka: Summary of events and response of the Alaska Volcano Observatory: U.S. Geological Survey Open-File Report 99-0448, 42 p.

September-December 1999, 1999
Alaska Volcano Observatory, 1999, September-December 1999: Alaska Volcano Observatory Bimonthly Report, v. 11, n. 5 and 6, 51 p.

Synthetic aperture radar interferometry coherence analysis over Katmai volcano group, Alaska, 1998
Lu, Z., and Freymueller, J. T., 1998, Synthetic aperture radar interferometry coherence analysis over Katmai volcano group, Alaska: Journal of Geophysical Research, v. 103, n. B12, p. 29,887-29,894.

Volcanoes of Alaska, 1998
Nye, C. J., Queen, Katherine, and McCarthy, A. M., 1998, Volcanoes of Alaska: Alaska Division of Geological & Geophysical Surveys Information Circular IC 0038, unpaged, 1 sheet, scale 1:4,000,000, available at .

Catalog of the historically active volcanoes of Alaska, 1998
Miller, T. P., McGimsey, R. G., Richter, D. H., Riehle, J. R., Nye, C. J., Yount, M. E., and Dumoulin, J. A., 1998, Catalog of the historically active volcanoes of Alaska: U.S. Geological Survey Open-File Report 98-0582, 104 p.

January-April 1998, 1998
Alaska Volcano Observatory, 1998, January-April 1998: Alaska Volcano Observatory Bimonthly Report, v. 10, n. 1 and 2, 35 p.

September-December 1998, 1998
Alaska Volcano Observatory, 1998, September-December 1998: Alaska Volcano Observatory Bimonthly Report, v. 10, n. 5 and 6, 51 p.

Seismicity in the vicinity of the Katmai Group of volcanoes, Katmai National Park, Alaska: July 1995-March 1997, 1997
Jolly, A. D., McNutt, S. R., Coombs, M. L., Stihler, S. D., and Paskievitch, J. F., 1997, Seismicity in the vicinity of the Katmai Group of volcanoes, Katmai National Park, Alaska: July 1995-March 1997 [abs.]: Eos, v. 78, n. 46, p. 442.
Volcanoes of the Alaska Peninsula and Aleutian Islands selected photographs, 1997
Neal, Christina, and McGimsey, R. G., 1997, Volcanoes of the Alaska Peninsula and Aleutian Islands selected photographs: U.S. Geological Survey Digital Data Series DDS 0040, 1 CD-ROM.

July-August 1997, 1997
Alaska Volcano Observatory, 1997, July-August 1997: Alaska Volcano Observatory Bimonthly Report, v. 9, n. 4, 31 p.

September-December 1997, 1997
Alaska Volcano Observatory, 1997, September-December 1997: Alaska Volcano Observatory Bimonthly Report, v. 9, n. 5 and 6, 17 p.

ERS-1 and ERS-2 satellite interferometry at Katmai National Park, Alaska, 1996
Lu, Z., Freymueller, J., Eichelberger, J., and Fatland, R., 1996, ERS-1 and ERS-2 satellite interferometry at Katmai National Park, Alaska [abs.]: Eos, v. 77, n. 46, p. F50.
1995 volcanic activity in Alaska and Kamchatka: summary of events and response of the Alaska Volcano Observatory, 1996
McGimsey, R. G., and Neal, Christina, 1996, 1995 volcanic activity in Alaska and Kamchatka: summary of events and response of the Alaska Volcano Observatory: U.S. Geological Survey Open-File Report 96-0738, 22 p.

Stratigraphic framework of the Alaska Peninsula, 1996
Detterman, R. L., Case, J. E., Miller, J. W., Wilson, F. H., and Yount, M. E., 1996, Stratigraphic framework of the Alaska Peninsula: U.S. Geological Survey Bulletin 1969-A, 74 p.

Ascent and emplacement of Aleutian and Cascades magmas, 1995
Eichelberger, J. C., Wiesneth, D. W., and Wolf, K. J., 1995, Ascent and emplacement of Aleutian and Cascades magmas [abs.]: Abstracts with Programs - Geological Society of America, v. 27, n. 5, p. 17.
Geochemical data of fumarolically altered rocks, Valley of Ten Thousand Smokes, Alaska, 1995
Keith, T. E. C., 1995, Geochemical data of fumarolically altered rocks, Valley of Ten Thousand Smokes, Alaska: U.S. Geological Survey Open-File Report 95-0047, 20 p.
Further insights into the geochemical evolution of fumarolic alteration, Valley of Ten Thousand Smokes, Alaska, 1995
Kodosky, L. G., and Keith, T. E. C., 1995, Further insights into the geochemical evolution of fumarolic alteration, Valley of Ten Thousand Smokes, Alaska: Journal of Volcanology and Geothermal Research, v. 65, n. 3-4, p. 181-190.

Evidence for a copper-bearing fluid in magma erupted at the Valley of Ten Thousand Smokes, Alaska, 1995
Lowenstern, J. B., 1995, Evidence for a copper-bearing fluid in magma erupted at the Valley of Ten Thousand Smokes, Alaska [abs.]: Fluid Inclusion Research, v. 26, p. 101.
Quick reference to Alaska's active volcanoes and listing of historical eruptions, 1760-1994, 1995
McGimsey, R. G., and Miller, T. P., 1995, Quick reference to Alaska's active volcanoes and listing of historical eruptions, 1760-1994: U.S. Geological Survey Open-File Report 95-0520, 13 p.
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Volcanic activity in Alaska: Summary of events and response of the Alaska Volcano Observatory 1992, 1995
McGimsey, R. G., Neal, C. A., and Doukas, M. P., 1995, Volcanic activity in Alaska: Summary of events and response of the Alaska Volcano Observatory 1992: U.S. Geological Survey Open-File Report 95-83, 26 p.
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Seismological evidence concerning Aleutian Arc magma systems, 1995
McNutt, S. R., 1995, Seismological evidence concerning Aleutian Arc magma systems [abs.]: Abstracts with Programs - Geological Society of America, v. 27, n. 5, p. 64.
Alteration of plagioclase and pyroxene phenocrysts in a fissure fumarole, Valley of Ten Thousand Smokes, Alaska, 1995
Spilde, M. N., Brearley, A. J., and Papike, J. J., 1995, Alteration of plagioclase and pyroxene phenocrysts in a fissure fumarole, Valley of Ten Thousand Smokes, Alaska: Fluid Inclusion Research, v. 26, p. 170.
Topographic maps of Novarupta dome and selected portions of the Valley of Ten Thousand Smokes, Katmai National Park and Preserve, Alaska, 1995
Strobe, Robert, Rice, William, and Neal, C. A., 1995, Topographic maps of Novarupta dome and selected portions of the Valley of Ten Thousand Smokes, Katmai National Park and Preserve, Alaska: U.S. Geological Survey Open-File Report 95-0619, unpaged, 4 plates, scale 1:48,000 and 1:2,400.

Martin, 1995
Smithsonian Institution, 1995, Martin: Global Volcanism Network Bulletin v. 20, n. 03, unpaged.
Volcanoes of Alaska, 1995
Alaska Division of Geological & Geophysical Surveys, 1995, Volcanoes of Alaska: Alaska Division of Geological & Geophysical Surveys Information Circular IC 0038, unpaged, 1 sheet, scale 1:4,000,000.
Mesozoic macrofossil locality map, checklists, and pre-Quaternary stratigraphic section of the Mt. Katmai and adjacent parts of the Afognak and Naknek quadrangles, Alaska Peninsula, Alaska, 1995
Miller, J.W., Elder, W.P., and Detterman, R.L., 1995, Mesozoic macrofossil locality map, checklists, and pre-Quaternary stratigraphic section of the Mt. Katmai and adjacent parts of the Afognak and Naknek quadrangles, Alaska Peninsula, Alaska: U.S. Geological Survey Miscellaneous Field Studies Map 2021-G, 3 sheets.
Volcanic ash and aviation safety: proceedings of the first international symposium, Seattle, Washington, July 1991, 1994
Casadevall, T. J., (ed.), 1994, Volcanic ash and aviation safety: proceedings of the first international symposium, Seattle, Washington, July 1991: U.S. Geological Survey Bulletin 2047, 450 p., available at .
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Interpretation of exploration geochemical data for the Mount Katmai quadrangle and adjacent parts of the Afognak and Naknek quadrangles, Alaska, 1994
Church, S. E., Riehle, J. R., and Goldfarb, R. J., 1994, Interpretation of exploration geochemical data for the Mount Katmai quadrangle and adjacent parts of the Afognak and Naknek quadrangles, Alaska: U.S. Geological Survey Bulletin 2020, 67 p., 3 plates, scale 1:250,000.

Age, character, and significance of Aleutian arc volcanism, 1994
Fournelle, J. H., Marsh, B. D., and Myers, J. D., 1994, Age, character, and significance of Aleutian arc volcanism: in Plafker, George and Berg, H. C., (eds.), The Geology of Alaska, Geological Society of America The Geology of North America Series v. G-1, p. 723-758.

Geologic map of the Mount Katmai quadrangle and adjacent parts of the Naknek and Afognak quadrangles, Alaska, 1994
Riehle, J. R., Detterman, R. L., Yount, M. E., and Miller, J. W., 1994, Geologic map of the Mount Katmai quadrangle and adjacent parts of the Naknek and Afognak quadrangles, Alaska: U.S. Geological Survey Miscellaneous Investigations Series Map I 2204, unpaged, 1 plate, scale 1:250,000.
Reconnaissance Holocene tephrochronology of the eastern Aleutian arc, Alaska, 1994
Riehle, J. R., and Meyer, C. E., 1994, Reconnaissance Holocene tephrochronology of the eastern Aleutian arc, Alaska [abs.]: Abstracts with Programs - Geological Society of America, v. 26, n. 7, p. A138.
Leaky magmas & eruptions in the eastern Aleutian Arc, 1994
Swanson, S. E., and Eichelberger, J. C., 1994, Leaky magmas & eruptions in the eastern Aleutian Arc [abs.]: Abstracts with Programs - Geological Society of America, v. 26, n. 7, p. 451.
Emplacement of Novarupta dome, Katmai National Park, Alaska, 1994
Wiesneth, D. W., Eichelberger, J. C., Bates, T. L., and Hervig, R. L., 1994, Emplacement of Novarupta dome, Katmai National Park, Alaska: Eos, v. 75, n. 16, p. 358.
Overview of Quaternary glacial, volcanic, and tectonic interactions on the Alaska Peninsula, 1994
Wilson, F. H., 1994, Overview of Quaternary glacial, volcanic, and tectonic interactions on the Alaska Peninsula [abs.]: Abstracts with Programs - Geological Society of America, v. 26, n. 7, p. 137.
Mineral-resource assessments in Alaska: background information to accompany maps and reports about geology and undiscovered-mineral-resource potential of the Mount Katmai quadrangle and adjacent parts of the Naknek and Afognak quadrangles, Alaska Peninsula, 1994
Riehle, J. R., Church, S. E., Detterman, R. L., and Miller, J. W., 1994, Mineral-resource assessments in Alaska: background information to accompany maps and reports about geology and undiscovered-mineral-resource potential of the Mount Katmai quadrangle and adjacent parts of the Naknek and Afognak quadrangles, Alaska Peninsula: U.S. Geological Survey Circular C 1106, 13 p.
Volcanoes of the world [2nd edition], 1994
Simkin, Tom, and Siebert, Lee, 1994, Volcanoes of the world [2nd edition]: Tucson, Arizona, Geoscience Press, 349 p.
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Quaternary volcanism in the Alaska Peninsula and Wrangell Mountains, Alaska, 1994
Miller, T. P., and Richter, D. H., 1994, Quaternary volcanism in the Alaska Peninsula and Wrangell Mountains, Alaska: in Plafker, George, Jones, D. L., and Berg, H. C., (eds.), The Geology of Alaska, Geological Society of America The Geology of North America series v. G-1, p. 759-779.
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Geothermal resources of the Aleutian Arc, 1993
Motyka, R. J., Liss, S. A., Nye, C. J., and Moorman, M. A., 1993, Geothermal resources of the Aleutian Arc: Alaska Division of Geological & Geophysical Surveys Professional Report PR 0114, 17 p., 4 sheets, scale 1:1,000,000.

Factors controlling the geochemical evolution of fumarolic encrustations, Valley of Ten Thousand Smokes, Alaska, 1993
Kodosky, L. G., and Keith, T. E. C., 1993, Factors controlling the geochemical evolution of fumarolic encrustations, Valley of Ten Thousand Smokes, Alaska: Journal of Volcanology and Geothermal Research, v. 55, n. 3-4, p. 185-200.

Evidence for a copper-bearing fluid in magma erupted at the Valley of Ten Thousand Smokes, Alaska, 1993
Lowenstern, J. B., 1993, Evidence for a copper-bearing fluid in magma erupted at the Valley of Ten Thousand Smokes, Alaska: Contributions to Mineralogy and Petrology, v. 114, n. 3, p. 409-421.

Quaternary geologic map of the Mount Katmai quadrangle and adjacent parts of the Naknek and Afognak quadrangles, Alaska, 1993
Riehle, J. R., and Detterman, R. L., 1993, Quaternary geologic map of the Mount Katmai quadrangle and adjacent parts of the Naknek and Afognak quadrangles, Alaska: U.S. Geological Survey Miscellaneous Investigations Series Map I 2032, unpaged, 1 sheet, scale 1:250,000.
Gas compositions from fumaroles in Katmai National Park volcanoes and in the 1912 ash flow sheet, 1993
Sheppard, D. S., Janik, C. J., and Keith, T. E. C., 1993, Gas compositions from fumaroles in Katmai National Park volcanoes and in the 1912 ash flow sheet [abs.]: in Duggan, M. B. and Knutson, Jan, (comps.), Ancient volcanism & modern analogues, 1993 IAVCEI general assembly, Abstracts, Canberra, Australia, Sept. 25-Oct. 1, 1993, p. 99.
Alteration of plagioclase and pyroxene phenocrysts in a fissure fumarole, Valley of Ten Thousand Smokes, Alaska, 1993
Spilde, M. N., Brearley, A. J., and Papike, J. J., 1993, Alteration of plagioclase and pyroxene phenocrysts in a fissure fumarole, Valley of Ten Thousand Smokes, Alaska: American Mineralogist, v. 78, n. 9, p. 1066-1081.
Holocene volcanoes of the Aleutian Arc, Alaska, 1993
March, G. D., 1993, Holocene volcanoes of the Aleutian Arc, Alaska: Alaska Division of Geological & Geophysical Surveys Public-Data File PDF 93-85, unpaged, 1 sheet, scale 1:2,000,000.
Dynamics and kinematics of recent pyroclastic flows in Alaska: Katmai 1912/Mt. St. Augustine 1986/Mt. Redoubt 1990, 1992
Beget, J. E., 1992, Dynamics and kinematics of recent pyroclastic flows in Alaska: Katmai 1912/Mt. St. Augustine 1986/Mt. Redoubt 1990 [abs.]: in International Geological Congress, 29, Abstracts, v. 2, Kyoto, Japan, Aug. 24-Sept. 3, 1992, p. 486.
Mineral and energy resource assessment maps of the Mount Katmai, Naknek, and western Afognak quadrangles, Alaska, 1992
Church, S. E., Riehle, J. R., Magoon, L. B., and Campbell, D. L., 1992, Mineral and energy resource assessment maps of the Mount Katmai, Naknek, and western Afognak quadrangles, Alaska: U.S. Geological Survey Miscellaneous Field Studies Map MF 2021-F, 22 p., 2 plates, scale 1:250,000.
Emplacement of the Valley of Ten Thousand Smokes ignimbrite from Novarupta (Alaska) on 6 June, 1912, 1992
Fierstein, Judy, 1992, Emplacement of the Valley of Ten Thousand Smokes ignimbrite from Novarupta (Alaska) on 6 June, 1912 [abs.]: Eos, v. 73, n. 43, p. 636.
Geochemistry of waters in the Valley of Ten Thousand Smokes region, Alaska, 1992
Keith, T. E. C., Thompson, J. M., Hutchinson, R. A., and White, L. D., 1992, Geochemistry of waters in the Valley of Ten Thousand Smokes region, Alaska: Journal of Volcanology and Geothermal Research, v. 49, n. 3/4, p. 209-231.

Geochemical studies of fumarolic systems in the eastern Aleutian volcanic arc: applications for understanding magmatic and volcanic processes, 1992
Kodosky, L. G., 1992, Geochemical studies of fumarolic systems in the eastern Aleutian volcanic arc: applications for understanding magmatic and volcanic processes: University of Alaska Fairbanks unpublished Ph.D. dissertation, 213 p.
A compaction profile from the 1912 ash-flow sheet, Katmai National Park, Alaska, 1992
Riehle, J. R., Miller, T. P., McGimsey, R. G., and Keith, T. E. C., 1992, A compaction profile from the 1912 ash-flow sheet, Katmai National Park, Alaska [abs.]: Eos, v. 73, n. 43, p. 636.
Principal facts for 63 gravity stations in the vicinity of Katmai National Park, Alaska, 1992
Saltus, R. W., 1992, Principal facts for 63 gravity stations in the vicinity of Katmai National Park, Alaska: U.S. Geological Survey Open-File Report 92-0310, 13 p.
A comparison of gas geochemistry of fumaroles in the 1912 ash-flow sheet and on active stratovolcanoes, Katmai National Park, Alaska, 1992
Sheppard, D. S., Janik, C. J., and Keith, T. E. C., 1992, A comparison of gas geochemistry of fumaroles in the 1912 ash-flow sheet and on active stratovolcanoes, Katmai National Park, Alaska: Journal of Volcanology and Geothermal Research, v. 53, n. 1, p. 185-198.
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Map showing potassium-argon ages from the Mount Katmai and adjacent parts of the Naknek and Afognak quadrangles, Alaska Peninsula, Alaska, 1992
Shew, Nora, and Lanphere, M. A., 1992, Map showing potassium-argon ages from the Mount Katmai and adjacent parts of the Naknek and Afognak quadrangles, Alaska Peninsula, Alaska: U.S. Geological Survey Miscellaneous Field Studies Map MF 2021-E, unpaged, 1sheet, scale 1:250,000.
Seismic evidence for magma in the vicinity of Mt. Katmai, Alaska, 1991
Ward, P. L., Pitt, A. M., and Endo, E., 1991, Seismic evidence for magma in the vicinity of Mt. Katmai, Alaska: Geophysical Research Letters, v. 18, n. 8, p. 1537-1540.
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The Katmai scientific drilling project, surface phase: investigation of an exceptional igneous system, 1991
Eichelberger, J. C., Hildreth, W., and Papike, J. J., 1991, The Katmai scientific drilling project, surface phase: investigation of an exceptional igneous system: Geophysical Research Letters, v. 18, n. 8, p. 1513-1516.
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The timing of caldera collapse at Mount Katmai in response to magma withdrawal toward Novarupta, 1991
Hildreth, Wes, 1991, The timing of caldera collapse at Mount Katmai in response to magma withdrawal toward Novarupta: Geophysical Research Letters, v. 18, n. 8, p. 1541-1544.
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Time-domain electromagnetic soundings in the vicinity of Novarupta, Katmai National Park, Alaska, 1991
Kasameyer, P. W., Wilt, Michael, Daily, William, and Felske, Donald, 1991, Time-domain electromagnetic soundings in the vicinity of Novarupta, Katmai National Park, Alaska: Geophysical Research Letters, v. 18, n. 8, p. 1525-1528.
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Fossil and active fumaroles in the 1912 eruptive deposits, Valley of Ten Thousand Smokes, Alaska, 1991
Keith, T. E. C., 1991, Fossil and active fumaroles in the 1912 eruptive deposits, Valley of Ten Thousand Smokes, Alaska: Journal of Volcanology and Geothermal Research, v. 45, n. 3, p. 227-254.
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Advective flux of solutes and heat from the Valley of Ten Thousand Smokes, Katmai National Park, Alaska, 1991
Keith, T. E. C., and Ingebritsen, S. E., 1991, Advective flux of solutes and heat from the Valley of Ten Thousand Smokes, Katmai National Park, Alaska [abs.]: Eos, v. 72, n. 44, p. 551.
Argillic alteration in the Novarupta vent region, Katmai National Park, Alaska, 1991
Keith, T. E. C., 1991, Argillic alteration in the Novarupta vent region, Katmai National Park, Alaska: Geophysical Research Letters, v. 18, n. 8, p. 1549-1552.
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Depth of the ash flow deposit in the Valley of Ten Thousand Smokes, Katmai National Park, Alaska, 1991
Kienle, Juergen, 1991, Depth of the ash flow deposit in the Valley of Ten Thousand Smokes, Katmai National Park, Alaska: Geophysical Research Letters, v. 18, n. 8, p. 1533-1536.
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A geodetic network in the Novarupta area, Katmai National Park, Alaska, 1991
Kleinman, J. W., and Iwatsubo, E. Y., 1991, A geodetic network in the Novarupta area, Katmai National Park, Alaska: Geophysical Research Letters, v. 18, n. 8, 1517-1519.
Petrogenesis of high-silica rhyolite on the Alaska Peninsula, 1991
Lowenstern, J. B., and Mahood, G. A., 1991, Petrogenesis of high-silica rhyolite on the Alaska Peninsula: Geophysical Research Letters, v. 18, n. 8, p. 1565-1568.
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The west Mageik Lake sill complex as an analogue for magma transport during the 1912 eruption at the Valley of Ten Thousand Smokes, Alaska, 1991
Lowenstern, J. B., Wallmann, P. C., and Pollard, D. D., 1991, The west Mageik Lake sill complex as an analogue for magma transport during the 1912 eruption at the Valley of Ten Thousand Smokes, Alaska: Geophysical Research Letters, v. 18, n. 8, p. 1569-1572.
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Major and trace element mass flux in fumarolic deposits, Valley of Ten Thousand Smokes, Alaska: rhyolite-rich protolith, 1991
Papike, J. J., Keith, T. E. C., Spilde, M. N., Shearer, C. K., Galbreath, K. C., and Laul, J. C., 1991, Major and trace element mass flux in fumarolic deposits, Valley of Ten Thousand Smokes, Alaska: rhyolite-rich protolith: Geophysical Research Letters, v. 18, n. 8, p. 1545-1548.
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Chemical mass flux in fumarolic deposits, Valley of Ten Thousand Smokes, Alaska: Influence of assumed protolith composition on enrichment/depletion systematics, 1991
Papike, J. J., Spilde, M. N., and Keith, T. E. C., 1991, Chemical mass flux in fumarolic deposits, Valley of Ten Thousand Smokes, Alaska: Influence of assumed protolith composition on enrichment/depletion systematics [abs.]: Eos, v. 72, n. 44, p. 551.
Late Pleistocene volcanic deposits near the Valley of Ten Thousand Smokes, Katmai National Park, Alaska, 1991
Pinney, D. S., and Beget, J. E., 1991, Late Pleistocene volcanic deposits near the Valley of Ten Thousand Smokes, Katmai National Park, Alaska: in Reger, R. D., (ed.), Short notes on Alaskan geology 1991, Alaska Division of Geological & Geophysical Surveys Professional Report PR 0111, p. 45-53.

Resource assessment of the Mount Katmai 1x2 deg quadrangle and adjacent parts of the Naknek and Afognak quadrangles, Alaska Peninsula, 1991
Riehle, J. R., Church, S. E., and Magoon, L. B., 1991, Resource assessment of the Mount Katmai 1x2 deg quadrangle and adjacent parts of the Naknek and Afognak quadrangles, Alaska Peninsula [abs.]: in Good, E. G., Slack, J. F., and Kotra, R. K., (eds.), USGS Research on Mineral Resources-1991 Program and Abstracts, U.S. Geological Survey Circular C 1062, p. 65-66.
Pyroxene/melt trace element behavior: a study of pyroxenes from the Valley of Ten Thousand Smokes, Alaska, 1991
Shearer, C. K., Papike, J. J., Spilde, M. N., and Shimizu, N., 1991, Pyroxene/melt trace element behavior: a study of pyroxenes from the Valley of Ten Thousand Smokes, Alaska: Geophysical Research Letters, v. 18, n. 8, p. 1557-1560.

Vapor phase and hydrothermal alteration of plagioclase and pyroxene phenocrysts in fumarolic deposits, Valley of Ten Thousand Smokes, Alaska, 1991
Spilde, M. N., Brearley, A. J., and Papike, J. J., 1991, Vapor phase and hydrothermal alteration of plagioclase and pyroxene phenocrysts in fumarolic deposits, Valley of Ten Thousand Smokes, Alaska [abs.]: Abstracts with Programs - Geological Society of America, v. 23, n. 5, p. A452.
Gravity and magnetic data from the vicinity of Novarupta, Valley of Ten Thousand Smokes, Katmai, Alaska, 1990
Goodliffe, A. M., Stone, D. B., and Kienle, J., 1990, Gravity and magnetic data from the vicinity of Novarupta, Valley of Ten Thousand Smokes, Katmai, Alaska [abs.]: Eos, v. 71, n. 17, p. 647.
Constraints from gravity and magnetic data on the caldera and vent geometry around Novarupta, Alaska, 1990
Goodliffe, A. M., Stone, D. B., and Kienle, J., 1990, Constraints from gravity and magnetic data on the caldera and vent geometry around Novarupta, Alaska [abs.]: Eos, v. 71, n. 43, p. 1693.
The Katmai eruption of 1912: was the magma stored beneath Novarupta, Trident, or Mount Katmai? Petrochemical and temporal evidence, 1990
Hildreth, Wes, 1990, The Katmai eruption of 1912: was the magma stored beneath Novarupta, Trident, or Mount Katmai? Petrochemical and temporal evidence [abs.]: Eos, v. 71, n. 43, p. 1691.
Geochemistry of streams and springs, Valley of Ten Thousand Smokes, Katmai National Park, Alaska, 1990
Keith, T. E. C., Thompson, J. M., Hutchinson, R. A., White, L. D., and Nathenson, Manuel, 1990, Geochemistry of streams and springs, Valley of Ten Thousand Smokes, Katmai National Park, Alaska [abs.]: Eos, v. 71, n. 43, p. 1691.
Pre-eruptive water content of high-silica rhyolite and dacite from the 1912 eruption at the Valley of Ten Thousand Smokes, Alaska, 1990
Lowenstern, J. B., 1990, Pre-eruptive water content of high-silica rhyolite and dacite from the 1912 eruption at the Valley of Ten Thousand Smokes, Alaska [abs.]: Eos, v. 71, n. 43, p. 1690.
Geochemistry and mineralogy of fumarole deposits, Valley of Ten Thousand Smokes (VTTS), Alaska: major element mass exchange and trace element enrichment/ depletion systematics, 1990
Papike, J. J., Spilde, M. N., Shearer, C. K., and Keith, T. E. C., 1990, Geochemistry and mineralogy of fumarole deposits, Valley of Ten Thousand Smokes (VTTS), Alaska: major element mass exchange and trace element enrichment/ depletion systematics [abs.]: Eos, v. 71, n. 43, p. 1690-1691.
Quaternary tephrochronology near the Valley of Ten Thousand Smokes, Katmai National Park, Alaska, 1990
Pinney, D. S., and Beget, J. E., 1990, Quaternary tephrochronology near the Valley of Ten Thousand Smokes, Katmai National Park, Alaska [abs.]: Eos, v. 71, n. 43, p. 1721.
Operations plan for the Katmai drilling project, 1990
Sattler, A. R., 1990, Operations plan for the Katmai drilling project: in Report SAND90-2988.UC-253, Albuquerque, N.M., Sandia National Laboratories, 162 p.
New structural limits on magma chamber locations at the Valley of Ten Thousand Smokes, Katmai National Park, Alaska, 1990
Wallmann, P. C., Pollard, D. D., Hildreth, W., and Eichelberger, J. C., 1990, New structural limits on magma chamber locations at the Valley of Ten Thousand Smokes, Katmai National Park, Alaska: Geology, v. 18, n. 12, p. 1240-1243.
Volatile contents of melt inclusions in Katmai magmas, 1990
Westrich, H. R., and Eichelberger, J. C., 1990, Volatile contents of melt inclusions in Katmai magmas [abs.]: Eos, v. 71, n. 43, p. 1690.
Preliminary results from TDEM, DC resistivity, and SP surveys of the shallow structure near Novarupta in the Valley of 10,000 Smokes, Alaska, 1990
Wilt, M., Kasameyer, P., Daily, W., Felske, D., and McConnell, V. S., 1990, Preliminary results from TDEM, DC resistivity, and SP surveys of the shallow structure near Novarupta in the Valley of 10,000 Smokes, Alaska [abs.]: Eos, v. 71, n. 43, p. 1691.
Volcanoes of North America: United States and Canada, 1990
Wood, C. A., and Kienle, Juergen, (eds.), 1990, Volcanoes of North America: United States and Canada: New York, Cambridge University Press, 354 p.
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Katmai country, 1989
Rennick, Penny, 1989, Katmai country: Alaska Geographic, v. 16, n. 1, 95 p., 1 sheet, scale unknown.
Research drilling in young volcanoes: results at Inyo Domes, California, and plans at Katmai, Alaska, 1989
Eichelberger, J. C., 1989, Research drilling in young volcanoes: results at Inyo Domes, California, and plans at Katmai, Alaska [abs.]: in International Geological Congress, 28, Abstracts, v. 1, July 9-19, 1989, p. 1.438.
Direct observation of a young igneous system: A science plan for research drilling in Katmai National Park, Alaska, 1989
Eichelberger, J. C., Hildreth, W., and Papike, J. J., 1989, Direct observation of a young igneous system: A science plan for research drilling in Katmai National Park, Alaska: in Report to U.S. Department of Energy, National Science Foundation, U.S. Geological Survey and U.S. Park Service, 219 p.
Surface mercury geochemistry as a guide to volcanic vent structure and zones of high heat flow in the Valley of Ten Thousand Smokes, Katmai National Park, Alaska, 1989
Kodosky, L. G., 1989, Surface mercury geochemistry as a guide to volcanic vent structure and zones of high heat flow in the Valley of Ten Thousand Smokes, Katmai National Park, Alaska: Journal of Volcanology and Geothermal Research, v. 38, n. 3-4, p. 227-242.

The West Mageik Lakes Sill: analogue for the feeder of the 1912 eruption at the Valley of Ten Thousand Smokes?, 1989
Lowenstern, J. B., and Wallmann, P. C., 1989, The West Mageik Lakes Sill: analogue for the feeder of the 1912 eruption at the Valley of Ten Thousand Smokes? [abs.]: in Continental magmatism: abstracts, New Mexico Bureau of Mines and Mineral Resources Bulletin 0131, p. 169.
Geochemistry and mineralogy of fumarole deposits, Valley of Ten Thousand Smokes, Alaska: Reference intensity method (RIM)XRD modal analyses, 1989
Papike, J. J., Spilde, M. N., Galbreath, K. C., Shearer, C. K., Keith, T. E. C., and Laul, J. C., 1989, Geochemistry and mineralogy of fumarole deposits, Valley of Ten Thousand Smokes, Alaska: Reference intensity method (RIM)XRD modal analyses [abs.]: Eos, v. 70, n. 43, p. 1412-1413.
Late-Quaternary volcanic and glacial stratigraphy at Windy Creek, Katmai National Monument, Alaska, 1989
Pinney, D. S., and Beget, J. E., 1989, Late-Quaternary volcanic and glacial stratigraphy at Windy Creek, Katmai National Monument, Alaska [abs.]: Abstracts with Programs - Geological Society of America, v. 21, n. 5, p. 129.
Helium isotope ratios in circum-Pacific volcanic arcs, 1989
Poreda, R. J., and Craig, H. A., 1989, Helium isotope ratios in circum-Pacific volcanic arcs: Nature, v. 338, p. 473-478.
Investigations of the mechanics of surficial deformation in the Novarupta Basin, Valley of Ten Thousand Smokes, Katmai National Park, Alaska, 1989
Wallmann, P. C., and Pollard, D. D., 1989, Investigations of the mechanics of surficial deformation in the Novarupta Basin, Valley of Ten Thousand Smokes, Katmai National Park, Alaska [abs.]: in Continental magmatism: abstracts, New Mexico Bureau of Mines and Mineral Resources Bulletin 0131, p. 286.
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Geochemical anomalies in the eastern Katmai region of the Alaska Peninsula, 1988
Goldfarb, R. J., Gray, J. E., and Tripp, R. B., 1988, Geochemical anomalies in the eastern Katmai region of the Alaska Peninsula: in Galloway, J. P. and Hamilton, T. D., (eds.), Geologic studies in Alaska by the U.S. Geological Survey during 1987, U.S. Geological Survey Circular C 1016, p. 132-135.
Surficial deformation in the Novarupta Caldera, Valley of Ten Thousand Smokes, Katmai National Park, Alaska, 1988
Wallmann, P. C., and Pollard, D. D., 1988, Surficial deformation in the Novarupta Caldera, Valley of Ten Thousand Smokes, Katmai National Park, Alaska [abs.]: Eos, v. 69, n. 44, p. 1472.
Preliminary geologic map of the Mt. Katmai quadrangle and portions of the Afognak and Naknek quadrangles, Alaska, 1987
Riehle, J. R., Detterman, R. L., Yount, M. E., and Miller, J. W., 1987, Preliminary geologic map of the Mt. Katmai quadrangle and portions of the Afognak and Naknek quadrangles, Alaska: U.S. Geological Survey Open-File Report 87-0593, unpaged, 1 sheet, scale 1:250,000.
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Research drilling at Katmai (Alaska), 1987
Hildreth, Wes, Eichelberger, J. C., and Papike, J. J., 1987, Research drilling at Katmai (Alaska) [abs.]: in International Union of Geodesy and Geophysics, General Assembly, 19, Abstracts, v. 2, Vancouver, BC, Canada, 1987, p. 412.
Valley of Ten Thousand Smokes, Katmai National Park, Alaska, 1987
Hildreth, Wes, and Fierstein, Judy, 1987, Valley of Ten Thousand Smokes, Katmai National Park, Alaska: in Cordilleran Section of the Geological Society of America, Geological Society of America Centennial Field Guide 0006, v. 1, p. 425-432.

Mercury distribution within the Valley of Ten Thousand Smokes, Katmai National Park, Alaska, 1987
Kodosky, L. G., and Keskinen, Mary, 1987, Mercury distribution within the Valley of Ten Thousand Smokes, Katmai National Park, Alaska [abs.]: Eos, v. 68, n. 44, p. 1537.
Late Quaternary caldera-forming eruptions in the eastern Aleutian arc, Alaska, 1987
Miller, T. P., and Smith, R. L., 1987, Late Quaternary caldera-forming eruptions in the eastern Aleutian arc, Alaska: Geology, v. 15, n. 5, p. 434-438.

Map showing distribution, composition, and age of Late Cenozoic volcanic centers in Alaska, 1986
Luedke, R. G., and Smith, R. L., 1986, Map showing distribution, composition, and age of Late Cenozoic volcanic centers in Alaska: U.S. Geological Survey Miscellaneous Investigations Series Map I 1091-F, unpaged, 3 sheets, scale 1:1,000,000.
Research drilling at Katmai, Alaska, 1986
Eichelberger, J. C., and Hildreth, Wes, 1986, Research drilling at Katmai, Alaska: Eos, v. 67, n. 41, p. 778-780.
Active hydrothermal alteration in the vicinity of the Novarupta dome, Valley of 10,000 Smokes, Alaska, 1985
Keith, T. E. C., 1985, Active hydrothermal alteration in the vicinity of the Novarupta dome, Valley of 10,000 Smokes, Alaska [abs.]: Eos, v. 66, n. 46, p. 1154.
Isotope and trace element data bearing on the sources and evolution of magmas in the Katmai region, Alaska, 1985
Rubenstone, J. L., Langmuir, C. H., and Hildreth, Wes, 1985, Isotope and trace element data bearing on the sources and evolution of magmas in the Katmai region, Alaska: Abstracts with Programs - Geological Society of America, v. 17, n. 7, p. 704.
Preliminary observations on fumarole distribution and alteration, Valley of 10,000 Smokes, Alaska, 1984
Keith, T. E. C., 1984, Preliminary observations on fumarole distribution and alteration, Valley of 10,000 Smokes, Alaska: in Reed, K. M. and Bartsch-Winkler, Susan, (eds.), The United States Geological Survey in Alaska: accomplishments during 1982, U.S. Geological Survey Circular C 0939, p. 82-85.
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Chloride and fluoride in waters draining the Valley of Ten Thousand Smokes, Alaska, 1984
Thompson, J. M., and Keith, T. E. C., 1984, Chloride and fluoride in waters draining the Valley of Ten Thousand Smokes, Alaska [abs.]: Abstracts with Programs - Geological Society of America, v. 16, n. 5, p. 336.
Magmatism and subduction in the eastern Aleutian Arc, 1983
Kienle, J., Swanson, S. E., and Pulpan, H., 1983, Magmatism and subduction in the eastern Aleutian Arc: in Shimozuru, D. and Yokoyama, I., (eds.), Arc volcanism: physics and tectonics, IAVCEI symposium, Proceedings, Tokyo and Hakone, Japan, Aug. 3l -Sept. 5, 1981, Tokyo, Terra Scientific Publishing Co., p. 191-224.

Volcanism in the eastern Aleutian Arc: late Quaternary and Holocene centers, tectonic setting and petrology, 1983
Kienle, Juergen, and Swanson, S. E., 1983, Volcanism in the eastern Aleutian Arc: late Quaternary and Holocene centers, tectonic setting and petrology: Journal of Volcanology and Geothermal Research, v. 17, n. 1-4, p. 393-432.

Plate subduction and volcanism in the eastern Aleutian Arc: 2, Petrology, 1982
Swanson, S. E., and Kienle, Juergen, 1982, Plate subduction and volcanism in the eastern Aleutian Arc: 2, Petrology [abs.]: Abstracts with Programs - Geological Society of America, v. 14, n. 7, p. 628.
Volcanic centers in the Katmai area, Alaska, 1981
Kienle, Juergen, Swanson, S. E., and Pulpan, Hans, 1981, Volcanic centers in the Katmai area, Alaska [abs.]: Eos, v. 62, n. 17, p. 430.
Volcanoes of the world, 1981
Simkin, Tom, Siebert, Lee, McClelland, Lindsay, Bridge, David, Newhall, Christopher, and Latter, J. H., 1981, Volcanoes of the world: Stroudsburg, PA, Hutchinson Publishing Company, 233 p.
The 1912 eruption in the Valley of Ten Thousand Smokes, Katmai National Monument, Alaska, 1981
Hildreth, W., 1981, The 1912 eruption in the Valley of Ten Thousand Smokes, Katmai National Monument, Alaska [abs.]: in IAVCEI International Association of Volcanology and Chemistry of the Earth's Interior, Symposium on Arc Volcanism, Tokyo & Hakone, Japan, August 28-September 9, 1981, p. 126-127.
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Characteristics of andesitic to dacitic volcanism at Katmai National Park, Alaska, 1981
Kosco, D. G., 1981, Characteristics of andesitic to dacitic volcanism at Katmai National Park, Alaska [abs.]: Abstracts with Programs - Geological Society of America, v. 13, n. 7, p. 490.
Helium isotope variations along the Alaskan-Aleutian Arc, 1981
Poreda, R., Craig, H., and Motyka, R., 1981, Helium isotope variations along the Alaskan-Aleutian Arc [abs.]: Eos, v. 62, n. 45, p. 1092.
Geology and petrology of Kaguyak Crater, Alaska, 1981
Swanson, S. E., Kienle, Juergen, and Fenn, P. M., 1981, Geology and petrology of Kaguyak Crater, Alaska [abs.]: Eos, v. 62, n. 45, p. 1062.
The Valley-of-Ten-Thousand-Smokes Tuff, II. Compositional and isotopic variability of the ejecta, 1980
Hildreth, Wes, and Grunder, A. L., 1980, The Valley-of-Ten-Thousand-Smokes Tuff, II. Compositional and isotopic variability of the ejecta [abs.]: Abstracts with Programs - Geological Society of America, v. 12, n. 3, p. 111.
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The Valley-of-Ten-Thousand-Smokes Tuff, I. Emplacement, compaction, and welding, 1980
Johnston, D. A., and Hildreth, Wes, 1980, The Valley-of-Ten-Thousand-Smokes Tuff, I. Emplacement, compaction, and welding [abs.]: Abstracts with Programs - Geological Society of America, v. 12, n. 3, p. 113.
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Ash-flow tuffs: their origin, geologic relations and identification and zones and zonal variations in welded ash flows, 1980
Ross, C. S., and Smith, R. L., 1980, Ash-flow tuffs: their origin, geologic relations and identification and zones and zonal variations in welded ash flows: New Mexico Geological Society Special Publication 0009, variously paginated.
Martin, 1980
Staff, 1980, Martin: in Annual report of the world volcanic eruptions in 1978, Bulletin of Volcanic Eruptions, v. 18, p. 84.
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Katmai: the forge of Vulcan, 1979
Richter-McBride Productions, Alaska Natural History Association, and National Park Service, 1979, Katmai: the forge of Vulcan: 1 videocassette.
Calc-alkaline plutonism along the Pacific rim of southern Alaska, 1979
Hudson, Travis, 1979, Calc-alkaline plutonism along the Pacific rim of southern Alaska: U.S. Geological Survey Open-File Report 79-0953, 31 p.
Volcanic gas studies at Alaskan volcanoes, 1979
Johnston, D. A., 1979, Volcanic gas studies at Alaskan volcanoes: in Johnson, K. M. and Williams, J. R., (eds.), The United States Geological Survey in Alaska: accomplishments during 1978, U.S. Geological Survey Circular C 0804-B, p. B83-B84.
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Airborne particle and gas measurements in the emissions from six volcanoes, 1978
Stith, J. L., Hobbs, P. V., and Radke, L. F., 1978, Airborne particle and gas measurements in the emissions from six volcanoes: Journal of Geophysical Research, C, v. 83, n. 8, p. 4009-4017.

Comprehensive tables giving physical data and thermal energy estimates for young igneous systems of the United States, 1978
Smith, R. L., Shaw, H. R., Luedke, R. G., and Russell, S. L., 1978, Comprehensive tables giving physical data and thermal energy estimates for young igneous systems of the United States: U.S. Geological Survey Open-File Report 78-0925, p. 1-25.
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Glaciological-volcanological investigations in Katmai National Monument, 1977
Ferrell, V. M., Motyka, R. J., and Benson, C. S., 1977, Glaciological-volcanological investigations in Katmai National Monument [abs.]: in Scott, S. A., (ed.), Annual National Park Service Pacific Northwest Region Science Management Conference, 4, p. 22.
The Katmai eruption and the Valley of Ten Thousand Smokes, 1975
Higbie, R. G., 1975, The Katmai eruption and the Valley of Ten Thousand Smokes: in 1890-1954 projects, National Geographic Society Research Report 0008, p. 141-170.

Exploring Katmai National Monument and the Valley of Ten Thousand Smokes, 1974
Alaska Travel Publications, 1974, Exploring Katmai National Monument and the Valley of Ten Thousand Smokes: Anchorage, AK, Alaska Travel Publications, p. 49-69, 71-75, 85-98.
Geomorphic role of snow and ice during the Katmai 1912 eruption, 1973
Hamilton, T. D., 1973, Geomorphic role of snow and ice during the Katmai 1912 eruption [abs.]: Abstracts with Programs - Geological Society of America, v. 5, n. 1, p. 48-49.
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Refraction profiles in the Valley of Ten Thousand Smokes, Katmai, Alaska, 1972
Sbar, M. L., and Matumoto, T., 1972, Refraction profiles in the Valley of Ten Thousand Smokes, Katmai, Alaska: Bulletin Volcanologique, v. 35, n. 2, p. 335-349.
Paleomagnetic measurements in the Valley of Ten Thousand Smokes, Alaska, 1972
Stone, D. B., and Packer, D. R., 1972, Paleomagnetic measurements in the Valley of Ten Thousand Smokes, Alaska [abs.]: Eos, v. 53, n. 11, p. 1132.
Ground magnetometer survey in the Valley of Ten Thousand Smokes, Alaska, 1972
Trible, M. C., 1972, Ground magnetometer survey in the Valley of Ten Thousand Smokes, Alaska: University of Alaska Fairbanks unpublished M.S. thesis, 210 p.
Seismic body waves observed in the vicinity of Mt. Katmai, Alaska, and evidence for the existence of molten chambers, 1971
Matumoto, T., 1971, Seismic body waves observed in the vicinity of Mt. Katmai, Alaska, and evidence for the existence of molten chambers [abs.]: Geological Society of America Bulletin, v. 82, p. 2905-2920.
Magnetic anomalies in the Valley of Ten Thousand Smokes, 1971
Stone, D. B., Anma, Kei, and Trible, M. C., 1971, Magnetic anomalies in the Valley of Ten Thousand Smokes [abs.]: Eos, v. 52, n. 11, p. 925.
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Seismic geologic evidence of pre-1912 tuff deposits in the Valley of Ten Thousand Smokes, Katmai National Monument, Alaska, 1970
Kienle, J., Bingham, D. K., and Forbes, R. B., 1970, Seismic geologic evidence of pre-1912 tuff deposits in the Valley of Ten Thousand Smokes, Katmai National Monument, Alaska [abs.]: Eos, v. 51, n. 11, p. 829.
Gravity traverses in the Valley of Ten Thousand Smokes, Katmai National Monument, Alaska, 1970
Kienle, J., 1970, Gravity traverses in the Valley of Ten Thousand Smokes, Katmai National Monument, Alaska: Journal of Geophysical Research, v. 75, n. 32, p. 6641-6649.
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Gravity traverses in the Valley of Ten Thousand Smokes, Katmai National Monument, Alaska, 1969
Kienle, J., 1969, Gravity traverses in the Valley of Ten Thousand Smokes, Katmai National Monument, Alaska [abs.]: Eos, v. 50, n. 4, p. 340.
Gravity survey in the general area of the Katmai National Monument, Alaska, 1968
Kienle, Juergen, 1968, Gravity survey in the general area of the Katmai National Monument, Alaska: University of Alaska Fairbanks Ph.D. dissertation, 151 p.
Seismic and gravity studies on the Alaska Peninsula, 1967
Berg, E., Kubota, S., and Kienle, J., 1967, Seismic and gravity studies on the Alaska Peninsula: University of Alaska Fairbanks Geophysical Institute Annual Report 1966-67, p. 78-79.
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Preliminary determination of crustal structure in the Katmai National Monument, Alaska, 1967
Berg, E., Kienle, J., and Kubota, S., 1967, Preliminary determination of crustal structure in the Katmai National Monument, Alaska: Bulletin of the Seismological Society of America, v. 57, n. 6, p. 1367-1392.
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A summary of volcanic and seismic activity in Katmai National Monument, Alaska, 1967
Ward, P. L., and Matumoto, T., 1967, A summary of volcanic and seismic activity in Katmai National Monument, Alaska: Bulletin Volcanologique, v. 31, p.107-129.
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Volcanic and seismic activity in Katmai National Monument, Alaska, 1967
Ward, P. L., 1967, Volcanic and seismic activity in Katmai National Monument, Alaska: Columbia University unpublished M.S. thesis, 78 p.
Microearthquake study of Mount Katmai and vicinity, Alaska, 1967
Matumoto, Tosimatu, and Ward, P. L., 1967, Microearthquake study of Mount Katmai and vicinity, Alaska: Journal of Geophysical Research, v. 72, n. 10, p. 2557-2568.
Evidence for magma in the Katmai volcanic range, 1967
Kubota, S., and Berg, E., 1967, Evidence for magma in the Katmai volcanic range: Bulletin Volcanologique, v. 31, p. 175-214.
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A shadow effect on S waves observed in the vicinity of Mount Katmai, Alaska, 1967
Matumoto, T., and Molnar, P., 1967, A shadow effect on S waves observed in the vicinity of Mount Katmai, Alaska [abs.]: Eos, v. 48, p. 199.
Volcanic activity in Katmai National Monument, in early August, 1965, 1966
Ward, Peter, and Ward, Sandra, 1966, Volcanic activity in Katmai National Monument, in early August, 1965: Earthquake Notes, v. 37, n. 3, p. 19-34.
Seismic and gravity studies at Katmai, 1966
Berg, E., Kubota, S., and Kienle, J., 1966, Seismic and gravity studies at Katmai: University of Alaska Geophysical Institute Annual Report, 1965-66, p. 64-65.
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Geophysical investigations in Katmai National Monument, Alaska, 1964
Decker, R. W., 1964, Geophysical investigations in Katmai National Monument, Alaska [abs.]: Eos, v. 45, n. 1, p. 124.
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Contributions a l'etude volcanologique du Katmai et de la Vallee des Dix Mille Fumees (Alaska), 1963
Bordet, P., Marinelli, G., Mittempergher, M., and Tazieff, H., 1963, Contributions a l'etude volcanologique du Katmai et de la Vallee des Dix Mille Fumees (Alaska): Societe Geologique de Belgique Memoires IN 8 (7), Brussels, Belgium, 70 p.
Remarks on the eruption of Katmai and the Valley of Ten Thousand Smokes and on the problem of ignimbrites, 1963
Bordet, P., and Tazieff, H., 1963, Remarks on the eruption of Katmai and the Valley of Ten Thousand Smokes and on the problem of ignimbrites: Societe Geologique de France Bulletin, v. 5, n. 2, p. 210-213.
Erzmikroskopische untersuchungen an magnetiten der exhalationen im Valley of 10,000 Smokes, 1962
Ramdohr, P., 1962, Erzmikroskopische untersuchungen an magnetiten der exhalationen im Valley of 10,000 Smokes: Neues Jahrbuch Mineralogie Monatschrift, v. 1962, n. 3-4, p. 49-59.
Geology of the Mount Katmai area, Alaska, 1959
Keller, A. S., and Reiser, H. N., 1959, Geology of the Mount Katmai area, Alaska: U.S. Geological Survey Bulletin 1058-G, p. 261-298, 2 sheets, scale 1:250,000.

Alaska Peninsula-Aleutian Islands, 1958
Powers, H. A., 1958, Alaska Peninsula-Aleutian Islands: in Williams, H., (ed.), Landscapes of Alaska, Los Angeles, CA, University of California Press, p. 61-75.

Mount Katmai and the Valley of Ten Thousand Smokes, Alaska (a new interpretation of the great eruptions of 1912), 1956
Williams, Howel, Curtis, G. H., and Juhle, R. W., 1956, Mount Katmai and the Valley of Ten Thousand Smokes, Alaska (a new interpretation of the great eruptions of 1912) [abs.]: in Pacific Science Congress, 8, Proceedings, v. 2, p. 129.

General geology of the Katmai area, Alaska, 1955
Keller, A. S., 1955, General geology of the Katmai area, Alaska [abs.]: Geological Society of America Bulletin, v. 66, n. 12, p. 1703.
Preliminary summary report on the shorelines, glaciation and non-volcanic rocks of Katmai National Monument, 1954
Lucke, J. B., 1954, Preliminary summary report on the shorelines, glaciation and non-volcanic rocks of Katmai National Monument: in Luntey, R. S., (comp.), Interim report on Katmai Project, Katmai National Monument, Alaska, p. 50-54.
Current volcanic activity in Katmai National Monument (Alaska), 1954
Muller, E. H., Juhle, R. W., and Coulter, H. W., 1954, Current volcanic activity in Katmai National Monument (Alaska): Science, v. 119, n. 3088, p. 319-321.

Volcano observations, 1954
Unknown, 1954, Volcano observations: Unpublished volcano observation sheets filled out by U.S. military and stored on file at the Geophyiscal Institute, University of Alaska Fairbanks, unpaged.
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Current volcanic activity in Katmai National Monument, 1954
Muller, E. H., Juhle, R. W., and Coulter, H. W., 1954, Current volcanic activity in Katmai National Monument: in Luntey, R. S., Interim report on Katmai Project, Washington D.C., U.S. National Park Service, p. 62-66.
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Eruption of Trident Volcano, Katmai National Monument, Alaska, Feb.-June 1953, 1954
Snyder, G. L., 1954, Eruption of Trident Volcano, Katmai National Monument, Alaska, Feb.-June 1953: U.S. Geological Survey Circular C 0318, 7 p., 2 sheets, scale unknown.
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Activity of Trident Volcano, 1953
MacDonald, G. A., 1953, Activity of Trident Volcano: The Volcano Letter, v. 520, p. 5-6.

Magnificent Katmai, 1952
Sumner, Lowell, 1952, Magnificent Katmai: Sierra Club Bulletin, v. 37, n. 10, p. 29-51.
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First into Katmai, 1947
Horner, M. A., and Brain, Gladys, 1947, First into Katmai: Alaska Life, v. 10, n. 1, p. 6-7, 24-26.

Alaska and the Aleutian belt, 1946
Coleman, S. N., 1946, Alaska and the Aleutian belt: chapter 16 of Volcanoes, New and Old, New York, The John Day Company, p. 155-165.

Angry Earth, 1946
Lowney, P. B., 1946, Angry Earth: Alaska Life: the Territorial Magazine, v. 9, n. 4, p. 2.
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Pumice deposits (Katmai National Monument), 1941
Roehm, J. C., 1941, Pumice deposits (Katmai National Monument): Alaska Territorial Department of Mines Mineral Investigations MI 0126-1, 10 p.
Tuffs and other volcanic deposits of Katmai and Yellowstone Park, 1937
Fenner, C. N., 1937, Tuffs and other volcanic deposits of Katmai and Yellowstone Park: Transactions of the American Geophysical Union, part 1, v. 18, p. 236-239.
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Cradle of the storms, 1935
Hubbard, B. R., 1935, Cradle of the storms: New York, Dodd, Mead, 285 p.
A world inside a mountain: Aniakchak, the new volcanic wonderland of the Alaska Peninsula, is explored, 1931
Hubbard, B. R., 1931, A world inside a mountain: Aniakchak, the new volcanic wonderland of the Alaska Peninsula, is explored: National Geographic Magazine, v. 60, n. 3, p. 319-345.
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The Valley of Ten Thousand Smokes: 1, The fumarolic incrustations and their bearing on ore deposition: 2, The acid gases contributed to the sea during volcanic activity, 1929
Zies, E. G., 1929, The Valley of Ten Thousand Smokes: 1, The fumarolic incrustations and their bearing on ore deposition: 2, The acid gases contributed to the sea during volcanic activity: National Geographic Society Contributed Technical Papers, Katmai Series 0004, 79 p.
Aleutian notes, 1929
Jaggar, T. A., 1929, Aleutian notes: The Volcano Letter, v. 246, p. 1.

Aleutian volcanology, 1927
Jaggar, T. A., 1927, Aleutian volcanology: The Volcano Letter, v. 147, p. 1.

Eruption of Mageik in Alaska, 1927
Jaggar, T. A., 1927, Eruption of Mageik in Alaska: The Volcano Letter, v. 147, p. 1.

The Katmai magmatic province, 1926
Fenner, C. N., 1926, The Katmai magmatic province: Journal of Geology, v. 34, n. 7, p. 673-772.

The Cold Bay-Chignik District, Alaska, 1924
Smith, W. R., and Baker, A. A., 1924, The Cold Bay-Chignik District, Alaska: U.S. Geological Survey Bulletin 0755-D, p. 151-222, 5 plates, scale 4 at 1:250,000 and 1 unknown.

The fumarolic incrustations in the Valley of Ten Thousand Smokes, 1924
Zies, E. G., 1924, The fumarolic incrustations in the Valley of Ten Thousand Smokes: National Geographic Society Contributed Technical Papers, Katmai Series 0003, p. 157-179.

Fumarolic incrustations in the Valley of Ten Thousand Smokes, 1924
Zies, E. G., 1924, Fumarolic incrustations in the Valley of Ten Thousand Smokes [abs.]: Geological Society of America Bulletin, v. 35, n. 1, p. 123.
A chemical study of the fumaroles of the Katmai region, 1923
Allen, E. T., and Zies, E. G., 1923, A chemical study of the fumaroles of the Katmai region: National Geographic Society Contributed Technical Papers, Katmai Series 0002, p. 75-155.
The origin and mode of emplacement of the great tuff deposit of the Valley of Ten Thousand Smokes, 1923
Fenner, C. N., 1923, The origin and mode of emplacement of the great tuff deposit of the Valley of Ten Thousand Smokes: National Geographic Society Contributed Technical Papers, Katmai Series 0001, 74 p.
Observations on the incandescent sand flow of the Valley of Ten Thousand Smokes, 1923
Griggs, R. F., 1923, Observations on the incandescent sand flow of the Valley of Ten Thousand Smokes: Koninklijke Akademie van Wetenschappen, Amsterdam, Proceedings Ser. Science, v. 25, p. 42-50.

The Valley of Ten Thousand Smokes, 1922
Griggs, R. F., 1922, The Valley of Ten Thousand Smokes: Washington, DC, National Geographic Society, 340 p., 3 sheets, scale unknown.

Our greatest national monument: The National Geographic Society completes its explorations in the Valley of Ten Thousand Smokes, 1921
Griggs, R. F., 1921, Our greatest national monument: The National Geographic Society completes its explorations in the Valley of Ten Thousand Smokes: National Geographic Magazine, v. 40, n. 3, p. 219-292.

Hot springs of the Valley of Ten Thousand Smokes, 1921
Zies, E. G., 1921, Hot springs of the Valley of Ten Thousand Smokes: Journal of Geology, v. 32, n. 4, p. 302-310.
Geology of the Katmai region, Alaska, and the great eruption of 1912, 1920
Fenner, C. N., 1920, Geology of the Katmai region, Alaska, and the great eruption of 1912 [abs.]: Geological Society of America Bulletin, v. 31, n. 1, p. 140.
Some chemical observations on the volcanic emanations and incrustations in the Valley of 10,000 Smokes, Katmai, Alaska, 1920
Shipley, J. W., 1920, Some chemical observations on the volcanic emanations and incrustations in the Valley of 10,000 Smokes, Katmai, Alaska: American Journal of Science, v. 50, p. 141-153.

The nature of the Katmai volcanic gasses and encrustations, 1920
Shipley, J. W., 1920, The nature of the Katmai volcanic gasses and encrustations: Nature, v. 104, p. 595-597.

Photographs, 1913-1919, 1919
Griggs, R. F., and National Geographic Society Washington, DC, 1919, Photographs, 1913-1919: Washington, D.C., National Geographic Society, unpaged.
The great hot mud flow of the Valley of Ten Thousand Smokes (Katmai, Alaska), 1919
Griggs, R. F., 1919, The great hot mud flow of the Valley of Ten Thousand Smokes (Katmai, Alaska): in Scientific Results of the Katmai Expedition of the National Geographic Society Paper III, The Ohio Journal of Science, v. 19, p. 117-142.

Valley of Ten Thousand Smokes, 1919
Shipley, J. W., 1919, Valley of Ten Thousand Smokes: Science, v. 49, n. 1277, p. 489-491.

The temperature inversions in the fumaroles of the Valley of Ten Thousand Smokes, Alaska Peninsula, 1919
Sosman, R. B., 1919, The temperature inversions in the fumaroles of the Valley of Ten Thousand Smokes, Alaska Peninsula: Journal of the Washington Academy of Sciences, v. 9, n. 10, p. 292-293.
The Valley of Ten Thousand Smokes: an account of the discovery and exploration of the most wonderful volcanic region in the world, 1918
Griggs, R. F., 1918, The Valley of Ten Thousand Smokes: an account of the discovery and exploration of the most wonderful volcanic region in the world: National Geographic Magazine, v. 33, n. 2, p. 115-169.

The Valley of Ten Thousand Smokes: National Geographic Society explorations in the Katmai district of Alaska, 1917
Griggs, R. F., 1917, The Valley of Ten Thousand Smokes: National Geographic Society explorations in the Katmai district of Alaska: National Geographic Magazine, v. 31, n. 1, p. 13-68.

Past volcanic activity in the Aleutian arc,
Coats, R. R., Past volcanic activity in the Aleutian arc: U.S. Geological Survey Volcano Investigations Report 1, 18 p.

Volcano observations,
Kienle, Juergen (comp.), Volcano observations: Notes about volcanoes and volcanic eruptions collected, made, and stored by Juergen Kienle, on file at University of Alaska Fairbanks, Geophysical Institute, unpublished, unpaged.