Resource assessment of the Mount Katmai 1x2 deg quadrangle and adjacent parts of the Naknek and Afognak quadrangles, Alaska Peninsula

Author(s): Riehle, J. R., Church, S. E., and Magoon, L. B.

Publication Year: 1991

Bibliographic Reference:

Riehle, J. R., Church, S. E., and Magoon, L. B., 1991, Resource assessment of the Mount Katmai 1x2 deg quadrangle and adjacent parts of the Naknek and Afognak quadrangles, Alaska Peninsula [abs.]: in Good, E. G., Slack, J. F., and Kotra, R. K., (eds.), USGS Research on Mineral Resources-1991 Program and Abstracts, U.S. Geological Survey Circular C 1062, p. 65-66.

Citation Updated: 2005-06-10 00:04:11