Station: 54-Sn-198
Station ID: | 54-Sn-198 [1] |
Volcano: | Makushin |
Collector: | Snyder, G. L. |
Date visited: | 1954-01-01 |
NAD83 latitude: | 53.88707 |
NAD83 longitude: | -166.93202 |
Default location: | Yes |
Location description: | N arm of Skan Bay, from the rock bench at the tip of the headland south of the largest stream on the north side of Skan Bay. |
Station Location: | |
Samples: |
References Cited
[1] Geology of Unalaska Island and adjacent insular shelf, Aleutian Islands, Alaska, 1961
Drewes, Harald, Fraser, G. D., Snyder, G. L., and Barnett, H. F. Jr., 1961, Geology of Unalaska Island and adjacent insular shelf, Aleutian Islands, Alaska: in Investigations of Alaskan volcanoes, U.S. Geological Survey Bulletin 1028-S, p. 583-676, 3 sheets, scale 2 at 1:250,000 and 1 unknown.
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