Station: SP-1

Station ID: SP-1 [1] [2] [3]
Collector: Feinberg, A. E.
Date visited:
NAD83 latitude: 59.67
NAD83 longitude: -159.44998
Default location: No
Location description: Lacustrine core from Sunday Pond in the Ahklun Mountains, southwest Alaska. See Feinberg (2000) and Levy (2002) for detailed description.
Station Location:
Red (Warning)
Orange (Watch)
Yellow (Advisory)
Green (Normal)


References Cited

[1] Late Quaternary tephrostratigraphy, Ahklun Mountains, SW Alaska, 2012

Kaufman, D.S., Jensen, B.J.L., Reyes, A.V., Schiff, C.J., Froese, D.G., and Pearce, N.J.G., 2012, Late Quaternary tephrostratigraphy, Ahklun Mountains, SW Alaska: Journal of Quaternary Science, v. 27, n. 4, p. 344-359, doi:10.1002/jqs.1552 .

[2] Evidence of Holocene glacial activity from the Ahklun Mountains, southwestern Alaska, 2000

Feinberg, A.E., 2000, Evidence of Holocene glacial activity from the Ahklun Mountains, southwestern Alaska: Mount Holyoke College BA thesis, 83 p.

[3] A record of late Holocene glacier fluctuations, Ahklun Mountains, southwestern Alaska, 2002

Levy, L.B., 2002, A record of late Holocene glacier fluctuations, Ahklun Mountains, southwestern Alaska: Northern Arizona University M.S. thesis, 71 p.