This feature is part of the Savonoski River Cluster of volcanoes, as defined by Hildreth and others (2004)
[1] . From Hildreth and others (2004)
[1] : "Iron Trig Cone (Peak 4260) is a mafic scoria cone (53-54% SiO2) atop the basement divide between the Savonoski and Kamishak Rivers, 50 km NE of Mount Katmai and 25 km north of Mount Denison. The glaciated cone, 800 m across with 250 m relief, consists of stratified scoria, agglutinate, and thin lava sheets that are cut by a small intrusion exposed on the west face. Ejecta and lava contain phenocrysts of plagioclase, olivine, clinopyroxene, and magnetite. A lava-flow apron (88 +/- 27 ka) descends the WSW flank to an elevation 300 m lower than the cone, condensing into a single flow 20 m thick at its eroded terminus, 2 km from the cone."
Name Origin
"Iron Trig cone" is an informal name given by Hildreth and others (2004).