Great Sitkin
Atka volcanic complex
Great Sitkin
Little Sitkin
Ukinrek Maars
Addington volcanic field
Amchixtam Chaxsxii
Andrew Bay volcano
Basalt of Gertrude Creek
Behm Canal-Rudyerd Bay
Black Peak
Buzzard Creek
Camille Cone
Churchill, Mt
Cone 3110
Cone 3601
Devils Desk
Double Glacier
Duncan Canal
Emmons Lake Volcanic Center
Folsoms Bluff
Gas Rocks, the
Gosling Cone
Imuruk Lake Volc Field
Ingakslugwat Hills
Ingenstrem Depression Volcanic Field
Ingrisarak Mtn
Iron Trig cone
Iskut-Unuk River cones
Jumbo Dome
Klawasi Group
Knob 1000
Kochilagok Hill
Kookooligit Mountains
Koyuk-Buckland volcanics
Lone basalt
Maclaren River volcanic field
Monogenetic QT vents of WWVF
Nelson Island
Nunivak Island
Nushkolik Mountain volcanic field
Pavlof Sister
Prindle Volcano
Rainbow River cone
Skookum Creek
St. George volcanic field
St. Michael
St. Paul Island
Stepovak Bay 1
Stepovak Bay 2
Stepovak Bay 3
Stepovak Bay 4
Suemez Island
Table Top Mtn
Tanada Peak
Tanax̂ Angunax̂
Tlevak Strait
Togiak volcanics
Ungulungwak Hill-Ingrichuak Hill
Unnamed (near Ukinrek Maars)
Western Cones
Wide Bay cone
Red (Warning) | |
Orange (Watch) | |
Yellow (Advisory) | |
Green (Normal) | |
Uninstrumented | |
Community | |
Webcam | |
Instrument | |
Earthquake |
- Seismically Monitored: No
- Color Code: UNASSIGNED
- Alert Level: UNASSIGNED
- Elevation: 243m (797ft)
- Latitude: 66.3493
- Longitude: -164.333
- Smithsonian VNum:
- Pronunciation:
Nearby Towns:
- Shishmaref 49 mi (78 km) SW
- Deering 49 mi (79 km) SE
- Kotzebue 61 mi (98 km) NE
- Northwest Arctic Borough 61 mi (99 km) NE
- Mary's Igloo 86 mi (138 km) SW
Distance from Anchorage: 563 mi (906 km)
- Devil Mountain Lakes
- South Killeak
- White Fish Lake
- Devil Mtn
From Wood and Kienle (1990) [1] : "These are among the northernmost volcanoes in North America, being just south of the Arctic Circle. The basalt field contains 5 maars and 5 small shield-shaped volcanoes. The shields are of Pleistocene age and form tundra-covered hills as tall as 240 m. The maars are younger than the shields and range in age from >0.12 Ma to ~7,000 yr. The maars are 2 to 5 km in diameter and are filled by lakes with surfaces 60 to 80 m below surrounding topography and as much as 30 m deep. Tholeiitic and alkalic basalt of the maars contains up to several tens of percent xenoliths of basement metamorphic and sedimentary rocks as well as masses of unconsolidated Quaternary sediments which must have been frozen at the time of eruption."Name Origin
"Espenberg maars" is an informal name applied to the group of five maars and 5 shield volcanoes, near Cape Espenberg. Cape Espenberg was named in 1816 by Lt. Otto von Kotzebue for Dr. Karl Espenberg, a surgeon who accompanied Admiral A.J. von Kruzenstern on his voyage around the world in 1803-06 (Orth, 1971).
References Cited
[1] Volcanoes of North America: United States and Canada, 1990
Wood, C. A., and Kienle, Juergen, (eds.), 1990, Volcanoes of North America: United States and Canada: New York, Cambridge University Press, 354 p.Reported Activity
Modern Eruptions
2 Event Date(s)
Past Activity Legend:
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Eruption |
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Questionable eruption |
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Non-eruptive activity |
Showing 1 - 13 of 13
Map Images
Map References
Volcanoes of Alaska, 1998
Nye, C. J., Queen, Katherine, and McCarthy, A. M., 1998, Volcanoes of Alaska: Alaska Division of Geological & Geophysical Surveys Information Circular IC 0038, unpaged, 1 sheet, scale 1:4,000,000, available at .

Volcanoes of Alaska, 1995
Alaska Division of Geological & Geophysical Surveys, 1995, Volcanoes of Alaska: Alaska Division of Geological & Geophysical Surveys Information Circular IC 0038, unpaged, 1 sheet, scale 1:4,000,000.
Map showing distribution, composition, and age of Late Cenozoic volcanic centers in Alaska, 1986
Luedke, R. G., and Smith, R. L., 1986, Map showing distribution, composition, and age of Late Cenozoic volcanic centers in Alaska: U.S. Geological Survey Miscellaneous Investigations Series Map I 1091-F, unpaged, 3 sheets, scale 1:1,000,000.
Geologic map of the Seward Peninsula, 1984
Robinson, M. S., and Stevens, D. L., 1984, Geologic map of the Seward Peninsula: Alaska Division of Geological & Geophysical Surveys in cooperation with the Bering Straits Native Corporation Special Report SR 0034, unpaged, 1 sheet, scale 1:500,000.
Geologic map of the Seward Peninsula, Alaska, 1983
Robinson, M. S., and Stevens, D. L., 1983, Geologic map of the Seward Peninsula, Alaska: Division of Geological & Geophysical Surveys Report of Investigation 83-20, unpaged, 1 sheet, scale 1:500,000.
Geothermal energy resources of Alaska, 1980
Turner, D. L., Forbes, R. B., Albanese, Mary, Macbeth, Joyce, Lockhart, A. B., and Seed, S. M., 1980, Geothermal energy resources of Alaska: University of Alaska Fairbanks Geophysical Institute Report UAG-R 279, 19 p., 3 sheets, scale 1 at 1:2,500,000.
Geologic map of Seward Peninsula, Alaska, 1977
Hudson, T. L., 1977, Geologic map of Seward Peninsula, Alaska: U.S. Geological Survey Open-File Report 77-0796-A, unpaged, 1 sheet, scale 1:1,000,000.
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Evidence of multiple thermokarst lake generations from an 11 800-year-old permafrost core on the northern Seward Peninsula, Alaska, 2016
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Age and impacts of the caldera-forming Aniakchak II eruption in western Alaska, 2014
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Preliminary database of Quaternary vents in Alaska, 2014
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Paleoenvironmental reconstruction of the Last Glacial Maximum, inferred from insect fossils from a tephra buried soil at Tempest Lake, Seward Peninsula, Alaska, 2008
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Hard Copy held by AVO at FBKS - CEC file cabinet
The full-glacial environment of the Northern Seward Peninsula, Alaska, reconstructed from the 21,500-year-old Kitluk paleosol, 2000
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Hard Copy held by AVO at FBKS - CEC shelf
Calderas produced by hydromagmatic eruptions through permafrost in Northwest Alaska, 1993
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Hard Copy held by AVO at FBKS - CEC shelf
The Espenberg Maars: a record of explosive volcanic activity in the Devil Mountain-Cape Espenberg area, Seward Peninsula, Alaska, 1988
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Map showing distribution, composition, and age of Late Cenozoic volcanic centers in Alaska, 1986
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Geologic map of the Seward Peninsula, 1984
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Geologic map of the Seward Peninsula, Alaska, 1983
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Continental rifting-a new tectonic model for geothermal exploration of the central Seward Peninsula, Alaska, 1981
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Geologic map of Seward Peninsula, Alaska, 1977
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