Station: 18JFLPV037

Station ID: 18JFLPV037 [1]
Volcano: Pavlof
Collector: Larsen, J. F.
Date visited: 2018-07-17
NAD83 latitude: 55.54496
NAD83 longitude: -161.85553
Default location: No
Location description: Section on west side of Caribou Creek, approximately 14.5 km N/NE of Pavlof. Steeply sloping buff comprised of at least 10 m of diamicton capped by a sequence of soil with tephra. Lower portion of diamicton cap is primarily soil with some tephra, whereas upper portion contains more tephra than below. Soil is very loose and uncompacted (very easy to shovel) and not very organic-rich. Section is east of Trader Mountain. Jessica Larsen described and Katie Mulliken scribed.
Station Location:

References Cited

[1] Major-element oxide, trace element, and glass compositional analyses from Holocene to historical eruptions from Pavlof Volcano, Alaska, 2021

Larsen, J.F., Waythomas, C.F., Mulliken, K.M., Izbekov, Pavel, and Cameron, C.E., 2021, Major-element oxide, trace element, and glass compositional analyses from Holocene to historical eruptions from Pavlof Volcano, Alaska: Alaska Division of Geological & Geophysical Surveys Preliminary Interpretive Report 2021-1, 20 p.,