Station: 92AMm113

Station ID: 92AMm113 [1]
Volcano: Spurr
Collector: Miller, T. P.
Date visited: 1992-09-03
NAD83 latitude: 61.2328425564527
NAD83 longitude: -152.199705459924
Default location: No
Location description: PF south side Crater Peak
Station Location:
Red (Warning)
Orange (Watch)
Yellow (Advisory)
Green (Normal)


References Cited

[1] Preliminary petrology and chemistry of proximal eruptive products: 1992 eruptions of Crater Peak, Mount Spurr volcano, Alaska, 1995

Harbin, M. L., Swanson, S. E., Nye, C. J., and Miller, T. P., 1995, Preliminary petrology and chemistry of proximal eruptive products: 1992 eruptions of Crater Peak, Mount Spurr volcano, Alaska: in Keith, T. E. C., (ed.), The 1992 eruptions of Crater Peak Vent, Mount Spurr volcano, Alaska, U.S. Geological Survey Bulletin 2139, p. 139-148.
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