Sample: Barth_1956_12
Sample ID: | Barth_1956_12 [1] |
Station ID: | Barth_1956_12 |
AT Num: | |
Volcano: | St. George volcanic field |
Possible source: | |
Eruption: | |
Collector: | Barth, T. F. W. |
Date sampled: | 1948-01-01 |
Sample type 1: | Lava |
Color: | |
Final unit: | |
Text Description: | Sample of a vesicular, columnar flow or sill of aphyric olivine basalt. The rock consists of large, randomly oriented laths of plagioclase forming an irregular meshwork filled with olivine, augite, apatite, and magnetite, the latter being in large measure a reaction product of olivine; indeed, the olivine has the properties of pure forsterite, indicating that the fayalite component has been used up in the reaction. |
Sample Location: |
References Cited
[1] Geology and petrology of the Pribilof Islands, Alaska, 1956
Barth, T. F. W., 1956, Geology and petrology of the Pribilof Islands, Alaska: in Investigations of Alaskan volcanoes, U.S. Geological Survey Bulletin 1028-F, p. 101-160, 2 sheets, scale unknown.