Sample: S-1

Sample ID: S-1 [1]
Station ID: S-1
AT Num:
Volcano: Augustine
Possible source: Augustine
Eruption: Augustine 1976/1
Collector: Unknown, Unknown
Date sampled: 1976-01-01
Sample type 1: Tephra Fall
Color: light grey
Final unit:
Text Description: Ash fall at Seldovia from the 0740 AST explosion of Augustine volcano on the morning of January 23, 1976. The fall was characterized by a fine, light grey colored ash composed of pyroxenes, plagioclase feldspar and glass shards.
Sample Location:

References Cited

[1] Augustine - evolution of a volcano, 1977

Kienle, J., and Forbes, R. B., 1977, Augustine - evolution of a volcano: University of Alaska Fairbanks Geophysical Institute Annual Report AR 1975-76, p. 26-48.