Sample: 84Au-101

Sample ID: 84Au-101 [1]
Station ID: 84Au-101
AT Num:
Volcano: Augustine
Possible source:
Eruption: Augustine 1883/10
Collector: Daley, E. E.
Date sampled: 1984-01-01
Sample type 1: Debris Flow
Final unit:
Text Description: Boulder in lobate rubble flow (possibly 1883). Phenocrysts of plagioclase, hypersthene, augite, olivine, and Fe-Ti oxides, and pyroxenes. Olivine is altering to serpentine (?) along fractures and is surrounded by reaction rims of either fine grained plagioclase+pyroxene or intergrown Fe-Ti oxide+pyroxene
Sample Location:

References Cited

[1] Petrology, geochemistry, and the evolution of magmas from Augustine Volcano, Alaska, 1986

Daley, E. E., 1986, Petrology, geochemistry, and the evolution of magmas from Augustine Volcano, Alaska: University of Alaska Fairbanks unpublished M.S. thesis, Fairbanks, AK, 103 p.