Sample: 15mkjrs506e-P1

Sample ID: 15mkjrs506e-P1 [1]
Station ID: 15mkjrs506
AT Num: AT-3651
Volcano: Makushin
Possible source: Makushin
Collector: Schaefer, J. R. G.
Date sampled: 2015-07-24
Sample type 1: Tephra Fall
Final unit:
Text Description: dark gray fine ash
Sample Location:
100 km
100 mi

References Cited

[1] Petrology and geochemistry of three Early Holocene eruptions from Makushin Volcano, Alaska, 2020

Larsen, J.F., Schaefer, Janet, Vallance, J.W., and Neill, O.K., 2020, Petrology and geochemistry of three Early Holocene eruptions from Makushin Volcano, Alaska: Bulletin of Volcanology, v. 82, n. 72, 17 p., doi:10.1007/s00445-020-01412-5.