Sample: DSDP_178_34-6_105-110
Sample ID: |
DSDP_178_34-6_105-110 [1] [2] |
Station ID: |
DSDP_178 |
AT Num: |
Volcano: |
Possible source: |
Eruption: |
Collector: |
Unknown, Unknown |
Date sampled: |
Sample type 1: |
Tephra Fall |
Color: |
Final unit: |
Text Description: |
Three hundred thirty-three m depth. Bed is five cm thick. 100% light ash (graded; crystals present). Refractive index: 1.510. |
Sample Location: |
 | Red (Warning) |
 | Orange (Watch) |
 | Yellow (Advisory) |  | Green (Normal) |  | Uninstrumented |
References Cited
Pratt, R. M., Scheidegger, K. F., and Kulm, L. D., 1973, Volcanic ash from DSDP Site 178, Gulf of Alaska: in Musich, L. F. and Weser, O. E., (eds.), Initial Reports of the Deep Sea Drilling Project, v. 18, Washington, Government Printing Office, p. 833-834.
Hogan, L. G., Scheidegger, K. F., Kulm, L. D., Dymond, J., and Mikkelsen, N., 1978, Biostratigraphic and tectonic implications of >40) Ar->39) Ar dates of ash layers from the Northeast Gulf of Alaska: Geological Society of America Bulletin, v. 89, n. 8, p. 1259-1264.