Sample: Carson_Cold_Bay_Regional_Tephra _B

Sample ID: Carson_Cold_Bay_Regional_Tephra _B [1] [2]
Station ID: Cold_Bay_Regional_Tephra
AT Num:
Possible source: Roundtop
Collector: Carson, E. C.
Date sampled:
Sample type 1: Tephra Fall
Color: gray to light brown
Final unit:
Text Description: Average calculated from analyses of seven individual samples from seven different locations (see individual samples for description): 96TDS3A, 96JF9A, 96TDS15Q, 97EC18N, 96TDS30A, 96TDS33A, 97EC15E (see Figure 14a in Carson 1998). Scattered 1-2 cm pumice lapilli, gray to light brown, dispersed in a 10-15 cm thick sediment horizon. Tephra collected from beneath the Funk/Fisher ash or directly above the late Wisconsin diamicton. Composed of easily recognizable 1-2 cm lapilli fragments evenly dispersed within a layer of non-volcanic (typically eolian) interstitial sediment.
Sample Location:

References Cited

[1] Holocene tephrochronology of the Cold Bay area, Southwest Alaska Peninsula, 1998

Carson, E. C., 1998, Holocene tephrochronology of the Cold Bay area, Southwest Alaska Peninsula: University of Wisconsin-Madison unpublished M.S. thesis, 178 p.

[2] Holocene tephrochronology of the Cold Bay area, southwest Alaska Peninsula, 2002

Carson, E. C., Fournelle, J. H., Miller, T. P., and Mickelson, D. M., 2002, Holocene tephrochronology of the Cold Bay area, southwest Alaska Peninsula: Quaternary Science Reviews, v. 21, n. 20-22, p. 2213-2228.