Sample: Tannenbaum_1996_tephra_KD

Sample ID: Tannenbaum_1996_tephra_KD [1]
Station ID: Kodiak Island Regional Tephra
AT Num:
Possible source:
Collector: Tannenbaum, T. G.
Date sampled:
Sample type 1: Tephra Fall
Final unit:
Text Description: Tephra unit KD is found in the eastern, western, and northern regions of the island; it is exposed in 10 stratigraphic sections (Tannenbaum_1996_PP-01, Tannenbaum_1996_KB-01, Tannenbaum_1996_KB-02, Tannenbaum_1996_KB- 03, Tannenbaum_1996_CL-01,Tannenbaum_1996_ CL-02, Tannenbaum_1996_CL-03, Tannenbaum_1996_OB-01, Tannenbaum_1996_OB-02, Tannenbaum_1996_OB-04), and is yellow in color with an average thickness of 4 cm. c14 dates give tephra KD a maximum age of 7220 +/- 70 yr BP and a minimum age of 6490 +/- 80 yr BP. In section Tannenbaum_1996_CL-02 tephra KD is possibly mixed with tephra KA. However, post depositional mixing is unlikely to have happened to units KA and KD because in section Tannenbaum_1996_CL-03, the 13 cm thick unit KC and 12 cm of soil separate the units. Individual samples: 94KOD002, 94KOD004, 94KOD009, 94KOD019, 94KODA036, 94KOD046, 94KODA059, 94KOD071, 94KOD087, 94KOD095.
Sample Location:

References Cited

[1] Holocene tephra stratigraphy on northern Kodiak Island, Alaska, 1996

Tannenbaum, T.G., 1996, Holocene tephra stratigraphy on northern Kodiak Island, Alaska: University of Alaska Fairbanks M.S. thesis, 165 p.