Sample: Tannenbaum_1996_tephra_KA

Sample ID: Tannenbaum_1996_tephra_KA [1]
Station ID: Kodiak Island Regional Tephra
AT Num:
Possible source:
Collector: Tannenbaum, T. G.
Date sampled:
Sample type 1: Tephra Fall
Final unit:
Text Description: Yellow to gray in color and < 2cm thick. This unit is found only in the northwestern region of the island in one Campbell Lagoon section (Tannenbaum_1996_CL-03) and in one Onion Bay section (Tannenbaum_1996_OB-04). In section Tannenbaum_1996_OB-04 tephra KA might be mixed with tephra KB and in section Tannenbaum_1996_CL-03, tephra KA is located 4 cm below tephra KB. The stratigraphic position of the two units in section Tannenbaum_1996_CL-03 promotes the idea that post-depositional mixing of the two units may have occurred in section Tannenbaum_1996_OB-04. Stratigraphically the oldest unit, tephra KA is < 5 cm above latest-Pleistocene glacial till. At the Campbell lagoon exposure (Tannenbaum_1996_CL-03), tephra KA is 10 cm below unit KC, which has a maximum date of 8360 +/- 90 yr BP. Individual samples: 94KOD062, 94KODA098.
Sample Location:

References Cited

[1] Holocene tephra stratigraphy on northern Kodiak Island, Alaska, 1996

Tannenbaum, T.G., 1996, Holocene tephra stratigraphy on northern Kodiak Island, Alaska: University of Alaska Fairbanks M.S. thesis, 165 p.