Mt Churchill White River East Lobe

Start: 1147 yBP [1]

Event Type: Explosive

Max VEI: 6 [2]

Event Characteristics:
Description: From Preece and others (2014): "The White River Ash (WRA) is an important Holocene chronostratigraphic marker through-out eastern Alaska (USA) and in Yukon and western Northwest Territories (Canada) (Lerbekmo and Campbell, 1969; Pewe, 1975), and provides age control for peat studies (Harris and Schmidt, 1994; Robinson and Moore, 1999, 2000), glacial fluctuations (Denton and Karlen, 1977), paleoecological studies (Slater, 1985), and archaeological and anthropological studies (Workman, 1979; Moodie and others, 1992) (Fig. 1 [in original text]). WRA has been defined by its geographic distribution and its stratigraphic position, combined with radiocarbon dating, with less emphasis on its petrographic and geochemical features. The northern lobe erupted between A.D. 150 and 500 (Jensen and Froese, 2006) or ca. 1900 yr B.P. (Lerbekmo and others, 1975), while the eastern lobe erupted A.D. 803 or 1147 cal. yr B.P. (Clague and others, 1995). Cryptotephra studies in lake and peat cores have extended the distribution of the eastern lobe to southeastern Alaska (sites A-C, Fig. 1 [in original text]), northern British Columbia (site D, Fig. 1 [in original text]), Newfoundland, northern Europe, and Greenland (Lakeman and others, 2008; Payne and others, 2008; Addison and others, 2010; Pyne-O’Donnell and others, 2012; Jensen and others, 2012)."
"The exact vent area of the WRA has been disputed, and two possible locations have been suggested. Lerbekmo and Campbell (1969) postulated that the WRA vent was located on the floor of a deep valley beneath the Klutlan Glacier near what they identified as a large pumice mound (4 in Fig. 2 [of original text]). McGimsey and others (1992) and Richter and others (1995) questioned the likelihood of a vent located at the floor of a valley lacking an edifice or nearby volcano, and proposed that Mount Churchill was the vent. Lerbekmo (2008) questioned whether Mount Churchill was a volcano, and reiterated that the vent for WRA was underneath the Klutlan Glacier."
From Richter and others (1995): "The White River Ash is a bilobate Plinian fallout deposit covering more than 340,000 km square and containing an estimated 25-50 km cubed of tephra (bulk volume) (Bostock 1952; Berger 1960) (Fig. 1 [in original text])."
From Lerbekmo and others (1975): "A northern lobe and an eastern lobe have axis lengths in excess of 500 and 1000 km respectively."
"Unfortunately, glass compositions are similar in the northern and eastern lobes of the WRA tephra, and published analyses cover a significant range, making it difficult to assign a particular tephra sample to a specific lobe (Addison and others, 2010; Payne and others, 2008; Lakeman and others, 2008; Froese and Jensen, 2005; Richter and others, 1995; Beget and others, 1992; Downes, 1985)."
"Tephra samples of the WRA contain phenocrysts of plagioclase, amphibole, magnetite, ilmenite, and trace amounts of orthopyroxene and apatite within highly vesicular, frothy color-less glass (Table S8 in the Supplemental File [see footnote 1] [in original text]). Biotite occurs in the eastern lobe in trace amounts (<~1%) in some pumice clasts from locations 4 and 6 (Fig. 2 [in original text])."
"Previous studies have demonstrated that the eastern and northern lobes of the WRA have different ilmenite compositional ranges (Lerbekmo and others, 1975; Downes, 1985; Richter and others, 1995) and this distinction has been used to define geochemical groups WRA-E and WRA-N."
"WRA deposits can be assigned to WRA-E or WRA-N, and are best identified using ilmenite compositions...Within WRA-E, WRA-Ea is clearly older than WRA-Eb. The 1147 cal yr B.P. (Clague and others, 1995) WRA-Ea deposits either do not show or only weakly display systematic changes in glass or Fe-Ti oxide composition with stratigraphic position. On geochemical plots, WRA-Eb samples are on linear extensions toward higher silica content and lower temperature estimates compared to WRA-Ea samples, strongly suggesting a genetic link. WRA-Eb samples represent a younger eruption or eruptions from the evolving Mount Churchill magmatic system."
From Payne and others (2008): "The LNA 100 tephra shows geochemical similarity to WRA tephra. Dating evidence does not show a consistent sequence of radiocarbon dates but samples from peat containing the ash layer suggest that the tephra was deposited between approximately 1260 and 1375 cal yr BP. The most likely origin of this tephra is therefore one of the WRA eruptions, most probably the younger, eastern lobe event. Clague et al. (1995) presented ten radiocarbon assays on this tephra spanning 791 to 1416 cal yr BP and opted for a weighted mean of four of these dates to assign the eruption an age estimate of ca. 1147 cal yr BP. The dates in this study would suggest an older date for this tephra, although this conclusion is complicated by the dates being out of sequence (Table 6 [in text])."
The Global database on large magnitude explosive volcanic eruptions (LaMEVE; 2017) reports a magnitude of 6.1, bulk eruptive volume of 50 cubic km and a dense rock equivalent eruptive volume of 23 cubic km for the eruption.

Impact: From Mullen (2012): "The volcanic eruption that produced the eastern White River Ash (WRA) is thought to have prompted a migration of people from the affected area resulting in the displacement of Athapaskan language speakers and subsequent language differentiation (Derry 1975; Fast 1990; Workman 1974, 1979). This migration and language differentiation hypothesis is suggested by cultural and linguistic data, including the ethnohistory and mythology of First Nations peoples in the region (Fast 1990; Moodie et al. 1992) and the distribution of and relationships between modern Athapaskan languages (Derry 1975; Fast 1990; Workman 1974, 1975, 1979). Biological and archaeological evidence provide further support, as seen in distributions of genetic markers among Athapaskan speakers in the Southwest and Subarctic (Malhi et al. 2008) and the distribution and chronology of temporally diagnostic artifacts (Derry 1975). Technological changes in weaponry are also temporally coincident with the WRA including the replacement of the atlatl and dart by the bow and arrow, a switch from birch to spruce as a preferred projectile shaft material, and a switch from stone to antler and bone as a preferred projectile point material (Hare et al. 2004)."
From Moodie (1992): "...ancestors of the Dene had occupied areas exposed to the activities of the White River volcano and that subsequent to these events they took up the geographical positions in the Mackenzie valley where they were first met by Europeans. This view is specifically expressed in the Dene myth claiming that their ancestors migrated into the Mackenzie valley from the mountains to the west. It is also consistent with the linguistic evidence for the evolution of northern Athapaskan languages. This evidence points to a proto-Athapaskan homeland that is roughly centered upon the upper White River region and encompasses the area of the White River ash deposits. The linguistic evidence also suggests that the differentiation of the Dene languages occurred as a consequence of a movement of people from this homeland into the Mackenzie valley."
"The stories that the Dene themselves tell of their linguistic origins are consistent with these interpretations. All attribute the different Dene languages to the dispersal of their ancestors in the distant past. Like their stories about past volcanism, these tales appear to recall a real event in Dene ancient history, a movement of people into the Mackenzie valley following an eruption of the White River volcano. This implies that the peoples currently living within the ash fall area, the Tutchone, Han, and Tanana, settled this region sometime following the emigration of the ancestors of the Dene. Unlike the Dene, these peoples do not appear to have recollections of the White River volcanic eruptions or their ash falls in their oral traditions. The Dene accounts of their dispersal and migration attribute these movements to different causes. The Hare and Mountain claim that their ancestors were dispersed by a volcanic explosion. The Slavey tell of a migration from a region of environmental devastation that, it is suggested, recalls the effects of a fall of White River ash. However, the Hare also relate that their language differences derive from wanderings in search of a comet. In another Hare story, it is said that the discovery of fish in the Mackenzie River led to the Dene occupation of this region. It is unlikely that the Dene migration was triggered by the appearance of a comet, although such an event may have been observed around the time of the migration. The discovery of fish may well reflect their movement from an environmentally devastated area to one rich in food resources, especially fish. The most compelling accounts, however, are those attributing the dispersal to volcanism."
From Workman (1979): "The area affected by the emplacement of the East Lobe of the White River Ash (Figure 11.2 in original text) includes the historic territory of the Han (Osgood 1971), the poorly known Northern Tutchone, some Southern Tutchone (McClellan 1975), and some upper Tanana Athapaskans (McKennan 1959)."
"Assuming that the same [wind] pattern prevailed in the past, one might suggest that the probabilities favored a winter emplacement of the East Lobe and a summer emplacement of the earlier North Lobe."
"Winter emplacement...would have wrought maximum hardship upon the Indian hunters upon whom the ash fell, effectively immobilizing them in the ash-laden dark at a time of year when food was always scarce. Several days of immersion in the inky darkness of an ash could at a time of year when daylight was already at a premium might have added to the psychological impact of the event as well (Workman 1974:247, 249)."...territory covered by as little as 2.5 cm of ash would have undergone considerable reduction in carrying capacity and that the affected area was large enough that a significant number of human beings (between 60 and 1000; see Workman 1974:260) would have been displaced for a time. Emigration would have been either in a northerly or southerly direction."
From Kuhn and others (2010): "...we identify a recent, partial [caribou population] replacement event that is not discernible from modern data alone. This replacement event was most probably caused by changes in caribou habitat as a result of either the MWP [Medieval Warm Period] or the deposition of the White River tephra. At present, we cannot distinguish between these two closely timed events, however, increased sampling and stratigraphic coverage of the 1500-500 BP period may be sufficient to identify a single causal mechanism. Whether this replacement event was caused by a large volcanic eruption or increased snowfall and warmer temperatures, caribou were probably able to recolonize the large region in the southern Yukon as a result of their ability to expand in numbers and migrate into newly available habitats as cooler temperatures of Little Ice Age prevailed (Viau et al. 2006; Bunbury & Gajewski 2009)."
"The detrimental effects of ash fall on livestock and caribou have been observed from 2.5-10 cm of ash deposited from the 1912 Mount Katmai eruption in Alaska (Jagger 1945) and as little as 1.9 cm of ash following the 1947 eruption of Hekla, in Iceland (Malde 1964). Given that much of the Southern Lakes region falls within the 5 cm isopach (ash depths of 5 cm or greater) of the eastern lobe of the White River tephra (Fig. 1 in original text), it seems probably that this cataclysmic event had a noticeable effect on the distribution of caribou populations living within the region at the time."
From Kristensen and others (2019): "A comparison of pre- vs. post-WRAe assemblages indicates that the eruption altered hunter-gatherer mobility and exchange patterns. When pre- vs. post-WRAe chronologies could be assigned to Yukon and Alberta assemblages with THC (Tertiary Hills Clinker), all sites are pre-WRAe despite the fact that a relatively high percentage of pre-contact sites in Subarctic Canada are from the last 1000 years (e.g., due to visibility, connections to oral history, and erosion factors). It appears that long-distance relationships with people of Northwest Territories broke down after the eruption based on the absence of post-WRAe THC in Yukon and Alberta."
"Within Northwest Territories, sites with THC increase from roughly one per 200 years (pre-WRAe) to one site per 50years (post-WRAe). The frequency of THC tools drops significantly from pre- to post-WRAe while the relative percentage of THC in Northwest Territories assemblages significantly increases from pre- to post-WRAe (Table 6). Overall, the movement of curated THC artifacts drops while domestic production (increased percentages of debitage) increases after the eruption. Spatial data also indicate that post-WRAe long distance movement of THC drops (Fig. 15). However, several archaeological sites in Northwest Territories with THC in both pre- and post-WRAe components indicate a local continuity of exploitation (e.g., LgRk-1, LcRq-3, and KlRs-5 on Fig. 15 [in publication])."
Birks (1980) determined that it took ~400 years for vegetation to develop a new stable assemblage after the eruption of the White River Ash at Gull Lake, about 40 miles northeast of Mount Churchill.
Isaac (1990) recounted an oral history passed down in his Han Gwich’in family about a year when a shadow floated across the sky and winter lasted the whole year, which he connected to the eruption of the White River Ash.
Hare and others (2004, 2012) and Froese and others (2008) assert that the disruption caused by the White River Ash East Lobe contributed to the abrupt transition from dart-throwing to bow-and-arrow hunting technology documented in ice patch artifacts found in the southwest Yukon. [68] [34] [36] [81] [82] [83] [37] [76] [84] [85] [86] [87]

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[53] Stable isotope records from Mount Logan, Eclipse Ice Cores and nearby Jellybean Lake. Water cycle of the North Pacific over 2000 years and over five vertical kilometres - Sudden shifts and tropical connections, 2004

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The 'AD 860' tephra in Scotland - new data from Langlands Moss, East Kilbride, 2002

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Sraa Ko,ey Cha,lut Clut or No Sun and Lots of Ice, 1990

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Extending the Applications of Tephrochronology in Northwestern North America, 2011

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A Holocene tephrochronological framework for Finland, 2023

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Field trip guide for the International Field Conference and Workshop on Tephrochronology and Volcanism, 2005

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The significance of volcanic ash in Greenland ice cores during the Common Era, 2023

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