Great Sitkin
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- Official Name: Mount Denison
- Seismically Monitored: No
- Color Code: UNASSIGNED
- Alert Level: UNASSIGNED
- Elevation: 2318m (7604ft)
- Latitude: 58.4173
- Longitude: -154.451
- Smithsonian VNum: 312210
- Pronunciation:
Nearby Towns:
- Karluk 59 mi (94 km) SW
- Aleneva 63 mi (101 km) SE
- Larsen Bay 63 mi (102 km) SE
- Afognak 67 mi (109 km) SE
- Port William 68 mi (109 km) NE
Distance from Anchorage: 250 mi (402 km)
From Smithsonian Institution, online database, accessed December 8, 2003: "Mount Denison lies near the head of the Serpent Tongue, Hook, and Hallo glaciers NE of Snowy volcano. This poorly known section of Katmai National Park contains a cluster of four closely spaced and mostly ice-covered vents. Mount Denison lies at the SW end of this volcanic chain, which also includes Steller, Kukak, and Devils Desk volcanoes. Orientation of lava flows and a thick cross-bedded tephra deposit suggest that a vent is located near Mount Denison (Swanson, in Wood and Kienle 1990) [1] . The precise age of the most recent activity at Denison is not known, but the volcano was considered to have been active during the Holocene [2] ."Name Origin
Mount Denison's name was suggested by K.F. Mather, an alumnus of Denison University, Granville, Ohio. Brooks published the name in 1925 (Orth, 1971).
References Cited
[1] Volcanoes of North America: United States and Canada, 1990
Wood, C. A., and Kienle, Juergen, (eds.), 1990, Volcanoes of North America: United States and Canada: New York, Cambridge University Press, 354 p.[2] Volcanoes of Alaska, 1998
Nye, C. J., Queen, Katherine, and McCarthy, A. M., 1998, Volcanoes of Alaska: Alaska Division of Geological & Geophysical Surveys Information Circular IC 0038, unpaged, 1 sheet, scale 1:4,000,000, available at .Loading Past Activity...
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Before an eruption
Ashfall & Preparedness Information
- Ashfall impacts & preparedness (US Geological Survey)
- Volcanic health hazards & impacts (International Volcanic Health Hazards Network)
- Ash Alert! Pamphlet (AK Division of Homeland Security & Emergency Management)
- Volcanic Ashfall (AK Department of Environmental Conservation, Division of Air Quality)