Amchixtam Chaxsxii


  • Seismically Monitored: No
  • Color Code: UNASSIGNED
  • Alert Level: UNASSIGNED
  • Elevation: -115m (-377ft)
  • Latitude: 51.8475
  • Longitude: 179.82972
  • Smithsonian VNum:
  • Pronunciation:
  • Nearby Towns:
    • Adak 151 mi (243 km) NE
    • Shemya Station 249 mi (401 km) NW
    • Atka 255 mi (410 km) NE
    • Attu Station 288 mi (463 km) NW
    • Nikolski 482 mi (776 km) NE

    Distance from Anchorage: 1306 mi (2101 km)


Amchixtam Chaxsxii is a submarine, polygenetic cone that rises about 580 m from the seafloor and is about 115 m below current sealevel. The base of Amchixtam Chaxsxii is about 4 km across (Jennifer Reynolds, 2004, personal communication.)

Name Origin

"Amchixtam Chaxsxii" is from the Atka dialect of Unangam Tunuu langauge, and was suggested by the local Unangax community as a name for the submarine volcano.

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