Remobilized Katmai 1912 ash: community events and health hazard analysis

Air quality monitor to be deployed on Kodiak

Alaska Volcano Observatory scientists will hold two community events on Kodiak Island next week. Alaska Volcano Observatory scientists are deploying instruments in two locations on Kodiak Island to monitor air quality during strong northwesterly winds, when old loose volcanic ash from the Katmai/Novarupta 1912 eruption can be picked up and reworked into dust clouds from the Valley of Ten Thousand Smokes and carried over Shelikof Strait, Kodiak Island and the Gulf of Alaska. These clouds contain volcanic ash shards that are a known hazard to aviation. Scientists are studying other effects of the remobilized ash fallout on the ground and whether there is a public health hazard.

Presentation: “Resuspended Volcanic Dust from the Katmai Region to Kodiak Island”
Tuesday, Sept. 8, 2015, 7:00 p.m. AKDT
Kodiak: USFWS Kodiak Refuge Visitor Center, 402 Center Ave, Kodiak, Alaska

Q and A session: "Scientific equipment viewing and Q & A session: Photo opportunity and discussion about instruments to monitor air quality during wind-blown resuspension events in Larsen Bay and Kodiak"
Wednesday, Sept. 9, 2015, 1:00 p.m. AKDT
Larsen Bay: Larsen Bay Mayor David Harmes’ home, Larsen Bay, Alaska

This phenomenon is not the result of volcanic activity and occurs seasonally in the spring and fall during times of high winds and dry snow-free conditions in the Katmai area and other young volcanic areas of Alaska. This phenomena most recently occurred last weekend (August 27 - August 31, 2015).

Resuspended ash, March 2015

USGS Media Advisory