AVO geochemical database now available

Whole-rock geochemical data for Quaternary Alaska volcanic rocks is now available here. This searchable database contains published whole-rock geochemical data for Quaternary volcanic rocks in Alaska, linked to geologist, publication, source volcano (where possible), and other sample and analysis metadata. The website interface allows users to query the database and return datasets as fully-documented .html or downloadable .csv tables.

Rather than a static publication, this database is intended to be updated as new volcano-related geochemical data is published. At present, the database contains analyses for more than 5,000 unique samples, making it a valuable research tool for geoscientists with interests ranging from volcano-specific processes to whole-arc data synthesis.

Please contact Cheryl Cameron or Seth Snedigar if you have further questions or comments about this dataset or the web interface.

Cameron, C.E., Snedigar, S.F., and Nye, C.J., 2014, Alaska Volcano Observatory Geochemical Database: Alaska Division of Geological & Geophysical Surveys Digital Data Series 8, https://www.avo.alaska.edu/geochem/index.php, doi:10.14509/29120