Photograph of Augustine, taken August 25, 2009, from Diamond Ridge, near Homer. The prominent steam plume coming from Augustine is composed of water vapor, and is considered normal behavior at Augustine, due to humidity levels and atmospheric conditions it has been more visible in recent days. Photograph courtesy of Dennis Anderson, Night Trax Photography.

Photograph of Augustine, taken August 25, 2009, from Diamond Ridge, near Homer. The prominent steam plume coming from Augustine is composed of water vapor, and is considered normal behavior at Augustine, due to humidity levels and atmospheric conditions it has been more visible in recent days. Photograph courtesy of Dennis Anderson, Night Trax Photography.

Date: Aug 25th, 2009
Volcano(es): Augustine
Photographer: Anderson, Dennis
Credit: Image courtesy of Dennis Anderson, Night Trax Photography.
Use Restriction: Please cite Dennis Anderson, Night Trax Photography, when using this image.
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