Pyroclastic surge deposits within the caldera east of Mt. Finch.  These deposits were formed during a violent phreatomagmatic eruption caused by the interaction of magma and water.  The vent for this eruption was likely one of the maar craters on the southern shore of the eastern caldera lake and ~5 km east of Mt. Finch.  Similar deposits, although not as thick and often less laminated, are found in most areas of Fisher volcano.

Pyroclastic surge deposits within the caldera east of Mt. Finch. These deposits were formed during a violent phreatomagmatic eruption caused by the interaction of magma and water. The vent for this eruption was likely one of the maar craters on the southern shore of the eastern caldera lake and ~5 km east of Mt. Finch. Similar deposits, although not as thick and often less laminated, are found in most areas of Fisher volcano.

Date: 1999
Volcano(es): Fisher
Photographer: Stelling, P. L.
Credit: Image courtesy of the photographer.
Use Restriction: Please cite the photographer when using this image.
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