Photo of Fisher caldera and prominent geographic features.  View is to the northwest.  The width of view is about 14 kilometers, and the caldera extends another five kilometers to the right (east).  The snow-covered peaks are Westdahl Volcano, Faris Peak, Pogromni, and Pogromni’s Sister, from left to right.  The caldera rim is marked by the snow-free peaks in the middle ground (with small traces of snow of Eickelberg Peak on the right).  Mt Finch is in the foreground on the left.

Photo of Fisher caldera and prominent geographic features. View is to the northwest. The width of view is about 14 kilometers, and the caldera extends another five kilometers to the right (east). The snow-covered peaks are Westdahl Volcano, Faris Peak, Pogromni, and Pogromni’s Sister, from left to right. The caldera rim is marked by the snow-free peaks in the middle ground (with small traces of snow of Eickelberg Peak on the right). Mt Finch is in the foreground on the left.

Date: 1998
Volcano(es): Faris Peak Fisher Pogromni Pogromni's Sister Westdahl
Photographer: Stelling, P. L.
Image courtesy of the photographer.
Please cite the photographer when using this image.
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