Are you experiencing ashfall? If so, please let us know by filling out an ashfall report!
If you’re experiencing volcanic ashfall in Alaska, we would greatly appreciate your help collecting samples.
These samples help us understand the composition, volume, and dispersal pattern of the ash.
Local people are often ideally positioned to collect excellent samples.
Brush ash into a resealable plastic bag or follow detailed instructions available here: Ash Sample Instructions.
Talk to AVO
Community Outreach and Engagement
AVO offices are in Anchorage and Fairbanks, Alaska, and AVO personnel are sometimes available to give community lectures or host tours in those towns.
We also travel to other Alaska communities near volcanoes and participate in or host a variety of events and opportunities, including question and answer sessions, community meetings, film screenings, and radio interviews.
If your group is interested in a visit from our team, please reach out via our “contact us” form.
Please reach out via our “contact us” form if you have a volcano observation, photo, or video to share, or a question about Alaska’s youthful volcanoes.
AVO is thrilled to host and mentor interns from the Alaska Native Science & Engineering Program.
If you are an ANSEP student, or thinking about becoming one, and you’d like to intern with AVO, please reach out to us via our “contact us” form.