Station: 21LSHD01

Station ID: 21LSHD01 [1]
Volcano: Little Sitkin
Collector: Dietterich, Hannah
Date visited: 2021-06-06
NAD83 latitude: 51.9531
NAD83 longitude: 178.4561
Default location: No
Location description: 15 m thick pyroclastic sequence on the beach cliff. Bottom 2 m is breccia debris flow deposit with blocks to 30 cm. The top is a thick pyroclastic flow sequence quite indurated. About 15 m indurated poorly sorted ignimbrite. Quite uniform gray to tan/orange upwards with some alteration.
Station Location:

References Cited

[1] Davidof volcano samples and analyses, 2023

Loewen, M.W., Dietterich, Hannah, and Rosenkrans, H.S., 2023, Davidof volcano samples and analyses: Alaska Division of Geological & Geophysical Surveys Raw Data File 2023-22, 4 p.