Station: Westgate_1985_Old_Crow_Average

Station ID: Westgate_1985_Old_Crow_Average [1]
Collector: Unknown, Unknown
Date visited:
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Default location: No
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References Cited

[1] Distribution, stratigraphy, petrochemistry and palaeomagnetism of the late Pleistocene Old Crow tephra in Alaska and the Yukon, 1985

Westgate, J. A., Walter, R. C., Pearce, G. W., and Gorton, M. P., 1985, Distribution, stratigraphy, petrochemistry and palaeomagnetism of the late Pleistocene Old Crow tephra in Alaska and the Yukon: Canadian Journal of Earth Sciences [Journal Canadien des Sciences de la Terre], v. 22, n. 6, p. 893-906.