Station: 2PC

Station ID: 2PC [1]
Collector: Unknown, Unknown
Date visited: 0000-00-00
NAD83 latitude: 72.52
NAD83 longitude: -175.32
Default location: No
Location description: Core SWERUS-L2-2-PC1 (2PC) from Herald Canyon in the western Chukchi Sea, 150 km northeast of Wrangel Island. Herald Canyon connects with the 50 m deep Bering Strait through shallow bathymetric channel. Datum not specified, assumed to be NAD83.
Station Location:

References Cited

[1] The 3.6 ka Aniakchak tephra in the Arctic Ocean: a constraint on the Holocene radiocarbon reservoir age in the Chukchi Sea, 2017

Pearce, Christof, Varhelyi, Aron, Wastegard, Stefan, Muschitiello, Francesco, Barrientos, Natalia, O'Regan, Matt, Cronin, T.M., Gemery, Laura, Semiletov, Igor, Backman, Jan, and Jakobsson, Martin, 2017, The 3.6 ka Aniakchak tephra in the Arctic Ocean: a constraint on the Holocene radiocarbon reservoir age in the Chukchi Sea: Climate of the Past, v. 13, no. 4, p. 303-316.