Station: 94MHB2-3A

Station ID: 94MHB2-3A [1]
Volcano: Bogoslof
Collector: Harbin, M. L.
Date visited: 1994-07-20
NAD83 latitude: 53.93
NAD83 longitude: -168.02998
Default location: No
Location description: Approximate location of 1992 dome
Station Location:

References Cited

[1] Petrology of the 2016-2017 eruption of Bogoslof Island, Alaska, 2019

Loewen, M.L., Izbekov, Pavel, Moshrefzadeh, Jamshid, Coombs, Michelle, Larsen, Jessica, Graham, Nathan, Harbin, Michelle, Waythomas, Christopher, and Wallace, Kristi, 2019, Petrology of the 2016-2017 eruption of Bogoslof Island, Alaska: Bulletin of Volcanology v. 81, n. 72, 20 p., doi:10.1007/s00445-019-1333-6.