Station: 10KCWES001

Station ID: 10KCWES001 [1] [2]
Volcano: Kasatochi
Collector: Scott, W. E.
Date visited: 2010-06-18
NAD83 latitude: 52.18077
NAD83 longitude: -175.49892
Default location: No
Location description: Eroding sea cliff behind Greg's Mighty Rock, north of east seismic site
Station Location:
Red (Warning)
Orange (Watch)
Yellow (Advisory)
Green (Normal)


References Cited

[1] Petrologic and geochemical tracers of magmatic movement in volcanic arc systems: case studies from the Aleutian Islands and Kamchatka, Russia, 2013

Neill, O.K., 2013, Petrologic and geochemical tracers of magmatic movement in volcanic arc systems: case studies from the Aleutian Islands and Kamchatka, Russia: University of Alaska Fairbanks Ph.D., 188 p.

[2] Geology of Kasatochi volcano, Aleutian Islands, Alaska, 2017

Nye, C.J., Scott, W.E., Neill, O.K., Waythomas, C.F., Cameron, C.E., and Calvert, A.T., 2017, Geology of Kasatochi volcano, Aleutian Islands, Alaska: Alaska Division of Geological & Geophysical Surveys Professional Report 123, 127 p., 1 sheet, scale 1:5000.