Station: Ash_Bend

Station ID: Ash_Bend [1] [2] [3] [4] [5]
Collector: Preece, S. J.
Date visited:
NAD83 latitude: 63.5
NAD83 longitude: -137.267
Default location: No
Location description: Ash Bend Section, Stewart River, Yukon Territory, Canada. Type section for the Reid glaciation and early Beringian Bison fossils. Located a few kilometers inside the outer limit of Reid drift, which was deposited during an extensive advance of the Cordilleran Ice Sheet across central Yukon Territory, Canada. The Reid till forms a prominent 10-m-high scarp within a thick, recessive sequence of glaciofluvial gravels at Ash Bend. Coordinates from Preece et al. (2011). Datum not specified, assumed to be NAD83.
Station Location:

References Cited

[1] Dating Early and Middle (Reid) Pleistocene glaciations in central Yukon by tephrochronology, 2001

Westgate, J.A., Preece, S.J., Froese, D.G., Walter, R.C., Sandhu, A.S., and Schweger, C.E., 2001, Dating Early and Middle (Reid) Pleistocene glaciations in central Yukon by tephrochronology: Quaternary Research, v. 56, n. 3, p. 335-348, doi: 10.1006/qres.2001. 2274 .

[2] Changing ideas on the identity and stratigraphic significance of the Sheep Creek tephra beds in Alaska and the Yukon Territory, northwestern North America, 2008

Westgate, J.A., Preece, S.J., Froese, D.G., Pearce, N.J.G., Roberts, R.G., Demuro, M., Hart, W.K., and Perkins, W., 2008, Changing ideas on the identity and stratigraphic significance of the Sheep Creek tephra beds in Alaska and the Yukon Territory, northwestern North America: Quaternary International, v. 178, n. 1, p. 183-209, doi: 10.1016/j.quaint.2007.03.009.

[3] A catalogue of late Cenozoic tephra beds in the Klondike Goldfields and adjacent areas, Yukon Territory, 2011

Preece, S.J., Westgate, J.A., Froese, D.G., Pearce, N.J.G., and Perkins, W.T., 2011, A catalogue of late Cenozoic tephra beds in the Klondike Goldfields and adjacent areas, Yukon Territory: Canadian Journal of Earth Sciences, v. 48, p. 1386-1418, doi: 10.1139/e10-110

[4] Field trip guide for the International Field Conference and Workshop on Tephrochronology and Volcanism, 2005

Froese, D.G, Westgate, J.A., and Alloway, B.V., (eds.), 2005, Field trip guide for the International Field Conference and Workshop on Tephrochronology and Volcanism: Institute of Geological and Nuclear Sciences Science Report 2005/26, Dawson City, Yukon Territory, Canada, July 31-August 8, 2005, 132 p.

[5] 150,000 years of loess accumulation in central Alaska, 2016

Jensen, B. J., Evans, M. E., Froese, D. G., and Kravchinsky, V. A., 2016, 150,000 years of loess accumulation in central Alaska: Quaternary Science Reviews, v. 135, p. 1-23.