Station: 15BLMC002

Station ID: 15BLMC002 [1]
Volcano: Buldir
Collector: Coombs, M. L.
Date visited: 2015-09-10
NAD83 latitude: 52.36747
NAD83 longitude: 175.91795
Default location: No
Location description: Top of sea bluff just north of Kittiwake Lake
Station Location:

References Cited

[1] Bulk compositions of western Aleutians tephras and lavas collected during leg 3 of the NSF GeoPRISMS shared platform for Aleutians research, Version 1.0, 2024

Andrys, J. L., Coombs, M. L., Cottrell, E., Kelley, K. A., Waters, L. E., and Jicha, B., 2024, Bulk compositions of western Aleutians tephras and lavas collected during leg 3 of the NSF GeoPRISMS shared platform for Aleutians research, Version 1.0: Interdisciplinary Earth Data Alliance (IEDA).