Station: Reger_95_KEN-65

Station ID: Reger_95_KEN-65 [1] [2]
Collector: Reger, R. D.
Date visited:
NAD83 latitude: 60.535
NAD83 longitude: -150.751
Default location: No
Location description: Sample obtained from section measured at Sterling on the second highest terrace of the Kenai River system.
Station Location:

References Cited

[1] Catalog and initial analyses of geologic data related to middle and late Quaternary deposits, Cook Inlet region, Alaska, 1996

Reger, R. D., Pinney, D. S., Burke, R. M., and Wiltse, M. A., 1996, Catalog and initial analyses of geologic data related to middle and late Quaternary deposits, Cook Inlet region, Alaska: Alaska Division of Geological & Geophysical Surveys Report of Investigation 95-06, 188 p., 6 sheets, scale 1:250,000.

[2] Stratigraphic and compositional complexities of the late Quaternary Lethe tephra in south-central Alaska, 2006

Riehle, J.R., Ager, T.A., Reger, R.D., Pinney, D.S., and Kaufman, D.S., 2006, Stratigraphic and compositional complexities of the late Quaternary Lethe tephra in south-central Alaska: Quaternary International, v. 178, n. 1, p. 210-228.