Station: MM76-10

Station ID: MM76-10 [1]
Volcano: Moffett
Collector: Unknown, Unknown
Date visited:
NAD83 latitude: 51.937
NAD83 longitude: -176.741
Default location: Yes
Location description: moffett
Station Location:
Red (Warning)
Orange (Watch)
Yellow (Advisory)
Green (Normal)


References Cited

[1] Ultramafic xenoliths from Adagdak volcano, Adak, Aleutian Islands, Alaska: deformed igneous cumulates from the Moho of an island arc, 1987

Debari, S., Mahlburg, K. S., and Kay, R. W., 1987, Ultramafic xenoliths from Adagdak volcano, Adak, Aleutian Islands, Alaska: deformed igneous cumulates from the Moho of an island arc: Journal of Geology, v. 95, n. 3, p. 329-341.