Station: 97S-CN-10

Station ID: 97S-CN-10 [1]
Volcano: Shishaldin
Collector: Nye, C. J.
Date visited: 1997-00-00
NAD83 latitude: 54.697110915
NAD83 longitude: -163.846987172
Default location: No
Location description: Sparsely phyric (pl) v dense nonvesicular med grey andesite. Juvenile blocks form large maar N rim. Blocks up to 50 cm diam. Thermally stressed - conchoidal / radiating fracture. No breadcrust bombs here.
Station Location:

References Cited

[1] Volcanism on Unimak Island, Alaska, USA: a special focus on Shishaldin and Fisher volcanoes, 2003

Stelling, P. L., 2003, Volcanism on Unimak Island, Alaska, USA: a special focus on Shishaldin and Fisher volcanoes: University of Alaska Fairbanks unpublished Ph.D. dissertation, 193 p. and one CD-ROM.