Station: SV-6

Station ID: SV-6 [1]
Volcano: Kookooligit Mountains
Collector: Unknown, Unknown
Date visited: 1994-00-00
NAD83 latitude: 63.603
NAD83 longitude: -170.42498
Default location: No
Location description: North-central St. Lawrence Island; lat long very uncertain - derived from small figure in thesis
Station Location:
Red (Warning)
Orange (Watch)
Yellow (Advisory)
Green (Normal)


References Cited

[1] Mantle composition and evolution beneath the Bering Sea region: Evidence from ultramafic xenoliths of Kilkitarik Bay and St. Lawrence Island, Alaska, 1997

Kelley, Katherine, 1997, Mantle composition and evolution beneath the Bering Sea region: Evidence from ultramafic xenoliths of Kilkitarik Bay and St. Lawrence Island, Alaska: Macalester College senior honors thesis, 71 p.