Station: 07CMKMG013C

Station ID: 07CMKMG013C [1]
Volcano: Chiginagak
Collector: Kassel, C. M.
Date visited: 2007-08-21
NAD83 latitude: 57.18736
NAD83 longitude: -157.30642
Default location: No
Location description: Surface water, Site of long core 07CMKMG013A, South subbasin, site is in a line with saddle to north and outcrop on island, 33.7 m of water
Station Location:

References Cited

[1] Summit crater lake observations, and the location, chemistry, and pH of water samples near Mount Chiginagak volcano, Alaska: 2004-2012, 2013

Schaefer, J.R., Scott, W.E., Evans, W.C., Wang, Bronwen, and McGimsey, R.G., 2013, Summit crater lake observations, and the location, chemistry, and pH of water samples near Mount Chiginagak volcano, Alaska: 2004-2012: Alaska Division of Geological & Geophysical Surveys Report of Investigation 2011-6 v. 2, 25 p., available online at .