Station: 80cnd15

Station ID: 80cnd15 [1]
Volcano: Wrangell
Collector: Nye, C. J.
Date visited: 1980-01-01
NAD83 latitude: 62.1098
NAD83 longitude: -144.2907
Default location: No
Location description: These flows were collected from cliffs bordering the ground moraine of a retreating, unnamed, glacier south of the Sanford Glacier. These flows span 700 m of continous stratigraphic section with no apparent time break, except for a weathering surface immediately above 80cnd01. Individual samples are no closer than every other flow, and in many cases 3-4 flows may be spanned between individuals.
Station Location:
Red (Warning)
Orange (Watch)
Yellow (Advisory)
Green (Normal)


References Cited

[1] Petrology and geochemistry of Okmok and Wrangell volcanoes, Alaska, 1983

Nye, C. J., 1983, Petrology and geochemistry of Okmok and Wrangell volcanoes, Alaska: University of California, Santa Cruz Ph.D. dissertation, 208 p.