Station: KG-24

Station ID: KG-24 [1]
Volcano: Kanaga
Collector: Brophy, J. G.
Date visited:
NAD83 latitude: 51.9242
NAD83 longitude: -177.1623
Default location: Yes
Location description: Grab sample collected from a boulder along the southeastern base of Kanaga Volcano.
Station Location:

References Cited

[1] Andesites from northeastern Kanaga Island, Aleutians: implications for calc-alkaline fractionation mechanisms and magma chamber development, 1990

Brophy, J. G., 1990, Andesites from northeastern Kanaga Island, Aleutians: implications for calc-alkaline fractionation mechanisms and magma chamber development: Contributions to Mineralogy and Petrology, v. 104, n. 5, p. 568-581.