Station: 02JLOK63

Station ID: 02JLOK63 [1] [2] [3]
Volcano: Okmok
Collector: Larsen, J. F.
Date visited: 2002-01-01
NAD83 latitude: 53.45997
NAD83 longitude: -167.99758
Default location: No
Location description: Upper Antler creek on the upper eastern flanks of the caldera
Station Location:
Red (Warning)
Orange (Watch)
Yellow (Advisory)
Green (Normal)


References Cited

[1] Late Pleistocene and Holocene caldera-forming eruptions of Okmok Caldera, Aleutian Islands, Alaska, 2007

Larsen, J. F., Neal, Christina, Schaefer, Janet, Beget, Jim, and Nye, Chris, 2007, Late Pleistocene and Holocene caldera-forming eruptions of Okmok Caldera, Aleutian Islands, Alaska, in Eichelberger, John, Gordeev, Evgenii, Izbekov, Pavel, Kasahara, Minoru, and Lees, Jonathan, eds., Volcanism and Subduction: The Kamchatka Region: Geophysical Monograph 172, American Geophysical Union, p. 343-364.

[2] Electron probe microanalytical data of minerals and glass from rock samples from Okmok volcano, Alaska, 2022

Larsen, J.F., Schaefer, J.R., and Cameron, C.E., 2022, Electron probe microanalytical data of minerals and glass from rock samples from Okmok volcano, Alaska: Alaska Division of Geological & Geophysical Surveys Raw Data File 2022-6, 13 p.

[3] Geologic map of Okmok Volcano, 2023

Larsen, J.F., Neal, C.A., Schaefer, J.R., and Nye, C.J., 2023, Geologic map of Okmok Volcano: Alaska Division of Geological & Geophysical Surveys Report of Investigation 2023-1, 63 p., 4 sheets.