Sample: 95-ASL-2A

Sample ID: 95-ASL-2A [1]
Station ID: 95-ASL-2
AT Num:
Volcano: Monogenetic QT vents of WWVF
Possible source:
Collector: Lunt, A. S.
Date sampled: 1995-06-00
Sample type 1: Lava
Final unit:
Text Description: Located within a small depression characterized by vent facies on a nose at the very southern margin of Jaeger Mesa. 2A is nearly aphyric with the exception of an occasional acicular plagioclase phenocryst up to 3 mm in length. Oxidation is "mottled" throughout the blue-gray groundmass. 2B contains the same few acicular plagioclase phenocrysts, but in a highly vesicular "frothy" matrix. Small rounded clasts of vent material are visible within the sample.
Sample Location:

References Cited

[1] A reconnaissance study of mafic to intermediate intra-arc volcanism in the western Wrangell Volcanic Field, Alaska, 1997

Lunt, A.S., 1997, A reconnaissance study of mafic to intermediate intra-arc volcanism in the western Wrangell Volcanic Field, Alaska: Miami University Ph.D., 150 p.