Sample: Y-105

Sample ID: Y-105 [1]
Station ID: Y-105
AT Num:
Volcano: Kaguyak
Possible source:
Eruption: Kaguyak CFE
Collector: Fierstein, J. E.
Date sampled: 2000-00-00
Sample type 1: pyroclastic density current
Final unit:
Text Description: Kaguyak Ignimbrite: dark grey-brown clast-rich and lithic-rich, mostly massive ignimbrite (pale grey when dry); PCZ-rich upper part either stripped or stopped prior to reaching this location. Lowest 3 m exposed has few pumice clasts >2 cm; above that, the 8-15-m face generally has scattered 5-15 cm pumice clasts. Exposed thickness 11 to 18 m. no PCZ or LCZ. See text for MP and ML.
Sample Location:

References Cited

[1] Kaguyak dome field and its Holocene caldera, Alaska Peninsula, 2008

Fierstein, Judy, and Hildreth, Wes, 2008, Kaguyak dome field and its Holocene caldera, Alaska Peninsula: Journal of Volcanology and Geothermal Research, v. 177, n. 2, p. 340-366, doi:10.1016/j.jvolgeores.2008.05.016 .
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