Sample: FC-162

Sample ID: FC-162 [1]
Station ID: FC-162
AT Num:
Volcano: Fisher
Possible source: Fisher
Collector: Unknown, Unknown
Date sampled: 2000-07-25
Sample type 1: Tephra Fall
Final unit:
Text Description: Fisher airfall and PF found (?). Base is 1 cm lt. Grey ash (upper 1/2 has pinkish tint), then 1cm tan pumice, 11cm PF(?), then 16 cm drk grey airfall with thin band of fine grained material ~2/3 way up. LL=24x15mm. Below fall layers is orangey brown clayey soil (25cm), which grades into alluvial(whitish grey) through ~15 cm of brn/drk tan clay. Alluvial stuff is > 5m thick and locally well indurated. Bulk sample of upper fall layer (including both coarse and fine layers)
Sample Location:

References Cited

[1] Volcanism on Unimak Island, Alaska, USA: a special focus on Shishaldin and Fisher volcanoes, 2003

Stelling, P. L., 2003, Volcanism on Unimak Island, Alaska, USA: a special focus on Shishaldin and Fisher volcanoes: University of Alaska Fairbanks unpublished Ph.D. dissertation, 193 p. and one CD-ROM.