Sample: FC-140a

Sample ID: FC-140a [1]
Station ID: FC-140
AT Num:
Volcano: Fisher
Possible source:
Collector: Unknown, Unknown
Date sampled: 2000-07-21
Sample type 1: Other
Final unit:
Text Description: Fisher (?) pumice found in base of stream cut. Bottom couldn't be found. Deposit is >205cm, w/ color change (reddish tan to overlying dark) at 161. Largest lithic from highest 50 cm of reddish tan pumice is 38x20mm. Largest lithic from lower portion of reddish tan pumice is 36x8 mm. Largest lithic from grey pumice is 51x19 mm. Pumice airfall found above thick section is 46 cm thick (white/grey, some clasts are reddish. seems reversely graded). Between these two pumices, 2 more thin beds were found. Lower of these is yellow-white, ~4cm thick. Upper of these 2 is coarse and darker, ~8cm thick. Upper pumice layer. Not a bulk sample, just pumice
Sample Location:

References Cited

[1] Volcanism on Unimak Island, Alaska, USA: a special focus on Shishaldin and Fisher volcanoes, 2003

Stelling, P. L., 2003, Volcanism on Unimak Island, Alaska, USA: a special focus on Shishaldin and Fisher volcanoes: University of Alaska Fairbanks unpublished Ph.D. dissertation, 193 p. and one CD-ROM.