Sample: FC-77a

Sample ID: FC-77a [1]
Station ID: FC-77
AT Num:
Volcano: Fisher
Possible source:
Collector: Unknown, Unknown
Date sampled: 2000-07-12
Sample type 1: Tuff
Final unit:
Text Description: Welded tuff. Black cinders(highly vesicular) large dense clasts, lithics. Largest lithics are ~4 cm. Base is uncertain, but ~ 6m wall exposed. Exposures are on both sides of creek, opposite wall downstream shows ~ 10 m thick section. Deposit is poorly welded. Some banded pumice seen, but rare. Large, dense blocks have oxidation rinds up to 2 cm thick and have lithics within, some up to ~1.5 cm. Single black scoria bomb, broken up. Highly vesicular. Very few xtals, nearly aphyric.
Sample Location:

References Cited

[1] Volcanism on Unimak Island, Alaska, USA: a special focus on Shishaldin and Fisher volcanoes, 2003

Stelling, P. L., 2003, Volcanism on Unimak Island, Alaska, USA: a special focus on Shishaldin and Fisher volcanoes: University of Alaska Fairbanks unpublished Ph.D. dissertation, 193 p. and one CD-ROM.