Sample: 96-ARh-24A
Sample ID: | 96-ARh-24A [1] [2] |
Station ID: | 96-ARh-24A |
AT Num: | |
Volcano: | Akutan |
Possible source: | |
Eruption: | |
Collector: | Richter, D. H. |
Date sampled: | 1996-00-00 |
Sample type 1: | Lava |
Color: | gray |
Final unit: | byf |
Text Description: | Qfl - Flat Top lava flows. Thin (2 m) to medium (6 m) (at distal ends) lava flows exhibiting conspicuous reddish, oxidized scoriaceous tops and bottoms. Rocks are medium gray to medium dark gray porphyritic basalts (50.3 - 51.3% SiO2) containing phenocrysts of plagioclase (10-20%, 3 mm), olivine (2-6%, 1-2 mm), and clinopyroxene (trace=3%, 0.5-1 mm) in an intergranular groundmass. Whole rock 40Ar/39Ar mean age of basalt is 0.25 +/- 0.04 Ma. Unit as mapped may include flows from both present Akutan Volcano and ancestral Akutan. |
Sample Location: |